
Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
Well. The game is designed in a way that you get a lot of girls at the same time, so of course I'm trying to level them all at the same time. That's what the game is designed for you to do.
Yes, but ...

(a) You really need to "level" them, meaning not rushing to the next possible event but trying to get their stats as good as possible for the time.

(b) When you notice that your strategy doesn't work for the game, it's time to adapt the strategy.

In the beginning I was playing just like you seem to do. Then I noticed it doesn't work and played a bit more focused. And now I can level them all again (except for damned Emma) because I understand how the mechanics work.

It's like many other things you do in life, you want it all and you will be able to do so, but you need to start small and do individual tasks separated from the whole. When you have them down, you can go on to do more stuff.

I think what Evil is trying to say is not "How stupid can you be to try to do all!" but "Try a little less to get the hang of it, not all at once". There is no judgment of your playstyle, just a hint at how to improve.

Yes, this is different from how many other games on here work. But that's not bad in itself, it is just different.
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Active Member
Oct 25, 2022
But I would argue that changing this aspect wouldn't do much good. This is intentionally not a VN but a stat and time management game (I would argue that in a way the "management" tag is missing, but then again people would probably expect the wrong kind of management if it were there). People who support the dev or bought the game like it for that reason. Since I bought it I played I think five playthroughs - mostly not for seeing the scenes again but for the progression, the feeling of accomplishment when Sasha starts hinting again that she knows this one guy. I like that for once in a sandbox you do not just run around to unlock scene A or scene B in any order (thus sandbox) but you will unlock them.
I think you misunderstand my complaint. I'm not looking for a VN. I love the sandbox games. The only thing I complain about is that you can lose your girls without warning and there are no way to rectify it, except starting from scratch, which is pretty annoying after playing some 30+ hours.
Even for a sandbox game its possible to restore girls paths. If it's programmed right, it's parameter based, which means that the parameter removing the girl can be changed. It might have some unforeseen consequences on other girls paths, but I can live with that as long as I don't have to start over after 30+ hours of playing. The game is good, but not that good. After fucking the same girls 10 times, it does get quite boring, even that you can do her different ways and in different places.


Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
I think you misunderstand my complaint. I'm not looking for a VN. I love the sandbox games. The only thing I complain about is that you can lose your girls without warning and there are no way to rectify it, except starting from scratch, which is pretty annoying after playing some 30+ hours.
Even for a sandbox game its possible to restore girls paths. If it's programmed right, it's parameter based, which means that the parameter removing the girl can be changed. It might have some unforeseen consequences on other girls paths, but I can live with that as long as I don't have to start over after 30+ hours of playing. The game is good, but not that good. After fucking the same girls 10 times, it does get quite boring, even that you can do her different ways and in different places.
I understood, at least I think. I just don't agree about the "programmed right" part. Of course it would be possible to make a game with a "redemption path" if you effed up, but the possibility of permanent consequences which are not undoable also has its own charm - it's why Roguelikes exist, it's why Ironman runs (name might be different for individual games, basically no individual saving except for when leaving the game, so no undoing mistakes by saving then loading) are popular in certain circles.

And yes, I do get that you don't want to replay a longer game just for this one thing, I am in the same boat depending on the game. However, here I am looking forward to spending my next 30+ hours. Because, while this is a cliché it is true for me in this case, for me the journey is more interesting than the destination, even though the journey is about reaching the destination. That's personal taste of course - but what would make the game more interesting to you would make it less interesting to me.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2022
(a) You really need to "level" them, meaning not rushing to the next possible event but trying to get their stats as good as possible for the time.

(c) It's like many other things you do in life, you want it all and you will be able to do so, but you need to start small and do individual tasks separated from the whole. When you have them down, you can go on to do more stuff.

(d) Yes, this is different from how many other games on here work. But that's not bad in itself, it is just different.
(a) Again you are misunderstanding what I'm writing. Maybe because English isn't my first language. With leveling, i mean getting their stats up and then move to next event.

(c) This isn't real life. It's a game.

(d) And I really like it's not like the 1000 others. I just want a way to fix your mistakes without having to start from scratch or at least a warning that your action will mean you will lose a girl. Like I wrote in the beginning. Sometimes you can't rollback long enough to undo your action or you don't notice that you have lost a girl before it's too late.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2022
Been tempted in starting this one and I know there is some timed events (semi-NTR and so on) My question is if you miss the getting LP to 50 for a certain character and she has sex with someone else can you still get with that character?

I guess what I am asking is if one of the characters has sex with someone else are you still able to end up with them once you reach the requirements?
You need to read the wiki carefully, otherwise you risk losing half of your girls, and there are NO WAY BACK once that happens.
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Reactions: Cernunnos.


