if someone can be kind and post a good save that be great thanks
As said on the previous page, some saves fly around the thread but odds are the decisions made may not be to your liking because you'll either still have to grind stuff or all the good scenes are over.
is there any more updates regarding the female protaginist?
There was a bit of an update a while ago but it's still not really worth playing IMO.
Anyone made a new walkthrough?
There's the wiki. It is unlikely a "walkthrough" will be made again as the game's interactions and randomness prevent the normal style. The walkthrough always was "wiki like" anyway without some of the comfort of actually using a wiki.
Is there a way to cheat so you don't have to restart everything again from scratch? Cause to tell you to the truth i hate grind in story driven games. And this looks and feels like a story driven game but only be able to do certain things at certain places is annoying as hell.
You can cheat money (up to oblivion more or less though be careful to not go beyond reasonable, there will be a point when it will break) and MC's stats (up to 100) and perks.
In theory there are console commands to up (or down) the LP, KP, and so on of the girls, but these will almost inevitably break the character unless you carefull plan the values using the wiki so you do not miss any triggers.