Working is by far the most reliable way to make money. Pay is also difficulty dependent. If I recall correctly, on Hard difficulty you get just 30% of what you'd make on Easy difficulty. Charm helps for work as well. And if you're playing on hard, it can take some time before you break that $200 / a go.Qhat is the best way to make money? I got already have knowledge = 100 and got promoted X times, but $200 for hard work is simply not enough for the hot tub ($5000) and the sports car ($15000). Any suggestions?
How much does the lottery pay? Is it worth wasting the time?
On one day in the week (Wednesday?) there is a contest in the arcade. Takes one hour, and payout can be pretty decent if you win (Video Game skills helps there as well), but it subject to randomness. On rare occasions you'll find some money on the street, but it is extremely rare. Certainly not a reliable source of income.
Lottery is very random, and not worth the hassle.