Is there a way to unhide the police station without having Kylie do anything crazy (I don't really want to experience the path with the prison and all that), maybe with commands ?
I just checked the code and it seems that if Kylie is arrested and the game thinks she has killed someone you she will be put on trial and if you "Protest Kylie's innocence" and have a charm score of 120+ (110+ if she's pregnant either way you'll need to be at max charm and wearing fancy clothes, and/or the luxury watch (Lavish's tie will also work for the accessory)) and a knowledge score of 80+ this will get Kylie of of jail.
Now you're probably wonder how do you make the game think Kylie's killed someone without actually having her kill someone well it's possible because the flag
doesn't actually remove the girl she killed from the game
is actually what's removing a girl from the game. Here's an example of what I'm talking about.
$ kylie.flags.killed = "bree"
$ bree.set_gone_forever()
$ Room.find("bedroom2").hide()
It's like this for every time Kylie kill's someone, just replace bree with the corresponding name of course, but if you still don't feel safe putting say
kylie.flags.killed = "bree"
into the console then just do
kylie.flags.killed = "mike"
or something instead, this command works with any NPC's name even the ones only accessible as the female protagonist, and don't worry stuff pertaining the the protagonist is under
so all clear there.
Also put
kylie.flags.policestation = True
into the console as well so you can go to the police station and report the "murder".
The reason I'm telling you all this is because while you could just use
DONE["kylie_investigation_2"] = game.days_played
kylie.flags.arrest = True
, and
kylie.flags.schedule = "jail"
and be done with it. I think it's better for you just to skip the actually killing with the command
kylie.flags.killed = "name"
and temp-unlock the police station with
kylie.flags.policestation = True
so you can report the murder and once you've done the content involving Kylie in jail you wish you can get her out without using any commands thus mimimizing the chances of something glitching. If you do want to get Kylie out of jail without the trial though the command is just
kylie.flags.schedule = "default"
Edit: Forgot to include the requirements to trigger the trial.