Ren'Py - Abandoned - Lovely Academy [v0.1.9] [CastleStudios]

  1. 2.00 star(s)

    Salami Pasta

    So, a few random thoughts for v0.1 as I play:
    • Going fullscreen on launch is not the way, my man.
    • English needs to be default.
    • Half the interface still in spanish, what gives?
    • Leftover saves from testing? Broken too.
    • Starting scene was interesting.
    • I like the models (stepdad a bit plain though).
    • Music too. Good.
    • Default volume though. I'm sure there are heart attack victims out there. RenPy sound, always up to 11.
    • I'm sure there was a lot of effort put into renders, but can't see anything from the eye cancer these compression artifacts are causing. It's so bad I get the feeling you were compressing for a faraway friend in rural China who's on dial-up and mistakenly posted it as the main release. Just go PNG, lossless, makes people appreciate your art, not stab their own eyes out on reflex.
    • Why everyone and their mother insist on adding fake 'gameplay'? It serves only two purposes: annoy people and waste their time.
      You have a story to tell, so tell it, no need for me as a player to click through empty hallways, cordoned-off stairs and ghost-like subway stations. Please.
    • Thoughts are not indicated as such in text in some places.
    • A couple of 'image not found' errors.
    • Does not go to the home screen at the end.
    • Short.
    Writing's a bit stiff, and I could not appreciate the renders, even though I like the models. Oh, and no way a random convenience store has a bottle of 1957-whatever.

    Lots of negatives, but mostly technical or a matter of opinion. All fixable.
    Carry on, improve, might make it a great game yet.