VN - Others - Luna in the Tavern [v0.41] [TitDang]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Saving and skipping is locked behind a paywall, in a visual novel, where to get to different scenes you need to make different "choices", choices in quote marks because they are not even choices in a sense that visual novels usually entail. They are meaningless besides getting to a scene.

    Just terrible, even good art doesn't save this developer decision. If not for those paywalled functions, game can easily be 4 stars, maybe even more, but those types of things don't inspire much confidence.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A mind-blowing plot. Gorgeous art. Constant innovation. The coder and artist deserve their money for such a great game. Paid scenes are a fetishist's paradise. But I will lower my grade (from five to five stars) for the fact that all the most interesting things with Luna happen either in flashbacks or in alternate endings. When is she going to get fucked in the ass on the table in front of all the visitors and the plot continues!!!? Oh, and waiting for a cameo by Mortred.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    It's impossible to evaluate because all the scenes are blocked by paywalls... It's just impossible to play.
    What's the point of posting new versions if it's impossible to view the scenes? Definitely the worst game on the site that I have ever seen.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Quite a fun game, I do not know why such low ratings.
    Well, yes, it is simple, it should rather be considered erotic and pornographic humor than hentai in its pure form.

    But let's be objective:
    - There are plenty of scenes in the game;
    - Good artwork;
    - The plot in the chapters is simple, but this game, even judging by the title, does not need a complex plot.
    All in all, I liked it - just what you need to lift your spirits and turn off your brain.
    But one thing I will say, you either have to pay on Patreon, or look for a hack of this game.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Absolute scam, everything is locked behind a paywall, even the simplest functions like skipping / saving etc... Don't waste your time on this. Dev's like this shouldn't be allowed to promote their game on this forum if you ask me.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    As others pointed out this is as close to a literal scam as it gets. The only thing this game has going for it is the art, and even in that regard it's just above average, nothing novel to write home about.

    And even that slightly above the norm art reeks of scam, cause this "game" is nothing but a shiny hull around literal nothingness. There's no real story, there isn't much in regards to characters, the sex scenes are really repetitive and pretty random, there is far less player agenda than I can personally enjoy in a game that isn't much more than just a glorified visual novel (and then really a subpar one, it's less straight forward and honest than a kinetic novel, but it also totally lacks the intricacy and branching paths a good VN with player choices offers)

    Also this game obviously picked Dota as a theme because it attracts players, so it's a blatant cash grab/scam in that regard as well.

    I don't wish anything bad on the Dev as a person but I really wish he face-plants with his attempt to rip people of their hard-earned money, I would make an argument that paying for an exclusive membership on a porn site would still be a better investment than this.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    A blatant scam with good art. It's like if EA tried to release a porn game. Locking skipping and saves beind paywalls is just baffling. Titdang's other and the release schedule is so few and far between that you can't justify supporting this especially when the first tier doesn't really grant any benefits.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    The Electronic Arts of the Adult Videoludic Industry.
    Pay wall after pay wall after pay wall.

    But is the game actually worth it? It has good art and kind of decent-ish, original-ish gameplay. That's it. Don't expect a good game.

    If you want to spend some money on adult videogames, then look for something else that is actually worth them and donate to people who actually WORK on their games.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Paywalls like these are really scummy. You should figure out a way to have patreon content be a bonus rather than a way to lock basic quality of life functions to force people to pay you money for something that should be a given. Removing functions like saving or skipping is super lame and obnoxious.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Everything is behind a reoccurring paywall that I don't think is justified based on the content provided. I wouldn't recommend even trying the free version out because basic quality of life features like saving your game are behind a paywall. Go offer your patronage to a developer more deserving of it.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    the images are nice but thats where good things end
    playing with just mouse is not good, u need to brute click ur way forward without any way of skipping text when there are no scenes showing at least i didnt found any
    another thing is multiple endings to whom u cant reach because there is only one save space and u can only skip game to certain location
    it didnt felt nice trying to get all scenes and i gave up after my finger started hurting (heh) but i liked images and text too but it doesnt make sense for me to read something again and again without ability to skip when i need to reopen same save to get to different scenes
    it got potential but for now i recommend just finding gallery sites with images it will save u a lot of frustration and time from reading same things, loading ten times, looking for right answer just to get the image, hurting ur finger on mouse
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    The farcical DRM makes it impossible to enjoy this title. A shame the dev seems hellbent on not securing any goodwill with anyone in this community and would rather throw their name in the ring for the title of worst porn game developer. There are better games and developers you can and should support if you absolutely must spend money on porn games.

