Unity - Completed - Lucky Mark [v18.0] [Super Alex]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Accessibility is not good.
    For the first person, the occurrence of an event can be very confusing.
    It's hard to get started, but the story and character design are very good.
    There are four stars worth.
    I am so undervalued that I am 5 stars.
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 900601

    I am giving this a 1/5 simply because it's so bad at being a game.

    It has good characters, CG, even settings are pretty neat, but it where it fails, is at being a game. The progression is nonsensical, some seemingly random actions have to be repeated a bunch of times, so that at one specific time and date, you'll get a dialog which gated another event. Even with a walkthrough, this game is a nightmare to navigate.

    I wouldn't even recommend downloading the CG pack. There's one sex scene in the whole game right now, rest is BJ/HJ.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 167032

    Let's be honest BB is way bigger grind. If you want to progress quickly get the cheat.

    The renders are amazing and he's use of lighting and angles. The music in game are also great.

    Then the mom and daughter, just WOW, beautiful. I kinda like the slow build to a point.

    What can be confusing is the whole game... I mean still not sure why he needs to stay there but hey its a porn game.

    I'd love to see a love interested between MC and Christina and not just screw her. Will wait and see.

    Overall I enjoy this game...
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    It starts slow and at times confusing. But once you get past the tutorial and are allowed to save the game. You can fix some of the mistakes you may have made. On the other hand it is very grindy, in fact it's a grand master of grind. However it does reward eventually. Being able to make Ellen pay in the end was priceless. Worthy of 4 stars imo.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    What a waste. This game is one (if not the one) of the most esthetic game I've played. The scenery and the characters are amazingly well done. For once the MC looks like an adultand gets the nerd vibe perfectly.

    That was the good point of the game because now here are the bad points.
    -Very bad english. Minor defect because can be easily fixed.
    -random pictures appear at times. Instead of having a scene we have a fragmented picture of something else. This is a big error in the code.
    -too much attributes to grind. There are massage, erotic massage, hacking, persuasion, etc. You spend most of the game rasing those attributes one point at a time and it even cost money. It's umbearable.
    -the story doesn't make sense. The MC is a programmer and the jobs he do can be done in an office. Why bother doing this at his boss's house when the boss doesn't like strangers in his house?
    The wife is a psycho who treats the MC like dirt and we can't tell her to fuck off.
    The part with the daughter is a love story in which the MC educates a virgin who doesn't know the first thing about boys and sex. It's sweet but it has to have sleeping pills to take advantage of her in her sleep and you have to force her in the shower to get the scenes. It's just wrong.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Having played this game from v 5.1 I feel that it has too much grind but the graphics are great. As some previous reviewers have pointed most of the updates have been CG dumps. Dev seems to redo a lot of them also in ways that don't really add anything and I find myself scratching my head on many of them. The UI is great and once you learn how to use it very helpful at times and frustrating other times.

    There are 5 characters, MC, the father, the mother, their daughter and the MC's sister. Most of the advancement, other than the MC, are for the mother and her daughter. The father appears to be developed as far as dev intends. The fathers role is only to provide a means for the MC to earn money.

    The introduction needs to be scrapped because it is probably the largest source of frustration because you can't save games while going through it. Although it warns players that this is the case most players miss reading it and becomes the source of many posts. Best thing a new player can do is just skip the introduction to get to the point where you can start saving.

    I fear this game may not survive without some new characters or developing the MC's sister. Dev seems to be dragging it out and is very close to completing sexual encounters with the mother and the daughter. It's already happened with the mother and almost with the daughter. Dev abandoned the MAC version with 0.2.

    On the plus side the renders are top notch and the UI is easy to use in my opinion and experience and acts as a walkthrough for the game.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Ok! So I've completed most of the game, And My conclusion First, The Husband gets all the good sex scenes & the only animation is in the cinema!
    My main problem is Mark has to initiate ALL the sex scenes, There are No night time visits from either Mother Or Daughter,.(which in my opinion would give this game a new lease of life) & the self esteem has no relevance to the story? There response to him is no different weather if he has 1000 relationship Or 10? & when sex finally occurs! the girls have to be Drunk, Or drugged! Mark is constantly verbally abused by the Ladies Even though you max out the relationship & sympathy stats, Sorry, He never seems to be accepted as an asset he's more like a necessary evil, "Work" The chance ratio is way off as well, You could have 98% And yet still fail to succeed especially the suntan lotion scene! I for one did not enjoy this at all, simply put it's A Grind fest!

