- Sep 29, 2021
- 39
- 57
Quickly I just loaded the save.
1. I did not complete all photosessions. But note progress status - absolutely no way to continue with all players but Kate and Amber. You will not the progress message says "Continue with other characters."
Now, I understand why you implemented this message - naturally to move on to other players to progress. And I understand that now (after weeks since playing)
2, So I figured out the problem - and note I would consider this a bad design flaw...
I would have never done unless you literally told me to "check photoshoots." Why?
A) I am playing the game for the story and events. As a player I am focused on that, I already saw the photoshoots and I rarely go to relook at animation events or photos. That is not a priority nor as a player am I innately by intuition going to check that.
B) The photoshoots 'replays' or galleries therefore are intuitively secondary and not something one is going to "check" by any natural inclination. People are simply going to miss it in long stretches of game between photoshoots! YET I understand their implementation that player is required to "upload them." I have a solution - read below.
Here's WAS THE PROBLEM: So because you mentioned the photoshoots I did just load up the save and check.
NOTE (this is not a factor though of problem):I did not complete all photoshoots, Amy 3 left; Claire 4; Kate 3, Serena 4. Logically I would assume that I of course would not complete all these at this point of game, nor does it matter.
Amber status was what it was. Yet when I checked her photosessions, there was 1 "uploaded session" and a box with a plus sign. I had to click on the plus sign to "upload."
Here is the the DESIGN PROBLEM: After a photoshoot is done, you really should consider implement one of these options or add them in your next update:
After a photoshoot is done, it is a far better idea to either have them uploaded automatically or prompt player to do so.
It is absolutely crucial that this is done, because without the game will eventually stall, even hours later (and player will scratch their head, and last thing to think of is go 3 screens deep in computer and note a plus icon!). And a player has to 1. login computer. 2. Go to photoshoots page. 3. AND THEN actually click on the right girl and notice that they have to click the + icon to upload!!!!
A player is not constantly taking photoshoots are they? No. These are progress points marked done very periodically.
I don't have time right now but I will probably play the game in 24 hours and see if the game continues progression. Honestly I thought it was done awaiting update. There was no clue or reminder that I have to go 3 clicks in my computer and hit an icon. I obviously did it before to upload other sessions,but guess what I naturally forgot and much later after hours when game stalled, it very difficult to remember.
This is not a player or file fault. It's simply a design fault. And I am glad to help point this out!
Absolutely I would just recommend that LOGIC: IF a photoshoot upload is pending THEN make a short sequence or dialogue box stating MC is now uploading the photoshoot next time they access their computer! Simple. I have seen other games do this exact thing. Otherwise the problem I had occur and it's tedious and frustrating as hell!
So it was just a matter of AMBER'S photoshoot not being uploaded YET. Again, I emphasize that I course did this before for other photoshoots but for whatever reason I did not for Amber. This is likely to keep happening for players that after a photoshoot unless they are reminded to immediately upload it or have the computer remind them next time they go on it, or have an automatic sequence to do it.
But still I need to play test to see if my theory is right that this was in fact the problem entirely and that the game will progress. (Probably a 99.9% chance)
I'll report later as mentioned.
1. I did not complete all photosessions. But note progress status - absolutely no way to continue with all players but Kate and Amber. You will not the progress message says "Continue with other characters."
Now, I understand why you implemented this message - naturally to move on to other players to progress. And I understand that now (after weeks since playing)
2, So I figured out the problem - and note I would consider this a bad design flaw...
I would have never done unless you literally told me to "check photoshoots." Why?
A) I am playing the game for the story and events. As a player I am focused on that, I already saw the photoshoots and I rarely go to relook at animation events or photos. That is not a priority nor as a player am I innately by intuition going to check that.
B) The photoshoots 'replays' or galleries therefore are intuitively secondary and not something one is going to "check" by any natural inclination. People are simply going to miss it in long stretches of game between photoshoots! YET I understand their implementation that player is required to "upload them." I have a solution - read below.
Here's WAS THE PROBLEM: So because you mentioned the photoshoots I did just load up the save and check.
NOTE (this is not a factor though of problem):I did not complete all photoshoots, Amy 3 left; Claire 4; Kate 3, Serena 4. Logically I would assume that I of course would not complete all these at this point of game, nor does it matter.
Amber status was what it was. Yet when I checked her photosessions, there was 1 "uploaded session" and a box with a plus sign. I had to click on the plus sign to "upload."
Here is the the DESIGN PROBLEM: After a photoshoot is done, you really should consider implement one of these options or add them in your next update:
After a photoshoot is done, it is a far better idea to either have them uploaded automatically or prompt player to do so.
It is absolutely crucial that this is done, because without the game will eventually stall, even hours later (and player will scratch their head, and last thing to think of is go 3 screens deep in computer and note a plus icon!). And a player has to 1. login computer. 2. Go to photoshoots page. 3. AND THEN actually click on the right girl and notice that they have to click the + icon to upload!!!!
A player is not constantly taking photoshoots are they? No. These are progress points marked done very periodically.
I don't have time right now but I will probably play the game in 24 hours and see if the game continues progression. Honestly I thought it was done awaiting update. There was no clue or reminder that I have to go 3 clicks in my computer and hit an icon. I obviously did it before to upload other sessions,but guess what I naturally forgot and much later after hours when game stalled, it very difficult to remember.
This is not a player or file fault. It's simply a design fault. And I am glad to help point this out!
Absolutely I would just recommend that LOGIC: IF a photoshoot upload is pending THEN make a short sequence or dialogue box stating MC is now uploading the photoshoot next time they access their computer! Simple. I have seen other games do this exact thing. Otherwise the problem I had occur and it's tedious and frustrating as hell!
So it was just a matter of AMBER'S photoshoot not being uploaded YET. Again, I emphasize that I course did this before for other photoshoots but for whatever reason I did not for Amber. This is likely to keep happening for players that after a photoshoot unless they are reminded to immediately upload it or have the computer remind them next time they go on it, or have an automatic sequence to do it.
But still I need to play test to see if my theory is right that this was in fact the problem entirely and that the game will progress. (Probably a 99.9% chance)
I'll report later as mentioned.
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