
Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
+How do I get my $ 500 back from these assholes?
Or is it just not worth following this girl?
50 strength + NO martial arts perk
25 strength + martial arts perk

If you have any of those you can beat him and you wont get robbed.
Lexi is personally my favourite girl in the game, even to she starts off super horrible with her slutty/bitchy attittude.
And this is comming from someone who hates sex workers/whores in such games.

She is totally worth it.
Btw as a side note, you can pair her with Sasha. Sadly no actual wedding ending with both of them .... yet

Here is how I got it:
1. Completely ignore Sasha at the start of the game (other female characters too)
2. Work and Gym should be your priority in the 1st week of the game (Lexi shows up after 7 days)
3. Only watch TV with Sasha (Music,SciFi) and try to each with Sasha every morning, to build passively LovePoints
4. Buy a lot of SexSlave Books and gift them to Sasha every day to build KinkPoints
6. Go on your 1st date with Sasha, doesnt matter where you take her, just have sex at the end of the date
7. When you get over 70 KinkPoints there will be an event where Sasha will willingly become your slave
8. Second Date with Sasha
9. Meet Lexi (the even where she tries to steal your money with that dude)
10. Start flirting with her to build Love Points, spank her ass to build KinkPoints
11. Proggress her story and events (You will have to buy a car to find her later on her story)
12. Before taking Lexi on dates, be sure to have Sasha at 100% Kink Points and Love Points
13. Take her on a date and meet Sasha during the date in the mall (best done Saturday)
14. Later when you meet Sasha again and she is your slave, and you are with Lexi, Sasha will NOT get mad for you cheating on her but she will ask you if Lexi is pleasing you.
15. Done for now, untill we get a wedding with them xD

Some notes: You have to have Sasha be your slave before going on a date with lexi and meeting Sasha during it.
Lexi will ask you later if she can become your sex slave.
DO NOT PIMP HER OUT. Come on man xd

Some people have mentioned in old comments that you can add Audry to the mix, but I have not managed to achieve this.
Currently im trying to add Samantha to the mix (with Sasha and Lexi) as a sex slave too. If you go down Samanthas REVENGE Path, you can make her your sex slave, but currently it bugged out on me, so im not doing something right her and will try again in a new playthrough


Active Member
Jun 28, 2019
So is the only way to really progress with Emma by courting her first before going after Sasha/Bree? How far do I need to take it before I can start moving on others?


Engaged Member
Feb 25, 2019
I disagree with your opinion.
You're assuming everyone is going to have fun by playing the game the way it was meant to be played and by using cheats they destroy the whole experience. But not everyone has your tastes.
For some people, like me, repeating the same few set of actions for long period of time, without seeing meaningful progress in a plot or not being rewarded for doing it, is not only boring, it's also a waste of my time.

You're also assuming some locations suddenly become unnecessary if you remove the grindy and boring part of the game, because they lost thier purpose. "Well yes, but actually no."
The most simple purpose of these locations is to just be. Yes, that's all, just to be there for you, so you can visit and look at them.
Second one is to build a world. Even, for exmple, if you don't drink coffee it doesn't mean coffee shop does't exist and other people in game don't drink it.
Another other is to be a background for your actions. If not for the grind, then for meeting and dating girls. Sure, if you want you can ask your waifu to marry you in a bathroom or you can ask her in the restaurant full of people during your perfect date.

When using cheats, at least in this game, you're skipping the grind, the most annoying and boring part of the gameplay. And it's not huge part. To be honest, it's somewhat about 1/5 of it.
The other parts of gameplay are the purpose, point, reason why people are playing the game. Basically, the whole "dating sim" experience. From simple meeting girls, through developing relationships with them, solving thier problems, to love making and even marrying them.
About it, some part of grind, specially in MMORPGs is needed but yeah, having the grind one time like here is enough. If for a savewipe or because of a later change a choice turned out wrong you do not want to have the whole grind again.
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Feofan Grek

