VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Luke's Way [v0.36a] [Evil User]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a fun game. Renders are great and girls very attractive and beautiful. Story is towards to meet lot of woman so I think I can say that this is a harem type of game. Dialogues are kinda entertaining well written but more like a casual style.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Reviewing 0.23

    I enjoyed this game overall.

    This review is going to be fairly simple as the game is very standard. Lots of sexy time, barebones plot, utterly forgettable characters, BUT lots of content.

    The worst part of this game is how forgettable the plot is, it's hamstrung together to act as a backdrop to all the sex you're going to have. [which inherently isn't a bad thing], but in this case there is no soul to the story at all. There is no real conflict, no character arcs, no characters to root for, nothing.

    Admittedly the main female lead [Michelle] and the mom character grew on me over time so that counts I suppose.

    But really, I just completed the game and I cannot recall any of the characters' names for the life of me. At some point you struggle to keep up with all of the girls who are involved with our MC. Meaningless sex is meaningless. There's a fair bit of oversexing going on as well, with a McGuffin "pill" introduced to justify how the MC is having sex with 7-8 women over the course of an afternoon and evening.

    That being said, there is definitely effort put into this project and there is a fair bit of content [certainly not a pump-and-dump], so kudos to the dev. There is certainly room to improve, by improving the writing for the next project it can go to a 5/5.

    Worth a try? Yes.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    • Version 0.23
    • Happytime/Feelgood game. Drama is hinted at but never explored.
    • Gets progressively better the longer you play, as the dev seems to improve his skills.
    • Nice renders, nice story, nice animations (which only start appearing quite late in the game).
    • I support this now on patreon...

    I thoroughly enjoyed this game. Especially the renders are very well made. But I found it only recently, so I was pleasantly surprised to play something with a lot of content. The story is quite nice. Of course not really realistic but still more grounded in reality than many other games I've found here. There are, however, two big points because of which I couldn't bring myself to give a five-star rating:

    1. The "choices"...
    As others already wrote, the choices don't make that much of a difference. The vast majority of them don't influence the story whatsoever. They only decide how many extra-scenes and background-infos you get.
    Pregnancy for example... she's pregnant. She knows that she's pregnant. She still drinks whenever she goes to the pool or on that yacht-party. But nobody even adresses it. And I strongly suspect the reason nobody adresses it, is because it's not story-relevant.
    The few choices that actually COULD influence the story can be undone multiple times, before actually taking any effect. Like (again) pregnancy, for example. You have to confirm this four or five times before it's actually happening. If it has any relevance later on remains to be seen.

    2. The game gets better the longer you play. You can really see how the Dev learns new techniques and hones his skills. Animations, for example, only appear quite late into the game. Most of the time you only get still images, then timed transitions and at the end a few animations. Same goes for story and character developement... so it only gets really interesting, when you get near the "This is all for the current version"-Screen... which is quite the bummer. When it finally starts to look like there is an actual story, the game is over.

    But I'm looking forward to future updates. Took a quick look at the patreon-page, and the updates seem to come (almost) monthly. Which I like very much.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Lucian Light

    Ok here is my review for Luke's way V.023

    I've been playing this game since v.02 and i have to say its improved very much
    Some models/renders are beautiful, some are average, but in general the renders dont disappoint.
    Now about the story,god, the game gives you the false idea that you have an option to choose all the time, but that's not true at all, at least not entirely, some paths/girls are forced on you at least once (not all of them tho), also the story has a lot of plot holes that i dont want to discuss or this review would be too long, but overall the story is okish, not a masterpiece but definitely not trash.
    Also one of the really bad things about the game is how it keeps throwing at your harem more and more girls, instead of focusing on a few, that disconnect you from the game because in the end you are gonna forget about most of the girls and only remember your favorites, so not really good development character in the game.

    So if you like a lot of sex, and lots of girls (that you are only gonna fuck once) then this game is for you.
    But if you are waiting for a deep game with amazing story and character development dont bother with this one.