Active Member
Oct 24, 2022
You need to read the wiki carefully, otherwise you risk losing half of your girls, and there are NO WAY BACK once that happens.
Oh, its one of them games, I want to play this one day the artwork looks amazing but if you have to follow guides and keep checking what to do next for it then I am in no rush to play it. Will add it to the play at some point list.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2022
And yes, I do get that you don't want to replay a longer game just for this one thing, I am in the same boat depending on the game. However, here I am looking forward to spending my next 30+ hours. Because, while this is a cliché it is true for me in this case, for me the journey is more interesting than the destination, even though the journey is about reaching the destination. That's personal taste of course - but what would make the game more interesting to you would make it less interesting to me.
I do also care more about the journey than the destination, but walking the same path twice just to get to the point where you made a mistake is a waste of time IMHO. If you like that, I agree. What makes a game interesting for you, pisses me off.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Aug 17, 2017
I do also care more about the journey than the destination, but walking the same path twice just to get to the point where you made a mistake is a waste of time IMHO. If you like that, I agree. What makes a game interesting for you, pisses me off.
You should probably stick to kinetic novels you would be sure to not miss any content :)


Active Member
Oct 25, 2022
Oh, its one of them games, I want to play this one day the artwork looks amazing but if you have to follow guides and keep checking what to do next for it then I am in no rush to play it. Will add it to the play at some point list.
I would say the artwork is average. I've seen many games with better artwork. Also. This game only have still pictures. There are no animations. This game is mostly about the dialogs and consequences of your choices.


Jun 7, 2020
I'm trying to repeat this event
i fucked up.What's the correct code ?


Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
I do also care more about the journey than the destination, but walking the same path twice just to get to the point where you made a mistake is a waste of time IMHO. If you like that, I agree. What makes a game interesting for you, pisses me off.
It is an individual question of the game we're talking about, I wouldn't do it in any other game. But here I enjoy what happens while walking the same path well enough, so it doesn't bother me. Just like I enjoy rewatching some movies or rereading some novels, while with others the experience of the watching/reading itself isn't that great, and even though it was enjoyable I wouldn't retreat my steps since I know how it turns out. Since in other games it is different for me as well, I do get your point. I just argue that this is a difference of taste, not an objective flaw of the game, so nothing that needs to be changed.

(c) This isn't real life. It's a game.
It wasn't meant as a justification of why it is done like that but more as a comparison to make clear how this game works. A different example would be games where you do not use all abilities at once immediately but first get a hang of how to manage units, then how to manage building, then how to manage economy, before doing the whole gamut. Yes, that comparison is also off, since in most games where that happens you are limited by the game itself which you aren't here.

But while we're at it: it is a game so it doesn't need to mirror real life, that is true, at the same time a certain amount of "real-life-ness" in games is appreciated - though how much and where specifically will depend on the person, the game, and possibly air humidity. So while "this is just in real life" on it's own is no compelling argument that something must be included, "it's a game" is no compelling argument why it must be different either.
Oct 31, 2017
Well. The game is designed in a way that you get a lot of girls at the same time, so of course I'm trying to level them all at the same time. That's what the game is designed for you to do.
I'm going to disagree here, as I'm one to argue that the game is designed to be replayed. It just allows you to chase multiple women, granting you less wiggle room for each additional one. While you may see that as bad design, you might be looking at it through the lens of a game where you're supposed to get everything in one run.

Oh, sure, this is rich coming from the nut who is Meta-ing the bejeezus out of their current run. But allow me to take a moment to explain my earlier reasoning for the "DON'T UNLOCK CASSIDY" rule of an Emma playthrough, as it will get my point across:

Am I suggesting to delay unlocking Cassidy because she hard-locks you out of Emma's content? No, because the actual correct move for an Emma run is to tell Cassidy to pack her bags and kick her out of the game. How so? Because keeping Cassidy around as a pet is a move that makes MC Mike the type of guy that Emma is not a fan of, as the shift in tone that going from lowly code monkey to entering a dick measuring contest against Dwayne (with enough murder, intrigue, and a power struggle that draw parallels to 1982's Conan the Barbarian*) would suggest.

Mechanically speaking, it makes sense for Cassidy to interfere in Emma's route, as it fits their characters. Plus this is how I get the impression that the game is designed from a replay mindset, because their are multiple playstyles available. It just so happens that Emma's route works best with a "Don't be a Horndog" method of play.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this game is perfect as it is right now. Personally I think a new game could start off a bit quicker (particularly NG+ starts), and in general a playthrough's length feels way too long to properly motivate triggering an end scene & starting over again. How to do that while not butchering the current sandbox mechanics? Hell if I know, so I'll be quiet & content with what's on offer for now as it's still pretty good, if a bit rough around the edges.

Back to my point though, this game isn't one to be played from a "Gotta catch bang 'em all!" mentality. Instead I suggest to take your time, get your nose out of the wiki and pay attention to each girl's route individually. If you can do it that way, you might see that those surprise dead ends are a little more obvious than you would think, plus you're likely to enjoy the game a lot more.

[*Don't try to tell me that the phrase "Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women" does not fit perfectly in that storyline.]


Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
take your time, get your nose out of the wiki and pay attention to each girl's route individually. If you can do it that way, you might see that those surprise dead ends are a little more obvious than you would think
Thanks. That is one thing I wanted to write but forgot. Even though not always obvious ex ante (i. e. before you make all the decisions) the game ends are suitable for the game's storylines/characters. That is, you understand why you lost Hannah or Emma after the fact even if you didn't predict it before. Exception arguably Shiori, the whole "sir" stuff isn't obvious when you meet her and when you're doing it wrong you also won't be told why. But it is not one of those riddles where for whatever reason you're out because you ordered the same food as the girl. Or, in other games, a different one.
Oct 31, 2017
I have the required Yandere points for her and have had sex and dates with Ayesha. The wiki states that kissing Ayesha in front of her in the gym will also fulfill part of the requirements. For some reason I can't get Kylie to target Ayesha in the gym even with the requirements met for the stats.

I'm not really sure how to get the flag triggered to get Kylie to target Ayesha so the MC hears the fight in the gym bathroom to intervene.
Oops, got caught up in my wall of text and forgot to get back to you on this. I guess my follow up would be how much time are you letting pass by, if any? As I tend to trigger Kylie's jealousy event in the gym, it usually leads right into the shower fight that starts the harem (since I think Kylie's event uses up an hour.) Going off of memory here, so key words being "I think."

Other than that, I don't know what to say. I've never done the harem by switching Kylie's target before, mainly because Kylie being in an area is an instant noooooooope for me so I never give her a target to begin with. My typical plan is to 'friendzone' the first chance I get, as that gives enough points to get her sent to jail. The fact it also unlocks the harem is just a bonus I guess.

For future reference, I can tell you that Kylie seems to be okay with seeing tickles, caboose inspections (ie spankings), massages, and orders being given to other women. It's any talking, thumbs up, kissing, or headpats that earn her ire. At least in the current version, as that some of that might be unintentional.

Seriously, that 'no headpats' rule is just a deal-breaker for me...

Any help? I’m currently stuck with her progression.
Kind of noticing this one myself, and I'll ask what does the schedule on your phone's calendar say? Because I've noticed that if you miss out on that event, rather than resetting a week later it goes to a different day (I missed it twice so far, and saw it be on a Sunday, now Monday.) Not sure if I can still do that date on a weekday, but I'm guessing that's a bug to be fixed.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2022
I'm going to disagree here, as I'm one to argue that the game is designed to be replayed.
Well. Replay to me is taking a different route. For most of the girl's I've lost so far, I would have to take more or less the same route until the point where I lose them. That's like playing a VN, which I find pretty boring. Going the same path twice is waste of time IMHO.

I have read the wiki, but there are so many pitfalls that it's impossible to remember them all and I'm not going to read the wiki before each decision nor am I going to save before each decision. That would take all the fun out of playing the game. Instead the game should have a warning that you will lose a girl if you make this decision or an option to restore a quest. That's all I'm asking for.

I like consequences in games, like if you come inside a girl without her permission, she wont have sex with you for a week or two or similar. But loosing half of your girls due to choices the developer think is wrong. That is WAY to harsh consequences.
Last edited:


Jun 16, 2021
The scenes for them haven't been implemented yet. I mean, I got Harmony pregnant, no announcement from her, no conversation, no news that she gave birth. One day she was pregnant with the belly and the next she had lost weight and had a new kid.
Yeah, but we can manage to be pregnant forever, can't we?


Active Member
Apr 20, 2021
Apologies for not replying sooner, but one thing about Emma is that she actually doesn't mind if you've had sex with women before her. Hell, the way one of the events is written she's surprisingly pragmatic about it. Her concern is more about what (or rather who) you're doing as you're getting to know her.

Coincidentally, I was also mid-Emma run to try and pin down specific things to do (or rather, not do) in order to be judged a good boy by her and not have to constantly check the wiki/do mental calculations. While I did have to resort to calling upon the slumbering Chea'thulhu to tweak one thing as I was in a hurry, but I can say my plan ended in success.

(In my defense, apparently you can't have a picnic in the park during the first week of winter because of some, inexplicable reason programmed into the game. My argument to that is because of a) the general attire of park goers on that day and b) my eyes were not poked out by any extremely erect nipples means that it was not cold enough to prevent a relaxing picnic. So I'm sticking to my guns on the fact I shouldn't have had to skip forward a month to do that event.)

Now while people would probably a nice guide to Emma, I do think that the way to avoid the major deal breakers would be as follows:
  1. Don't sleep with Bree.
  2. Slow down on Sam after she gets married.
  3. No official girlfriends/slaves.

While I am able to go a little more in depth into each of those, unfortunately the first draft is a bit nuts, even by my standards. Maybe after a nap and a proofread I can get something out of it.
All I have to say is
1. Don't have sex or sleep with Bree.
2. Don't unlock Cassidy (impossible because of office activities)
3. Don't have a girlfriend or a slave.
4. Slowing down Sam's activities (Impossible for some reason)
Is this what you said? And it can have sex with someone other than Bree, right?
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