The last time I played was a long time ago, but that situation in which the yandere killed someone you could avoid, you did not need to imprison her either, you could tame her and have a harem with the other girl from the gym.
Did they change any of that now?
Basically, not really, buuuuuut...
- She tries to attack Ayesha in the gym shower.
- She stalks the MC.
- If the yandere gets bad enough, she tasers the MC and attempts to rape him.
- Kylie will also attack Bree given the correct circumstances.
- The aforementioned Christmas murder.
Kylie is dangerous, to the extent that there's a scene with Alexis after (I think its after Kylie is arrested or she tries to rape the MC) where Alexis doesn't blame the MC for having her arrested.
But Kylie also represents a unique choice in the game. Yes, you could keep her and walk the thin line to keep the crazy boxcutter carrying chick happy. Or you can have her arrested and meet Camilla (the cop who arrests Kylie) instead. Its either Kylie or Camilla.