
Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2019
As I wrote. Create the warnings or restore options as a cheat options. This way you don't have to see them if you don't want to. Then we both get what we want.
Beside that. Please don't twist what I wrote. I never asked for warnings for everything. I asked for warnings when you are about to make a decision that will end a quest line or turn a girl into a permanent friend. Based on what has been written here so far, there is maybe 30 decisions like that out of over 1000 decisions. That is hardly close to everything.
Dude, you got a game over. Learn from it and use the experience to do something different the next time you play.

The biggest mistake I see a lot of new players do is try to get every girl at the same time. That doesn't work and just leads to a game over. Focus on one girl, work on her storyline and stats. Then look at the next and work from there. This is a game where you build relationships, not take a shotgun approach and hope for the best. Because more often than not, if you do that, you end up shooting yourself in the foot.
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Active Member
Oct 25, 2022
What you ask is not possible with the game play of L&S: most "game over" situations are the accumulation of a lot of small decisions, for example let's talk about what we call "showdowns", the moments when girls confront you and you can either form a harem or lose one of them:
- They happen if you have sex with the two girls during the span of a week
- Only if you meet both girls in the same room
- Result in a bad outcome only if the girl is not at least 75% love, 25% sub and 45% lesbian
When do i put a warning ?
And that's just one example of currently 7 harems including up to 5 of the 20 girls in the game (not even talking about other cases than showdowns and harems).
Again it's an easy one. The warning should come before you get into a situation where both girls will en up in the same room after having sex with them both in the same week or just before they confront, which will give you an option to use the rollback function to get out of the situation before a quest line ends.

As for resetting a story line that would just be nightmarish.
Not for all of them. Specially not those where you lost the story line because you ended up with both girls in the same room after having sex with them in the same week.

It's not that hard if you actually would try to think about how to implement it rather than trying to find reasons for not to implement it.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Aug 17, 2017
Again it's an easy one. The warning should come before you get into a situation where both girls will en up in the same room after having sex with them both in the same week or just before they confront, which will give you an option to use the rollback function to get out of the situation before a quest line ends.

Not for all of them. Specially not those where you lost the story line because you ended up with both girls in the same room after having sex with them in the same week.

It's not that hard if you actually would try to think about how to implement it rather than trying to find reasons for not to implement it.
You obviously don't know how the game is made or played but that's not a problem ^^
Honestly it's just not a game for you and I am ok with that I don't aim at pleasing everyone :)


Active Member
Oct 25, 2022
Dude, you got a game over. Learn from it and use the experience to do something different the next time you play.

The biggest mistake I see a lot of new players do is try to get every girl at the same time. That doesn't work and just leads to a game over. Focus on one girl, work on her storyline and stats. Then look at the next and work from there. This is a game where you build relationships, not take a shotgun approach and hope for the best. Because more often than not, if you do that, you end up shooting yourself in the foot.
If a game can only be played one way, it's a VN, no matter how may different paths there are.

Why are so many of you against warnings and restore options if they are implemented as cheat options. You will never see them unless you pick the cheat options, but it will make me and a lot of other foolish new players happy, that we don't waste our time redoing the same path multiple times because we don't want to spend hours reading wiki's before we start playing a game.


Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2019
Why are so many of you against warnings and restore options if they are implemented as cheat options. You will never see them unless you pick the cheat options, but it will make me and a lot of other foolish new players happy, that we don't waste our time redoing the same path multiple times because we don't want to spend hours reading wiki's before we start playing a game.
Why are you so insistent on having the game spoon fed to you?


Active Member
Jan 10, 2019
I can already imagine the sassy notifications on Baby Steps difficulty, warning you five times when you try to say okay to have hot coffee with a girl:
"Are you sure you want to get hot coffee with Sasha? You had hot coffee with Bree less than a week ago."
You click yes.
"Now, what is meant with Hot Coffee is obviously sex. Are you sure you want to go ahead and do it with Sasha now?"
You click yes.
"Okay, seems you don't get it. You live in the same house with two women, and you want to have sex with them in the span of a week?"
you click yes.
"Oh, sorry, baby talk then. You see. People don't generally like their better half, lover, person they have a fling with sleep around. Are you still sure you wanna progress?!"
You click yes.
"Last warning. If you go ahead you could lose Bree or Sasha or even both. Since you seem to either be too dense to get this or somehow decided to play at Baby Steps difficulty, basically a tutorial, just to ignore all warnings, it seems there's no more hope for you."


Active Member
Oct 25, 2022
You obviously don't know how the game is made or played but that's not a problem ^^
Honestly it's just not a game for you and I am ok with that I don't aim at pleasing everyone :)
Nah. I'm probably just more used to solving problems than you are.

