The interface of this game is retarded. Nobody, absolutely nobody likes to play a game following a fucking walkthrough, so you don't mess up with no point of return. It's an utter fucking garbage game/communication interface, for shit like random stats having to be above/below a certain threshold in particular (one might argue that other choices should be obvious. No they're fucking not. You don't know my mindset.). Coupled with the overall grind to level up this and get money that, this is just frustrating.
Hard consequences of choices in such a game have to be not only implied (and left open to interpretation anyways...), no, they have to be made absolutely, literally, painfully fucking obvious. Yes, you do put a fucking WARNING SIGNAL there: if you do that, anon, this is going to happen. Are you fucking sure?
Besides, mutually exclusive content is a damn poor strategy for "replay value". Consider opportunity costs, and consider that instead of having mutually exclusive content, you might as well have both. If you like. Nobody is forced to proceed with some content if he doesn't like what he sees. And don't get me wrong and confuse this with customization, which by very nature is exclusive, but typically reversible. And if not, then that choice's consequences must be fucking indicated: anon, there's no way back, are you really sure to give that bitch the bodged surgery treatment?
And this goes for small, rather meaningless decisions as well. If a certain decision gives +5 this and -10 that, but the other decision gives +1 for each, then fucking indicate it. What's the point of hiding this information? There isn't any. It's not a puzzle. It's just a shitty, intransparent interface. If you wanna be anal about this, at least make it an option, with the reasonable default being to show such indications/warnings (call it easy mode, nobody gives a shit), and let brainlets turn it off in the options if their autism forces them to do so. For fucks sake.
The art is pretty inconsistent (same character, different perspective) and generally pretty damn ugly too.

I like the crazy yandere bitch. Nice honkers.