    In my honest opinion, this game deserves 3/5 stars in the current version of the game (0.23) but due to nostalgia i'm giving it 4.
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Grey Wolf 73

    I only recently found Luke's Way, so I don't know any history/drama connected to it, but here is my two cents worth:
    (also, for reference, I'm a straight male with fairly vanilla tastes)

    I like:
    • The story - It's based in reality just enough to make me think 'there's no way this could happen, but if it did...' Yes, Luke and company make some questionable choices. Some dialogue is rather unbelievable. But I'm willing to put up with it because I'm here to see sexy women make bad choices, dammit! :giggle:
    • The women- There could be a little more variety, but I like the women in the game so far, and this isn't the United Nations, it's an adult Virtual Novel. Some of the models used could use some tweaking, but I put that down to personal tastes. Also, if the Dev spends all day making the women look 'just right' the overall quality of the game might suffer. They get the job done. And do a fine job of it, in my opinion.

    Some areas that might be focused on for improvement are:
    • Overall story flow/proofreading- First, let me say that I realize that in a game/VN with choices, this is FAR more difficult that it sounds, so I almost didn't say anything. There are just a few times that someone references something is never explicitly said by someone else.
    • Spellchecking/overall grammar usage- OK, I expect to catch hell for this one. Luke's Way is an adult VN, not a doctoral thesis, I realize this. However, the number of time that I find myself mentally correcting a word's spelling or reconstructing a sentence so that it makes sense borders on the distracting. I need to volunteer to proofread things like this. I think I will do just that.
    • (Edit) I wanted to add that in so many scenes, the lack of a money shot (FINISH HER!) is a letdown. Perhaps, in some update after the story is finished, those and some more animations could be added?
    Overall, I love this game. Stay safe, have fun, and keep the updates coming!
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    If there's one thing that will get me wound in these games it is to be given the illusion of choice. In other words, the game presents a choice of taking a certain path. In this game there's even a hint system to allow one to choose without ambiguity. So I see one of the models and I think, 'wow, you're as ugly as the joker and I don't really want anything to do with you.' So I don't choose anything, not one point, to further advance the path but, hang we are in bed together regardless of my choices. So, my question is, why have the choices in the first place?

    Also, no animations is a negative.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    review 0.22 version
    actualy, i dnt like novells with "rail"like gameplay, but in that case that game was good.
    - easy lang
    - good CG
    - funny nonrealistic story... long story.
    - every important decision have hint- thats mean: u dnt need WT or dig up huge amount code
    - every important action stored in flag/variable- that mean 100% save compatibility in future updates and story may be deepen in future dev.
    -good update content dynamycs: last updates have much more code(that mean more text/story) than earlier versions
    - by code and story looks like game was in early versions "sandbox" type. nothing serious, but its noticeable.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game.

    Lots of content so far, fleshed out characters, engaging story, no badly written english, beautiful graphics, lots of choices along the way (mainly who you sleep with), incest is optional.

    The beginning sex scenes have no animations, part way through the story you start getting a few images in a loop, and then eventually you get decent looking animations which I'm guessing is what we'll get from now on.

    Doesn't have a lot of fetishes at the moment, so might not interest those looking for extreme stuff.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    From the initial description I did not have a high opinion of this VN. I decided to play it anyway and was pleasantly surprised. It is not bad at all. It is a decent love story about a couple who are polyamorous and enjoy multiple relationships with other women. There is two opportunities for incestuous relationships to be included in the harem but if that is not an interest you can decline. The M/C is unrealistically a sex machine and even resorts to hard-on pills at times to be able to service all of his love interests, but that is about my only criticism. Obviously his situation is pure fantasy because IRL I doubt that one would find so many women interested in the type of atmosphere and relationships set up in the VN. It is a fun romp though so enjoy Luke's Way.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the plot very much.And the characters are also beautiful.Very good emotional feeling of characters towards each other. And i like the fact that there are too much of scenes. This makes it interesting to read all the dialogues.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Nathan Romanoff

    Wow. Another wonderful porn game.

