here's the latest save I got. Palla's bugged, as she says she already has a collar, but is not wearing it for some reason.
All harems are done, except college since Bree got pregnant too early, that little slut...

All collarable are collared.
All are pregnant.
CEO story is done.
Kayly is at 0 nutt counter, and the harem is also done. She is ready to be turned to the police, but I'm keeping that open in case there's a prologation of the sister's peeking down the line.
If anyone knows how to fix Palla's collar/status, feel free to tell me how to do so.
I found the value to change in the save, I removed the collar, then gifted it to her during a date. That seemed to have worked just fine.
I'm including that save as well, 1-4 is the non edited with Palla saying she already has the collar, and 1-5 is the one with the collar gifted and the status changed to sex slave.