You max out Charm stat. The day after doing this go to the living room and the book will be in your Mailbox sent to you by your father. It takes 20 reads to master.How to learn the Hypnosis skill?
Where are the skills used?
To use the skill you choose the icon from the action list with the girl you are talking to. Be warned you should make sure your luck stat is maxed out prior since there is a chance it can fail resulting in a 5 lp loss on Normal (10 on easy) and it always takes an hour of time to use. You can use to fast kp and lesbianism growth/loss. It gives 3 kp on Normal (6 on Easy) and the normal lesbian growth amounts.
Also, before you ask about the new Grope action, You need 25 or 30 kp and lp depending on the girl for it not to trigger loss.
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