It shouldn't be that hard to have the first dialog in a confronting scene be a warning that you are about to lose a store line and that you should use the back option if you want to avoid that.
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Active Member
Oct 25, 2022
Why are you so insistent on having the game spoon fed to you?
It's a pretty stupid comment, but to answer it. No. In that case I would spend hours on the wiki, but I want to be able to play the game without having to start from scratch every time I mess up. Sometimes there can be weeks or months between I play a game and in that time frame I easily forget all about not sleeping with specific girls in the same week etc.


Active Member
Jan 10, 2019
Nah. I'm probably just more used to solving problems than you are.

It shouldn't be that hard to have the first dialog in a confronting scene be a warning that you are about to lose a store line and that you should use the back option if you want to avoid that.
Most confrontations are short enough you can backtrack to before you started them, you know?!


Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2019
It's a pretty stupid comment, but to answer it. No. In that case I would spend hours on the wiki, but I want to be able to play the game without having to start from scratch every time I mess up. Sometimes there can be weeks or months between I play a game and in that time frame I easily forget all about not sleeping with specific girls in the same week etc.
Then stop bitching and learn to play the game instead of constantly complaining on here that the game is too hard or you want to have a do-over.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2022
I can already imagine the sassy notifications on Baby Steps difficulty, warning you five times when you try to say okay to have hot coffee with a girl:
"Are you sure you want to get hot coffee with Sasha? You had hot coffee with Bree less than a week ago."
You click yes.
"Now, what is meant with Hot Coffee is obviously sex. Are you sure you want to go ahead and do it with Sasha now?"
You click yes.
"Okay, seems you don't get it. You live in the same house with two women, and you want to have sex with them in the span of a week?"
you click yes.
"Oh, sorry, baby talk then. You see. People don't generally like their better half, lover, person they have a fling with sleep around. Are you still sure you wanna progress?!"
You click yes.
"Last warning. If you go ahead you could lose Bree or Sasha or even both. Since you seem to either be too dense to get this or somehow decided to play at Baby Steps difficulty, basically a tutorial, just to ignore all warnings, it seems there's no more hope for you."
Of course it's easy to find reasons to shoot down an idea. The cleaver people would look for ways to make it work.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2022
Most confrontations are short enough you can backtrack to before you started them, you know?!
If I notice they are gone yes, but you are not always notified when a story line ends. Also there is at least one story line, where I noticed the end of a story line as soon as it happened, but the confrontation part, and what led up to it, was so long that backtracking to a point where you could make a different decision weren't possible.
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Active Member
Oct 25, 2022
Then stop bitching and learn to play the game instead of constantly complaining on here that the game is too hard or you want to have a do-over.
You are clearly more focused on trying to shoot down my idea, that to try to understand the background and why it might be an improvement to the game. But that is your loss.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Aug 17, 2017
Of course it's easy to find reasons to shoot down an idea. The cleaver people would look for ways to make it work.
Clever people don't use dev time on ideas their player base don't want instead of putting out quality content every month.
Before you claim that I don't know what I am doing and that you are smarter than me like you did before just remember that Love & Sex has 93% good review on steam (reviews by people who actually bought the game BTW), that i just run a successful kickstarter and that I have been in that business for 5 years.



Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2019
You are clearly more focused on trying to shoot down my idea, that to try to understand the background and why it might be an improvement to the game. But that is your loss.
Alright, you want to know why its a bad idea to add warnings? What would be the point of having bad endings if you can see them coming a mile away? What's the point of having consequences if you don't need to worry about them?

This game rewards you for playing intelligently, for thinking ahead. And it punishes you accordingly for trying to play the field and trying to blow your load as fast as you can.

Now ask yourself what's been the style of play that you, yes you, "MasterGamer", have been playing. Maybe think for a moment and perhaps realise that no one is shooting down your "good ideas", its that your "good ideas" are all named the Hindenberg.


Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
Nah. I'm probably just more used to solving problems than you are.
However, this is your problem, not the dev's nor any other player's problem.

It's a pretty stupid comment, but to answer it. No. In that case I would spend hours on the wiki, but I want to be able to play the game without having to start from scratch every time I mess up. Sometimes there can be weeks or months between I play a game and in that time frame I easily forget all about not sleeping with specific girls in the same week etc.
Pray tell how that is not spoon feeding you? You made your point about how you do not like this aspect of the game, which is perfectly reasonable. What is unreasonable however is insisting on changing it when neither the dev nor (as far as one can tell from this forum, which admittedly may be limited) the player base show any interest in changing this aspect.

If a game can only be played one way, it's a VN, no matter how may different paths there are.
But that is not the case here, it can be played in many ways. It is just you insisting on a singular, let's call it "perfect", outcome, and not accepting other story developments as real. Yes, when you try to juggle a harem, you mess up, it happens. Life goes on and so does the game. You can still win the hearts of other girls. Compare it to Mass Effect 2: there are many ways to stop the reapers. However, if you want every single crew member to survive, you'll have to take a very specific path in both order of assignments and decisions along the way. Similarily here - as in every sandbox you make your goal yourself, but the "win" is marrying a girl (or a harem), that is what ends the game and allows a New Game+. There are many ways to win this game. If you want to do it one very personal (even though understandable) and very ambitious way - why should it be made easy and not be a challenge?

