you know I was doing alexis story thing and there's something interesting I picked up on regarding mr blanks dialog he says he remembers his victims but not alexis implying she probably lied to mike about being a victim which would actually make sense to how she is she actively lies to mike none stop and she probably knew what mr blank was doing during that time hell its possible she assisted mr blank in getting victims either way if she knew what mr blank was doing and she was having sex with him cheating on mike because of her being a chronic cheater (unless not on the ntr route but even then her canon route seemingly is the ntr route) the fact that mike found her with mr blank and broke up with her adds to a fact though that she could be lying to save face but there is something else that makes me think she was never a victim her obsession with material objects we know mike was with her in high school meaning he would have no money or very little is anything mr blank on the other hand would have money and considering her material desires there is a high chance she was sleeping with mr blank because of that
obviously we don't have much to go on regarding the truth considering alexis is a chronic liar and manipulator along with a gold digger and then mr blank doesn't even remember her all we know is mr blank DID have victims we just dunno if she was one or not but I have a feeling she wasn't one but he probably had dirt on her and she was worried about it
also lets be honest kylie actually shows that alexis family has issues so there is a higher chance that alexis is just as mentally ill she just hides it better but again nobody knows mind I feel that if alexis HAD been a victim someone would of noticed considering not only do we know mikes friend circle at that time (that we know of) are pretty highly perceptive from what we see of them but a number of them would of 100% looked into things especially morgan and most certainly kylie would of no doubt sniffed it out quicker then a fly on shit considering her obsession with mike she would of absolutely found out why her sister did the actions she did
Maybe. I don't really remember Mike or Alexis mentioning how he found out about the affair, but it might make some sense (a very macabre one). It would also make more sense for the submission points to increase when Mike gets revenge on the teacher, since she would not only be afraid of being with someone that aggressive, but of what he might be capable of doing to her if he finds out that it was a lie or that they were actually accomplices. Although I also believe that part of her fortune-seeking and lying personality is a byproduct of the trauma, as a way of covering up what hurt her and the voids that this causes in the mind.
Despite this objection, I must admit that it would be an interesting plot twist, turning Alexis into another female villain/antagonist of the game.Something I would add to this is about Kylie's reaction to her sister's breakup with her crush.
Considering that she was already mentally ill from a very young age, I find it strange that she doesn't make special mention about an event that must have affected people she has a lot of affection for (and some obsessive love for). I'm sure that after the breakup she must have been happy that her crush was now free, but also upset by the pain she must have gone through and because now she wouldn't have as many excuses to be around him, which is why I suspect that after that her "friendship" with Minami must have intensified, but leaving Kylie and Minami aside, I do think that she would have tried to find out about why her sister broke up with Mike, although I doubt that she would find anything, since if she did, Alexis or the teacher wouldn't be very healthy at the beginning of the game, because I don't doubt that Kylie would have retaliated against them, whether it was a case of abuse or not. The only way I can think of that Kylie knew about this without doing anything is that she simply waited for something of that kind to destroy her sister's relationship so she could stay with Mike, or that the shock of the revelation of the teacher's abuse (or improper relationship) to her sister affected her so much that she didn't know what to do, deciding to remain silent in the face of such a terrible truth.
Honestly, whether it was actually abuse or an orchestrated deception, I prefer the first option for the sake of the plot, as it lends itself to a possible scene of Kylie wanting to avenge her sister, putting her yandere points to a slightly more "heroic" and less tragic use. It could serve as a way to start a harem with both sisters or even a way to activate Camila without any of the girls having to die.