If you could let me know the specific scenes (for the serena ones) or even better, the render names themselves, that'd be great! My personal render folder contains far too many images to find them manually to fix.
Another one in the Workshop again. This time one of Serena's hands does not exist (the right one). All images from serena_planning_1 to serena_planning_7 and serena_darlatalk_1 to serena_darlatalk_9
The location image of the club (club_menu) also has a shadow cut-off. At the left side where the two girls are standing.
Another error, this time a coding one, that appears in the patch (not sure if that one is an official or not).
In the scene with the label "amber_katie_patch" the speaker for Amber (am) was misplaced with Amy (a).
In the original version it's correct.