Jan 19, 2021
So is the only way to really progress with Emma by courting her first before going after Sasha/Bree? How far do I need to take it before I can start moving on others?
Maybe there is another way, but I haven't found it. 60 hearts with Emma can be obtained by playing at any time, but at 60 she does not kiss or go on love dates. And then with her you need to get 3 Lovepoints, which you can get when going to the cinema with her, on a picnic in the park and overhearing her conversation with Bree at the university. It is imperative to get all 3 Lovepoints, otherwise nothing will happen. The simplest thing is a date at the cinema. There, in response to a question, you say that you like a kiss, and everything is OK. Then you go with her to a picnic in the park, and there she asks if you have someone? And she somehow already knows whether you have someone or not. If you have someone by this time (for some reason Samantha, Palla, Audrey and Lexi are not considered), if someone is already pregnant, if you deceived Emma by saying that there is no one, you will not get Lovepoint. And by the middle of the game, there are usually a lot of girlfriends with whom you have sex, and some of them may already be pregnant.
Next, you need to eavesdrop on the conversation between Emma and Bree at the university. There Emma asks what kind of relationship Bree has with you. And Bree honestly tells her: "Yes, we fuck with him like cats in March, and not only me, but Sasha and his sister fuck with him, and we have a harem there, and we are all pregnant with him." And that’s the end, you don’t get another Lovepoint either.
Then you meet with Emma, and she says to you: "You got fucked up with everyone here, but I can't do that, we'll just be friends." Or maybe not even friends.
I tried in various ways to get the maximum currently 80 hearts with her from the middle of the game, but nothing came of it. And since I really like her, I had to start the whole game all over again, and not meet with anyone all summer and autumn, until I scored maximum points with Emma.

Feofan Grek

Jan 19, 2021
In theory, you can try to do the following:
raise Emma to a certain level, if there are pregnant girls - remove all pregnancies from them through cheats, send everyone to Frendzone through the broken heart icon, and then try to raise Emma's level to the maximum, during this time without meeting anyone else. Then, to her question, it will be possible to give an honest answer that I have met with someone before, but this is all in the past, and Bree will say that now they do not meet.
Only I myself did not do that, so I cannot say if something good will turn out, and then whether it will be possible to return everything to the previous relationship with other girls.


Mar 19, 2018
You know, I think Samantha has the best (marriage) ending. Her narration about life hit me right in the feels.

On a side note, does she only have the one sex position (doggy) outside her drunken visit after telling her about Ryan? Can't seem to unlock anything else.


Active Member
Jun 28, 2019
In theory, you can try to do the following:
raise Emma to a certain level, if there are pregnant girls - remove all pregnancies from them through cheats, send everyone to Frendzone through the broken heart icon, and then try to raise Emma's level to the maximum, during this time without meeting anyone else. Then, to her question, it will be possible to give an honest answer that I have met with someone before, but this is all in the past, and Bree will say that now they do not meet.
Only I myself did not do that, so I cannot say if something good will turn out, and then whether it will be possible to return everything to the previous relationship with other girls.
Couldn't you just advance Samantha's story sufficiently to meet Emma and move forward and then go back to everyone else?

Feofan Grek

Jan 19, 2021
That's exactly what I did. Emma cannot appear in the game until Samanta is married. Samanta appears in the game a week after the start, not before. After that, there is a moment when Samanta needs to help with homework in the park, and she goes there on weekends, so another week. After that, you need to see Ryan at the nightclub, and from that moment another week until Samanta's wedding. In total, whatever you do, at least three weeks should pass from the start of the game. After that, Emma appears, which also has its own time intervals, therefore, with the fastest game, in order to score maximum points with her, you need at least three weeks, that is, it will already be the end of autumn.
All this time, naturally, as much as possible, I developed relationships with other girls, but I started dating them only after I got the maximum of Emma. Once Emma gets the most, she doesn't care who you date, how many slaves you have, who is pregnant or not.


Mar 1, 2018
Okay, so the problem with Alexis was I was playing the public version all this time without realizing it. I got the full version but I'd progressed since then and missed the date I guess, so Alexis is locked at 20% LP.
Is there any way to progress the game at this point or do I have to load the older save?

Feofan Grek

Jan 19, 2021
She should call you herself on Friday afternoon and invite you to a date at a restaurant, but she only calls when you have at least 1,000 money, in my opinion.
Oct 16, 2020
Can someone help, I'm trying to do the "Sasha has a band" event, but after all the dialogue it transitions into the scottie ntr blowjob. Is there anyway to just complete the "Sasha has a band" event but avoid the ntr?


Active Member
Oct 26, 2017
Can someone help, I'm trying to do the "Sasha has a band" event, but after all the dialogue it transitions into the scottie ntr blowjob. Is there anyway to just complete the "Sasha has a band" event but avoid the ntr?

Make sure you are eating breakfast with Sasha every morning (0900) compliment her and talk about something that gives you LP. make sure you have the guitar skill. If you did not take it at the start, visit the bookstore every day until you get the book. Use the book until you get 100% skill. make sure you are in the right places for the events to kick off. You do not have to ask her on a date or have sex with her. Just get her LP up to the needed minimum, for each event, as quickly as possible.
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