New version (18.06.18) is up on the patreon with fixes to everything that has been reported so far (I hope) and some new content.
- Fixed bugs in the video games skill and no sleep skills
- Fixed a bug where you could ask a girl on a date while being on a date
- Fixed a bug in the agenda
- Fixed a few other bugs...
- Added a new activity to the bedroom
- Added towel outfits to the bathroom
- Added an effect to being hung
- Limited the free charm, fitness and knowledge gaining activities
- Gaining knowledge now gives you more topics to talk with the girls (instead of charm)
- Knowledge now influence your work performance
- Taking a break at work no longer gives you money
- You need to work before taking a break at work now
- Rewrote/cleaned most of the code for the Room class
I tested dates, sex with Sasha (both methods of access and all three scenes), the agenda and played around and it seems to work fine.