And you do not have to consult the wiki all the time if you learn the game. If you say you are not interested in that because it would be too much work for too little reward, that is perfectly fine, too. But then, as has been said, this game isn't for you.


Sep 12, 2017
I might be stirring shit here, but I often feel the game is like walking a tightrope even if you use the cheats. I left the game a couple months back because of a bug with Sasha's 90% unlock (Minami had moved in and I couldn't get it to unlock because Sasha was never by herself at dinner or the event never happened when she was). One wrong step and you can find your path blocked. I understand the creator may want to encourage multiple playthroughs. Still it's discouraging if you are like me trying to unlock everything in a playthrough but if you do the office investigation storyline and Cassidy is a pet... you locked Emma's storyline. Does Emma have some kind of psychic ability? How does she know about my work habits? Personally it feels like Cassidy should be some special status since she's being blackmailed until the end of the storyline where you can chose to keep her as a pet... or something so she's not blocking Emma's storyline. Even today I restarted my game because I forgot to unlock Morgan at the theater.

I don't want to piss off people here. I like the game. I just find it super grindy even with the cheats. I get there's that balance between the creator's vision, fans who like more grindy stuff, and the people who want an easier go... but I don't know this is just my opinion. I was kind of pissed that Cassidy as pet blocks Emma's path, haha.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Aug 17, 2017
I might be stirring shit here, but I often feel the game is like walking a tightrope even if you use the cheats. I left the game a couple months back because of a bug with Sasha's 90% unlock (Minami had moved in and I couldn't get it to unlock because Sasha was never by herself at dinner or the event never happened when she was). One wrong step and you can find your path blocked. I understand the creator may want to encourage multiple playthroughs. Still it's discouraging if you are like me trying to unlock everything in a playthrough but if you do the office investigation storyline and Cassidy is a pet... you locked Emma's storyline. Does Emma have some kind of psychic ability? How does she know about my work habits? Personally it feels like Cassidy should be some special status since she's being blackmailed until the end of the storyline where you can chose to keep her as a pet... or something so she's not blocking Emma's storyline. Even today I restarted my game because I forgot to unlock Morgan at the theater.

I don't want to piss off people here. I like the game. I just find it super grindy even with the cheats. I get there's that balance between the creator's vision, fans who like more grindy stuff, and the people who want an easier go... but I don't know this is just my opinion. I was kind of pissed that Cassidy as pet blocks Emma's path, haha.
I do know that some events are too restrictive, Emma and Cassidy are both the worse offenders and due for some heavy rework early next year. Emma will probably work the same way as Kylie at that moment and if you don't do anything in front of her you'll be fine.
So don't worry this issue is not overlooked ;)
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Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
I might be stirring shit here, but I often feel the game is like walking a tightrope even if you use the cheats. I left the game a couple months back because of a bug with Sasha's 90% unlock (Minami had moved in and I couldn't get it to unlock because Sasha was never by herself at dinner or the event never happened when she was). One wrong step and you can find your path blocked. I understand the creator may want to encourage multiple playthroughs. Still it's discouraging if you are like me trying to unlock everything in a playthrough but if you do the office investigation storyline and Cassidy is a pet... you locked Emma's storyline. Does Emma have some kind of psychic ability? How does she know about my work habits? Personally it feels like Cassidy should be some special status since she's being blackmailed until the end of the storyline where you can chose to keep her as a pet... or something so she's not blocking Emma's storyline. Even today I restarted my game because I forgot to unlock Morgan at the theater.

I don't want to piss off people here. I like the game. I just find it super grindy even with the cheats. I get there's that balance between the creator's vision, fans who like more grindy stuff, and the people who want an easier go... but I don't know this is just my opinion. I was kind of pissed that Cassidy as pet blocks Emma's path, haha.
Managing Emma sure is a bitch. (The warnings suggested for "wrong decisions" by some other poster indeed could already be applied to working - "If you work now, you will probably, depending on RNG, be promoted, and meet Cassidy, whose storyline could easily stop you getting Emma. Are you sure you want to work?") In five playthroughs (no cheats though, Edit: also I think she didn't really have a storyline in the first two or three) I haven't managed to do so. So I sympathize. And some of the grind could indeed be reduced, sometimes I spend days on end (in game, not real life) handing out books like they were flyers from a recently opened discotheque.

Storywise however one could argue that there could indeed be a psychic connection - some of her stuff already borders on the supernatural, like you both having the same dream, after all, so she just as well may feel that there is something going on. Though I would find that not very satisfying as an explanation. However, you specifically talk to her about all that kind of stuff, and as we all know uttering untrue words is easy, making it convincing sometimes however is very hard.
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