Love the Art.
- But it took me over 8hours of gameplay to actually get to some penetration. Waaayyyy to long of a story xD
- Didn't understand why some actions could not be done, would be better to colour the Ressources for Food and Cleanliness, like green if above 6, yellow above 3 and red below 4.
- The Achivementlog is indeed helpful to see what still needs to be done, but could be more detailed.
- Like it that there are many characters to choose from, but it is hard to gauge their kinks.
- And even tho i played over 12hours, i still don't know how to study at the university, Leading to 50/100/13 Stats in Charisma (buying Books, Talking to Mirror in Bathroom), Strength (Gym) and Knowledge (Thinking at the park) lol. Tutorial could be a bit more, contentwise.
And please for the Love of God implement a Galery, having to safecheck every potential fuck, is super time consuming xD