Is anyone by chance interested in a mod that allows you to command a girl to follow you anywhere you go and also command a girl to only wear a specific outfit?
I'm on my like 6th playthrough and I'm trying to achieve a save file where I've seen and done EVERYTHING and I did this thing for myself.
It's not tested that much. It can definitely break things if you leave it on all the time (like forcing a girl to have a dress outfit on the beach date will result in her being naked or wearing her swimsuit in some of the activity CGs).
I don't recommend this on a first playthrough, but if you're on your 2nd or later playthrough and you
mostly know how the events are supposed to go, you should be fine. It's definitely funny having everyone in their Halloween or wedding outfits
Anyway, I'll leave this here. It's replacing game files so if you have your game unarchived, make sure to backup the originals.
If you want to uninstall it from a save file after using it, make sure all functionalities are turned off, save, delete the .rpy files you got from me (+ their respective .rpyc files) and you
should be good (backup your save just in case

You have to be able to use the "Command" interaction on a girl.
The follow command is in the "Can you do something for me" menu.
The outfit command has it's own menu called "Change into another outfit". Some outfits need to be gifted to appear there, some are just there cause I was too lazy to look up the flags for all the outfits. Anything in the "Misc" and "Extra" menus might have weird CGs on some interactions.
Also, I've removed the "Once a day" restriction on the command for convenience.
Do let me know if this breaks anything for you. I'll fix it if it's not too much of a hassle.