    EDIT: I must admit Played the latest Version & got to the good parts of the Game & found some of the BEST animations i've seen in any game,
    Although still WAY to grindy IMO
    At least there's Gold at the end of the Rainbow!!
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    While the renders might be good and the characters halfway decent...the simply truth is that it's so ridiculously grind-heavy that even with cheating you'll play for 3-4 hours before so much as touching one of the girls. Even then, you won't get much from them, leaving the whole game feeling like nothing so much as a massive exercise in pure frustration.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    5/5 The graphics are superb. Some of the best models on here.
    3/5 Story - It is there... but still early in the process. There is potential.
    2/5 The game is buggy... it will crash... and it will happen pretty often.
    3/5 Updates - Not bad. Really he just adds new scenes, does not extend current scenes.

    An enjoyable game though. I don't see the need to follow every update, but every couple updates makes sense.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Hi, sorry for my bad english, i have some comments about the game,
    I was sitting in the computer to enjoy the game, I have experienced more than 60 days, in the game, that repeating loop with no goal without a satisfying sex scene, apparently just snooping then eat again and go to daydreams nearly 70 days, that game is still like, it is very time consuming of me.
    **: The content is only 4 characters, 2 boys and 2 girls, but only a few scenes in the game repeatedly very frustrating players. Game players are to relieve stress, which the game does not bring ,; further stress for players.
    Comments: The game is great, the characters are very beautiful, content if the variation harmonize several sex scenes for the male lead in the right scene, will attract and retain game players , was a game that should not be a daunting and stressful addition to the game player.
    The scene in the theater has used sleeping pills why not make love to her but only sex with her breasts, male protagonist, pent up the craving for sex, but only get this scene alone.
    There are a lot of scenes that will further inhibit the player, if you want some loyal fan contributions, You should add the sex scenes properly.
    I hope to continue to update and better
    Now I just vote 1 star for you + 2 more pictures ,game is very good and attractive, I hope you will soon have a lot of fan and loyal pay....

    Ver.8.0 minus "Star"

    Now I really have no hope of a breakthrough, ver8.0 nothing special, it is boring and pathetic for a game, go from ver1.0 - ver8.0 is a very long way. long, which during the game journey has no special results, so bad.
    Charge time costs money by contributing to a category, whose circulation is just like nothing new.
    I have predicted ver8.0 will look like this ......
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    minh tan

    very good, i hope this game will be new update fast, i waiting game will perfect. i very like this game, it help me relax after some days work shift. I will continue to support this game until the game is complete
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has awesome renders. The blonde is super hot. Unfortunately the game is too complicated.

    The game needs a thorough walk through that guides you. I can't figure anything out. I made it past the tutorial, but now nothing happens. I constantly lose relationship and I don't know why. During dialogue conversations a bunch of small picture icons show up. Some of them lower relationship and some raise relationship? I don't get it.

    The game play mechanics are too complicated and need to be simpler. I really wanted to enjoy this game, but it's just too hard. There's too many skills & stats to manage.

    I was forced to download a CG rip.

    I hope someone writes a guide & tutorial, because that is the only way I'm going to figure this game out. I'll gladly give the game five stars if someone writes a guide & tutorial that walks you step by step how to unlock all the content.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    In my opinion another great game.
    In this game youre a programmer that moves in to work for a rich guy in his house…. of course it doesnt stay there since this guy has a really hot wife and a really hot daughter.

    This game starts as a regular VN where you have a limited amount of days and you have certain choices to make that influence how other characters interact with you.

    After that this game takes off as a Sandbox game with an unlimited amount of days to play in with some roleplaying mechanics like for example having to build up your character stats in order to have a better relationship with the girls in the game. Even though for some people this sounds like a really boring thing to do in this game is actually well done and it gives you a sense of progression in the game.

    The only con i found in this game is the translation, if youre an english native speaker you might have difficulties immersing in the game, on the other hand the characters and the scenes are really well done so you might not really mind about the translations and be able to enjoy the game a lot like i did.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    It seems to me, that I,m trapped in a Time-Loop, or a dejavu,
    everyday everything keeps repeating itself over and over.The Characters are great, but Gameplay is boring.
    It should tell you if you have reached the End of the Game,rather then keep going on indefinite.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    I felt very unlucky having played this, this game takes russian grindfest to a whole new level by adding in wonderful rng to everything from speech checks to peeping. If you enjoyed savescumming to pick that one masterlocked chest in skyrim with your 1 lockpick this is probably the game for you.

