If I download a newer version, will it be possible to transfer saves from the older version?
And is there any money cheats in the game and is it possible to reset the relationship with the girl to start it again and choose a new path with her?
Saves should transfer automatically, just run the game and click load. For the money cheats question yes that is one of the inbuilt cheats in the game you can also use the developer console (use
UnRen.bat to do give yourself access) and enter this command hero.money=x (replace the x with your desired amount, if you want to gave infinite money you can use the command hero.money.min=x (replace the x with a number higher than an buyable item 1000000 for example) this works because the game sees that you have the money but because you increased the minimum amount of cash you can have it will keep you from going bellow that, I suppose you could also se it to a really low negative number too but I've never tried that so I don't know how'd the game handle you going in debt basically, you can also
mod the game (I've attached the mod I personally use.), as for resetting relationships you might be able to with the developer console, but I'm not so sure on, the best I can suggest is buying a wedding ring and marrying one of the girls to get an ending so you can unlock new game +. There's also the nuclear option of modifying the game's files, but this post is already pretty long so I'll save how to for if you ask.