    I might be repetitive in my reviews, but I like what I like. Great renders. Multiple love interests. Simple yes/no on fucking a woman. Choose your sex scene. Really nice stuff. And, as of this writing, THREE pregnancy paths open...

    ... not counting the handful of "not on the pill" yet still have creampie options.

    A solid porn game. And yes, another "MC has a cock... all the LI want to fuck it." game. Bread... and... butter... of porn games, at least for me.

    ONE mild / moderate bug: I've always been able to load a save from a prior version, no problem. But on some updates, trying to Load an early save crashes the game.

    Still... it's 5/5 for me.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Review of v.021

    I liked this game more than I thought I would. The story is decent, I liked the characters, the character models are good if you like big balloon tits on most of them but they aren't the most ridiculous I've seen so they didn't bother me that much.

    The biggest problem is the writing. The spelling and grammar errors are near constant, but you can still understand what they are saying. There is a serious overuse of certain words and expressions such as "babe", "baby", "honey", "baby girl", *hehe*.

    There is also a lot of redundant conversation. A lot of the time a character will repeat what another just said to them.

    The writing does get cleaner and better as the game goes.

    I would have given this three and a half stars if it was possible. The writing is what's keeping it from a 4 star for me. Despite that it's worth a play as long as you keep the writing issues in mind.

    On final thing; I understand wanting to thank your patrons for donating, but it's better to do it in the credits in the options than with an unskippable sequence when you start the game.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    This review is for 0.21 version of the game, I don't post many reviews but I feel like this game needed one for me to properly express my opinion on it.

    So to start things off, I enjoyed the game quite a bit as the premise for the game started off as very interesting. I enjoyed almost all the girls with some exceptions such as Kim and Gia. There are a lot of MILFs in this game which I love and there is no character that looks too young to pass as 18 or above (which is great imo). I think the youngest girl is your sister and I am not actually sure how old she is but definatly over 18.

    The renders are of pretty good standard, the animations look alright but are usually very short and look sometimes robotic or repetitive . I feel like the game has enough varying environments with a focus on the house of the boss lady.

    I have a few issues that kind of made me a bit bummed because I was enjoying the game quite a bit. The first one and probably the biggest one is the story, I loved the premise and I loved how it felt at the start but it rather quickly became clear that the story was pushed to the background and MC simply goes from fucking one girl to the next. I will say I love story in these games as I find I could just watch porn if I want to see fucking. I wish there was more character development between all the fucking especially since it is hinted with quite a few characters that they have some background but it ends up either shallow or not really discussed due to... fucking. I also enjoy when a story has some realism in there, which this game sometimes does and sometimes don't.

    Related to the story is my issue with the dialogue. I understand there is a language barrier there so I have some understanding for grammar and spelling issues but that is not the main issue even if it sometimes makes it hard to understand them. The issue with dialogue is the fact that it's often very robotic, not always but quite often. One example which made it very apparent: at one point a person important to MC offers her virginity to him and his response was something along the lines of "Sure.". It usually comes off as the dev wanting to move onto the next sex-scene which would be fine with a porno but I want more from a VN, I want more story and dialogue to flesh out characters.

    My third issue with the game is very subjective (tbh all of this review is subjective) and a lot of people will likely not agree with me on this part. I usually do not enjoy sharing women in the games as I play it for the fantasy and I got little desire to ever share women. In this game you will share pretty much everyone with another woman. I honestly can't remember a single girl who is not also bi-sexual and either has or will sleep with another woman. The dev does a good job with the threesomes and a decent job with the polyamory (especially considering I usually dislike the latter but in this game it is alright). But it is literally everywhere. Don't get me wrong you have solo sessions with all the girls but you do end up sharing them at some point.

