I like some of the characters, and the writing isn't half bad, even if this is an overtly grindy experience.
But fuck me, if the art doesn't
ruin the experience.
The best art in this game is the backgrounds. They're skillfully done, have their perspective in order, and come in daytime/nighttime version with seasonal variants for the outdoors. All are competently done, if not terribly imaginative. Sadly however, they are the high watermark for that art. The lewd scenes only WISH they could be in the same ballpark as the background art.
The fucking background art.
All of the lewd scenes are peak Deviant Art amateur hour shit-show. Consistent art style? Who the fuck needs it! Hope you like every character looking at least three different ways, because there are multiple commissioned artists and none of them agree with each other! There's bad western cartoon style, bad high-schooler copying anime style, and finally the horribly mangled human-ish shaped blobs of putty that pass for most of the lewd scenes (some of them are so bad, they're almost Cronenberg levels of body horror). Zero consistency.
They couldn't even get the same artist to do all of the dialogue paperdolls, so you have doe-eyed anime-esque Bree...
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...right next to very not-anime-esque Audrey,...
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...and they look like they're from entirely different games or universes. One has relatively thick linework, whereas the other has almost no line work and relies entirely on shading; it's two very different art styles that just don't mesh well. Also Bree's hair changes from disheveled curls to full on hair-drills, depending on who's drawing here in any given scene. Fucking pick
and stick with it.
Sweet holy fuck, the art is so fucking bad. I could teach a college level 101 art class using this game's art as a baseline for how NOT to draw humans, their proportions, or perspective in general. Not a single fuck was given for any of the lewd scenes. Couldn't even be bothered to find a clip on PornHub to at least get an idea about what two people actually look like when they're fucking. Nope. Couldn't even do that. Looking at actual porn for reference was too much work for the artists drawing this embarrassing shit.
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This is what you get when you commission a 17 year old anime fan who doodles Naruto all over their notes in high school. This artist is very poorly aping anime design cues, like the male MC's fucking air-breather agape mouth. They've also clearly never had a life drawing class, or anything even resembling a college level course focused on drawing people or human anatomy. I should know, I was an art major in college (Art Institute of Pittsburgh, BS in Game Art & Design). The line work is bad, the perspective is weird, and the proportions are goofy. Again, peak Deviant Art amateur hour.
Still not convinced?
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Look at that.
What. The. Actual. FUCK.
Everything about that is fucked up. Perspective? Who the fuck needs it! Proportions? What's that! This one is even more personally galling, as I am an avid motorcycle rider. Whoever drew this has never ridden a motorcycle. Hell, they may not have ever ridden a bicycle. They sure as shit didn't bother to Google search for an image of someone riding a motorcycle, or hell, even just a motorcycle. This is the half-remembered fever dream drawn by someone who had never seen a bike themselves, but instead had a motorcycle described to them by a drunk homeless person on the street at 3am, and used that barely coherent screed as their working reference. No fucking idea HOW a person sits on or actually interacts with a motorcycle (where are the fucking foot pegs?). They are not two people sitting on a bike going down the road, but rather two flat pancakes copy-pasted over top of a blob pretending to be a bike. What is up with the fucking amorphous blob of black and red that's supposed to be the rear of the bike?
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I get that not everyone just has a bike or two lying around to take picture of themselves for reference,
but motorcycles aren't exactly hard to Google.
That's the real kicker. Every fucking time things are about to get interesting and spicy, the horrible art just derails the entire experience. It is distractingly bad, easily overpowering whatever scene it is placed in. I just can't 'get into it' during the lewd scenes, because while the writing is pretty decent (not great,
Pale Carnations this is not), I can't get over how fugly it all is.
Also, the male MC always looks like a goddamn tool. Plus, he comes in about a half dozen different shades of tan and brown, because again, zero fucking consistency with the art. Hell, he changes color in the same scene sometimes!
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Is my dude orange or brown? FFS...