The game has lots of plotlines crazier than this. Just take it lightly, as a soap opera or a sitcom with NSFW scenes. No man would physically be able to wake up every day at 6 am, kiss their step sister in the bathroom while their roommate slavegirl watches with envy and lust, have breakfast, kiss his other roommate slavegirl on his way out to work, then kiss and buttslap his secretary in the office on his way to his female boss' office, where he can lick the boss' pussy (and slap her butt, so she knows who's really the boss). Work a little and then his other assistant, pet and big boss' daughter in one comes to work around lunch time, so she can suck his dick while he makes a phone call to arrange a date with his car mechanic, or ex-girlfriend 1, or ex-girlfriend 2, or his gym instructor 1, or his gym instructor 2, or his office assistant 3, or coworker, or his coworker's friend he once assfucked in a fashion store changing room, the same fashion store his roommate slavegirl 2 works at, or a drug dealing skank or a.... Then fuck them silly cumming copiously twice like it's no big deal, fall asleep at 1am and wake up fresh and ready for another glorious morning at 6am straight. All it takes is just go to evening classes at uni, work out, swim, jog in the park, eat, drink lots of coffee, party a lot in fancy clothes and set the alarm clock right.