    This last issue is related to the others but might be a bit spoilery, it concerns the fact that things move a little too smoothly for MC and lack of impact in choices.
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    Last statement: You will enjoy this game greatly if you like MFF threesomes, MILFS and almost non-stop sex scenes. I do not expect someone who wants a great deal of story to put this game in their favorites anytime soon. For me it is enjoyable and I wish badly that the story and development of characters got deeper. This game had the start of a good story but sadly it just kinda drops off into becoming a decent harem game. I will likely continue playing this game with new updates but I can't shake the feeling that it could have been much more.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    It's an okay game that has pregnancy and plenty of options but it's almost the latter that goes from being a plus to a flaw. It's multipath so if you're playing it for a fetish or girl you like it basically requires a walkthrough/hints to make sure you're clicking the right options to lead to it. Then you're just screwed if two fetishes you like are on mutually exclusive paths. I'm just not a fan of that combination, adult games from independent devs just aren't sophisticated enough to put that kind of effort towards a few scenes you might want but end up playing guessing games or multiple play throughs see. Yeah this game makes a few attempts at hints through it's in game system, I'm giving it a 3rd start for doing that when most games like this don't go that far, but when you add in that while the renders are nice they're similar to every other rendered game out there, it's not a bad game but I doubt I'd download it again and it doesn't stand out.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    It's ok.

    Animations 2/5 for now
    Characters 4/5
    Story 4/5 and 1/5
    Renders 5/5

    The description of the game says most of it. What it doesn't say is that the MC is s t u c k in a relationship with the Boss Lady, the game n a g s the player into choosing the pregnancy route, will probably nag or force the player to get married to the Boss Lady, and that the other women are only available for sex and are n o t romance options. The animations are very stiff, and also there aren't very many of them, as most H-scenes are just stills, not a big deal really since this game doesn't have an animated tag.

    It's a nice game if you can get past that.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Cassius molifar

    One of the most underrated games out here , the renders and animation in it are well done , the story is amazing and gets better the more you get into it , in this game your decision matter so you can ignore any women you dont like so there is no women or fetishes that are forced on you and you can shape your path the way you want , great game.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Renders are awesome, story line is great example of quantity over quality. There were so many girls I couldn't keep track of who was who, yet in the moment MC was romantic enough that they didn't seem meaningless.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Goblin Baily: DILF

    This is the best game to ever have the harem tag, if you are into that. If you aren't, you can simply pursue the women you like. The reason is simply because Luke is not cheating on anyone. And the girls you get committed with are fine with sharing. The game is straightforward with choices , and the game has a hint system! If you need a walkthrough despite it all, I'm surprised you even know how to use a spoon....
    What struck me the most is the jump in the quality of the renders! Horton fuck! Slap your grandma! The initial renders were amazing and the ladies smoking gorgeous, but that's nothing compared to what's in later installments of Luke's Way....It's like comparing a tricycle and a Harley Davidson motorcycle.
    If you have some cash in your bank account, this is the game you can support and be sure your help will make the difference.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed the story so far, loads more than just sex scene! the plot is slowly coming together and there are a few things appearing earlier that I expect will come back later on (hopefully).
    Graphics are really good (the bleached assholes are a little weird on some of the girls, but minor thing)
    The one thing I'd like to improve is the personalities of the girls. It is a little too uniform for my liking . The 0.17 update include dominance/submissive points, I like that! (be nice to know how dom/sub you are) but then some of the girls should pick up on that and respond by being more domineering/aggressive (sexually) towards the main character as a result (sorry boys, but a guy being fucked with a strap on is a lot of fun for me :p)
    So yeah, enjoyed this one a lot, more please :D
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Let me just say I LOVE games that suspend disbelief. Magic, Mind-control, corruption, etc... All at the top of my list.

    This game has NONE of that. Graphics are OK (there are much better alternatives) and the characters all are "believable" if you accept the initial premise. The initial premise is "You have no experience in finance but you get a high paying job with a company where you are the only male employee within 5 large divisions, and you get an apartment, luxury sports car etc. all within your first week. Plus the company likes to have orgies. Plus you get to bang everyone you meet with no negative repercussions.Your Mom and Sis are camgirls and you get them high paying finance jobs too..."

    If you want just one big gang- bang then go ahead and play, you'll love it too. Me, I'd just as soon watch porn. I like my games with a bit of challenge to them.