Got a question regarding Minami home harem, can Minami join home harem before the mother's visit or only after mother's visit?
Thanks for the reply, but I'm pretty sure Minami can join after the mother's visit and got old Minami back coz I have another playthrough save for that, now I'm trying a different playthrough and the guide did not mention any of this at all, will keep trying for a couple of in game weeks, if still nothing happens then will continue only after visit and old Minami back.
Maybe I wasn't clear but at least for my new game that I started on the latest version here, if you start the home harem before the mother visit and you have gottem the home harem:minami objective that can make her join. It will, or at least it did for me, instantly fail upon the mother's visit. It should be doable to have her join after the mothers visit if the home harem is started later on. For instance I found my older save where I had already done both the home harem + mother's visit and it seems to work fine.
My understanding is like this.
Before mother visit
Starting Home Harem and Home Harem:Minami completed = works
After mother visit
Already started Home Harem and Home Harem:Minami started but not completed = fails
Starting Home Harem and Home Harem:Minami completed = works
So if you start the home harem before the mother's visit you have to complete the include Minami part before the mother visit part or it will count as her not joining the harem.
I don't have an earlier save to recheck but I believe if you start the home harem if Minami is around she will start her part Home Harem: Minami - Minami is suspecting something pretty much instantly if you've progressed far enough with her, at least it did for me directly after starting the home harem. But yeah I haven't played test these and in my game at least what happened was.
Started Home Harem, Home Harem: Minami started directly after that. Progressed a bit on it and denied Minami two times, then the mothers visit came and then the get the old Minami part started at the same time the Home Harem: Minami went under completed objectives and had the line that the girls didn't want Minami to join. This didn't change once I had finished Minamis route and gotten her back. I even tried to use a save editor to fix this and I was able to get the objective to become active again sadly since it had fallen under the "done" part and I have no idea what the numbers are for having her accepted are, I believe the having her not accepted was something like 119 + 89, and I don't wanna try and change these numbers over and over to make her be accepted, so I decided to start a new game.