    Now let's be fair though, the dev is very talented it shows throughout the game. It runs pretty smoothly, UI and all that jazz are ahead of the pack with other games. Visuals are smooth (maybe too much though like big brother where skin looked fake cause too smooth anyway) but it looks nice. I'm fine with mc being Harry Potter, it breaks up the monotony of playing the douchey teen daz model. The game itself or the framework works.

    So having played a few Russian games before I get that translation is going to fall flat on it's face and I have even learned to understand some of the Engrish that google translate spits out. This game didn't just adopt that feature, it took all the grind from those QSP games you love like: Son of a Bitch and Newlife/Girl life and threw them into this game.

    My favorite part of this experience is that YOU CAN FAIL THE INTRO that the dev recommends you play. Click the shiny and then you get the GAEM OVAR screen. Also, there is no saving until day 5, there is no skip feature either so if you were like me and clicked the shinies, congratulations you get to replay the day(s) over again, and this time you better pick the right choice or else.

    There is event later on that is like diffusing a bomb, when you give the mean lady a massage. If you do not press the buttons in the right sequence, the bomb explodes and you fucked up. Serious this lady goes on about 'oh this is like the massage in Italy that one time' and then you have to remember the sequence and there is no fucking way of knowing it because how could you know, but yes press the 20 buttons in the right sequence or you lose.

    The boss in this game is some drunken slav gopnik fella who makes very little sense, he never really explains the job the mc is supposed to be doing and you just sorta have to catch him in a good mood to hand in your work and get paid (took me days to figure this out as I finished my task and the screen goes blank for the work icon).

    I've reached day 44 and have no clue wtf is going on other than a Russian Harry Potter is living in a gopnik mafioso's house and I can't get the cancer.
  16. E
    5.00 star(s)


    Based on Version 5.1:
    When you open and play it for the first time it might look like another boring sandbox game. However, what makes this one special is that it's actually challenging. You really have to play a while to see explicit scenes. Of course this is not something for everyone but if you're a fan of games that don't show you the first sex scene after 5 seconds you should defenetly give it a try.

    Renders are beautiful and definetly above average. Also the story is pretty realistic and makes sense in comparison to a lot of other games like this. Another thing that stands out is the soundtrack. Almost every scene has its own piece of music that fits surprisingly well. After finishing every event in this version I didn't notice a single gamebreaking bug and also if english is probably not the creators first language you can read everything without major problems.

    The one thing you might criticise though is that it's very repetitive and also too hard here and there. Without the walkthrough you would need more than 30 tries to complete one event for example unless you're extremely lucky. To see some scenes you also need outstandingly high stats which build up very slowly (you might enter a save file here and change them).
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    My review for 0.9
    The Good :
    - Beautiful renders. Not the most beautiful renders now. I know at least two game witch are better but it's a question of taste.
    (Sorry, I can't tell the two games because of f95 rules...)

    - The realistic rendering of the two women. No huge breasts or incredible bodies.

    The Bad:
    - Tedious story
    - The triggers are too complicated and little nebulous.
    - Small updates. In every update we can see progress in only 2 or 3 scenes.

    The ugly:
    - Grind is annoying. Not fun at all.
    - Too linear
    - Repetitive process.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Huge potential for this game, a really lovely character (Christina is just gorgeous), a really interesting evolution of the story (we can't directly do what we want without grinding, and that makes sense).
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm a bit perplexed about the ratings for this, unless they are tied directly to the length of the devolpment.

    Having only recently played this, it is a quality game with a fair bit of content. I'm left wanting more after many scenes, and that's a good thing for an actively developed game. If the game were not quality, I would n't care about getting more and where the interactions leave off.

    The author has given a fair bit of attention to intricate details of the interactions, and that is what sets games apart from the others. I really enjoy the interactions, the attire, the small details.

    This is a well done game that I hope continues to be developed.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    The game has a good premise and good visuals. It's a good variety from all of the incest games that are being made right now.

    That being said the game has been in works for months and there is barely any content and English is barely understandable.

    Unbelievable how much grinding this game wants from you to see a pair of tits.

    Currently I can't recommend downloading this game, it's completely pointless.