    Nice art, though.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Most of the content is blocked off and there is not enough to bother. Art is good, but not worth paying money for it.

    Do yourself a favor and forget about this game. This is clearly intended to be a cash grab by the developer with no real concern about the desires and wants of the people actually playing the game.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Very poor gameplay, and some of them needs money to be unlocked. I respect that but not when each chapter is short, with several CGIs.
    This wouldve been better off as adult comics instead of a game.

    The art is great but its almost unplayable with all the money blocked scenes. As a completionist of games, that bothers me a lot.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    I disagree with anyone who gave this game five stars and one stars bc there is some good in this game like the art design. However there is a lot of issue with this game like for what the devs are doing right now with adding a online drm to a VN game which it is questionable by itself but making people pay 15 per month for low effort content. I would given this a one star if I wasn't grading with how the game looks so It gets a two at least.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    what a fking shtty horrible engine maybe they should focus on improving that before worry about their drm, i feel that using my money as toilet paper would be a better use than supporting this garbage, perhaps if the artist just goes their separate way just do a comic, they would be able to accomplish much more than being bog down by this so call bore chore that they call "gameplay" and the bland stale "story".
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Backed this a little while ago to check out the slut story/ending.
    First I picked the wrong tier, so had to fork over more money, then the multiple choice minefield of the main story had me pulling up the walkthrough faster than I have in a long time.

    The slut story was very short, but very good. Sadly I can't really say the same for the rest of the game. You have to be so cautious with the choices you make in the first half of the game as game overs are really easy to hit, and after a lot of frustration I gave up and resorted to the walkthrough, which I really didn't want to do, spoiling the story and all.

    It's hard to decide on the number of stars for a review. On the one hand I don't regret backing the game and playing the slut path, on the other hand I didn't enjoy much of the rest of the game, but it's also my personal preference for games that focus on developing (or corrupting, my preference) one character instead of many.

    I guess if you don't mind paying a premium for a slut/corruption game that only lasts for half an hour, I think you'll be happy with what you get, I was. And again, the art is way better than most games. But the rest of the game is a bit all over the place, side characters and quests that I'd like to just go away, unforgiving multiple choices that end the game often, clunky save game system.

    I think if this team just did a basic, straightforward corruption of one character scenario for their next game, they could do really well. I hope they do.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Prompts telling you are missing content
    Requires a patreon account to save games
    Disgusting paywalled experience
    Author has 3 failed games under his belt

    Can we please, get a finished quality game for once?
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Barely worth it unless you're a patron. This game is so heavily paywalled that it looks like Raid: Shadow Legends. Paywall to save in the most recent version, paywall to skip fucking text, paywall for many locked scenes, paywall for a walkthrough. It's downright insulting to anyone playing free. The only reasons I'm not giving it a 1 star rating is because the art-style is good; meaning the game could even be worse. But hey, feel free to play it, although to enjoy it you'd better let your wallet loose. Or play something else.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Yeah no fuck this game, it is way too long to go on one sitting with only one save to go by it and having to unlock and go through many different choices. I get it, you pay to support the dev but this isn't about supporting, this is a plain as day paywall. To be fair I am playing this game for free, but I've played and pirated games before and if I liked them I'd buy them to have them in my library, apparently these devs can't understand basic marketing tactics and went full on greed mode.

    On another note, the art might be fine but this isn't a game directly, as far as I experienced it from the F2P version, you go through choices and read pointless-drop down brain dead- text. The story is not coherent enough to make sense, random characters get introduced and everything happens just because it does.

    The CG scenes and corny as hell. Like to hell if I've seen her vagina once getting penetrated by a dick, the choice of sex scenes are cheesy as fuck and there is only one other variant, the cuming scene. Underwhelming as fuck.

    It is a chore to play as F2P and even if you try to get past that, the game doesn't have much to offer.