VN - Others - Luna in the Tavern [v0.41] [TitDang]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Pay for Saves and Pay to be able to skip. Holy shit these devs need to go and work for Betheda or EA as executives or maybe they got fired from there and started this.

    Anything you want to do requires the Online version for all of the good sexy options I came across. So you get a free taste Offline and if you want to actually play the game you are forced to go online.

    Thankfully the character models are trash enough I don't think many will miss this.

    The Art looks good and get's you interested but the nickel and diming us to spend is out of control. Even when you do spend you don't get full content until you spend even more.

    Skip it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay so hear me out, personally, i have not factored in the paywalled shit, so i am just rating on the actual game. it is good, not perfect.

    The characters all look different and act different, ofcourse i wont remember the names but if you say purple haired bitch, i will know who you are talking about, or her personality, like the dark magician girl. they each definitely stand out! I like female protag games, but i also love choice, and this game has only a little of the later. But the animations are great and so is the art! I feel like it is a parody of something but i cant for the life of me remember what!

    Anyway, i like it
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Even if the writing was on par with tolstoy, the game being mind blowingly revolutionary and the porn so good you'd get a month long refractory period, (it really isn't and there are seriously far better games with more content on this bloody site that's you can easily get for free)

    the monetization process just sours the entire experience as if someone had taken a proverbial shit on every aspect of the game.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Beyond paywall is... another paywall(confirmed). "Game" is lackluster. Devs are greedy. Don't worth your try. Just pass it.
    You get ability to skip text if you pay devs( or you will need new mouse and
    forefinger after you play 30 mins) . Pretty nice idea.
    You still don't get full content even if you support dev's monetary.
    To have access to more content you need to pay more. Don'y really tested how much paywall level are there.
    But content generally don't worth it at all. Recomending just pass it even if you got baited by art.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    A soulless cashgrab that is designed to take money from users for basic features like mutiple saves and scenes, which form the backbone of any erotic game and the arrogance of the Devs in doubling down on their malpractices instead of actually rectifying their mistakes. How can you play a game that has basic features locked behind paywall.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    online payway is pretty awful and for 15$ im not paying for a few specific scenes. Honestly a shame as the art is good but the pure greed of the dev or dev team is a unforgivable sin and honestly is pretty pathetic as well.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    If you've ever wanted to play a game where saving is locked behind a paywall and 99% of the content is locked behind the paywall as well with a extremely gross always online DRM, this game is for you.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Art is mediocre at best. Monetization is borderline worse than EA, Acti-Blizz & Ubisoft combined. Paywalling basic game functions is just...ludicrous. Far better uses of your time than this cash-grab.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    It askes way too much monetization for basic commands. making the game a real bother to play, specially since it's based on a replay mechanic, and having to click back over the same long conversations over and over is really tiresome.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    The most pay walled game in history. Going as far as putting save slots and the skip button behind a paywall. The art is great but the game itself is disgusting xD

    Also you need to create a Patreon account to play it and you can't buy the game, instead you pay a 15-20$ subscription and the moment you stop paying you lose access to it so there's that too.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    The dev will never get a cent out of me and they are missing out on so much money by locking things behind a paywall.

    A lot of people on this site do actually go pay for the games if they find them really good, worth the money and in development. Myself included.

    EDIT 31/08/2024 - I revisted the game to see if their were ANY improvements upon the issues literally everyone here has. To my surprise, no. Since my review, a year has passed, this is a year of feedback and I assume backlash - you would think the developer would want to have more income, but alas, another game with good potential will drown in this area of gaming. A shame.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    It's impossible to enjoy because all the scenes are blocked by paywalls... It's just a total joke. I'll go look up the CG's somewhere else.
    What's the point of posting new versions if it's impossible to view the scenes? Definitely the worst game on the site that I have ever seen.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Ah, Luna in the Tavern, the visual novel that takes the world of Dota and turns it into a saucy romp. Where do I even begin with this one?
    First of all, let's talk about the art. The characters are all drawn beautifully, with plenty of curves and, uh, assets to go around. This game has a style that sets it apart from the thousands of things using DAZ renders.
    But let's be real here, the writing isn't exactly Shakespeare. But damn, I actually laughed a few times at some of the plot twists. I don't always feel like jerking off to a great dramatic story. The scenes are well done, and the moaning and groaning is just over the top enough to make Me smile.
    I guess paywalls are the most slippery subject. A lot of cool scenes that focus on certain fetishes require payment. It sucks.
    Anyway, I don't think this game deserves such a flood of hate.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    I agree that everyone have to make a living but doing a 15$ Paywall for VN contents is just an HUGE L for the dev, i can name so many other dev on patreon with more reasonable price (free even) with more contents than this VN-ish game
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    art is ok but the shitty online pay wall that you have to keep subscribed to 15 dollars a month to get content maybe every other month is dogshit. i can understand want to make money for what you do but this is the worse way to do it for the customer.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    I really wish i could give this game a 5 star for it originality and it's art but i can't and i will keep it simple

