The dating event before you can get to regular dating is a picnic. If you are in the Winter you can't go on a picnic yet.Andrealphus I am following this walkthrough here trying to get a date with Harmony. I have her lp at 30 and her purity at 70 but she still wont go on a date with me. All the in game hint says is ask her on a date.
A number of events are season specific such as beach and waterpark , I'm guessing that the picnic is too.
The game balance can be a screaming bitch at times. You start off on the 5th of Summer, so you're already short on time for any of the beach and waterpark events. If you miss those events, you have to wait through Fall and Winter to get back to them.
To learn the skills from books takes time, (2 hours for each 5% skill), and money and you gotta work your butt off (work hard 4 hours a shot), to get enough money to buy books, car, bed, etc to be able to advance the game. Even with the hints there is still a bunch of hidden stuff. I missed a lot my first time. I took a lot of notes my 1st restart and I'm on my second restart. I've got the Home Harem and Band Harem, working towards the Pixie Harem and avoiding Kylie like the plague. ( I was told that you can counter her with Ayesha but I haven't figured that out yet).
To get Band Harem with Sasha & the Gamer with Bree you need the Guitar & gaming. I strongly recommend that you get the guitar skill at the beginning because you have greater chances to get the gaming skill without a book .
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