    The good
    • Has a very good art imo.
    • it's very original and has plenty of different fetishes
    • an OK amount of scenes

    The Bad
    • A single save
    • No skip button and the only way to pass things is with a mouse click so get ready to spend your mouse clicks and lifetime together with your sanity for doing a miss click and need to go back on your save
    • No walkthrough so you need to do trial and error to unlock scenes with 1 save

    The Terrible
    • Paid extra saves
    • Paid Skip button
    • Online DRM
    • Criminally low update frequency for a monthly subscription
    • 15$ bucks per month as a pledge to unlock the full game, with some countries taxes it can get into 19~25$ that is more than 10% of the minimal wage on a lot of contries for a couple of scenes, more saves, ability to skip, but the worst aggravating factor is that the moment you stop pledging you lose all, everything so yeah
    Some extra points is that you can play with more saves and other basic features some free versions(v0.11 and under *without premium scenes) that you can get for free on dev so if you want some crumbs there it is

    On a final note i follow this game for about 2 years maybe more, i had hope dev would change, but seem how little the game was developed this is barely a scam, and i'm sorry for anyone that already paid more than 200$ with little to none hope for an finished product, but if you didn't yet i suggest you to bail out, because at this pace this game is going to take more 10 years to reach an end.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    + 5 where:
    1 - interesting dialogues and plot at all
    2 - really nice art with bimbos and even loli
    3 - a fresh air, a single project of dota. there is no alternative. So far so more, nice character designs
    4 - easy to play, but with this have some tasks to do.
    5 - almoust free to play

    - 1 where:
    1 - shitty payable system. but from devs words 'all payable scenes will become free at the release of the game', so it makes it not so bad. So yeah 4 stars
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    - Art: One of the best games when it comes to art in my opinion. A very unique artstlye that I haven't seen in another game. Also managed to capture the source material (Dota 2) very well.
    - Dialogue: The setup for all the Chapters and resulting scenes is great. The dialogue works well in the scenes and is fitting for the character from the original game.
    - Content: There is quite a lot of content, even for free players. The vast majority is very high quality with only a minor amount of reused or lower quality stuff.

    - Choices: The game has quite a lot of choices and for the drinking-game part they are very good. There are some fake choices (like chosing which contest to do where in Chapter 4 when you can only do it at the correct spot anyways) and it's easy to lose track all of the status effects you will receive from the dialogue options that will usually have an effect much later.
    - Game features: While there are some features that are paywalled (multiple save slots and skip function), the free features are still fine for the most part since you can at least skip the longer chapter introductions. A second save slot would be convenient, but you can usually manage with one.

    - Payment model: The game has a very controversial payment model which is also a big reason for the many negative reviews it has. You get early access to new versions as well as some premium scenes and game features (like the mentioned multiple save slots) with a Patreon subscription. I don't think anyone complains about the early access, but the premium scenes/features require a monthly "Offlaner Tier" ($15) subscription for as long as you want to use them, which is quite high. I hope there might be some middle ground in the future with either unlocking the premium scenes for lower subscription tiers later (and possibly free users way later) or only requiring a one time purchase once the game is complete to access everything indefinitely. Since the premium scenes are only on the server side, this means they would be gone forver if the service ever stops and it also limits modding possibilities. I think releasing an offline version that includes the premium scenes with a year delay and lower subscription tiers being able to access it with a 6 month delay online would be reasonable, but if the current model is required to finance the game it's still much better than stopping development.

    (Note: I have played/tested the game with the free and the premium version at some points)
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed some scenes in this game but I Patreon adds in game ruin the experience for me. I can understand having few scenes behind a paywall but inability to save game or skip dialogue as paid features? WTF

    Art 3.5/5
    Story 2/5
    Gameplay - It's a VN so no real gameplay
    Fapability 3/5
    Music -/-
    DevSupport 1/5
    Originality 4/5
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Art style looks good.

    Bad Points
    - Saving and skipping are locked behind a paywall, and that's just totally unacceptable. It's what every game should have from the beginning, not something you should sell for more money...
    - Despite all ways DEV tries to take money game is actually very half-assed in every way: the art style looks good but it's not detailed enough nor unique, our story is not well-written, detailed, or original and we don't even have animations for sex scenes, they are nothing more than couple pictures and sex scenes don't even have good enough picture and different position variety...

    For The End
    With the paywall thing this is beyond playable and deserves nothing more than zero starts (if we have it...) and let me tell you something: I played the unlocked version and it wasn't good at all either, even with unlocked features it's nothing more than 1 stars rate game and that's very sad, don't waste your time with this.