VN - Others - Completed - Lupercalia of the Silent Accord [Final] [Uguisu Kagura]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Lupercalia is a very good example of a hidden gem in the VN world, and a title that can (really) be qualified as kamige or top tier. This is mainly due to writing quality being very high, and the unique setting, that is breaking conventions more often than not. The translation has issues, but they are minor when compared to the great service that was provided, so getting this in English, is something to be thankful for.

    - Unique premise/setting. Lupercalia portrays a troupe of (theater) actors, and their personal and work related struggles. It's an amazing depiction of a world filled with expected fiction, harmful truths, and the barriers that don't stop them from merging.
    - Excellent writing. Lupercalia follows a screenplay (large scale) logic that goes hand in hand with the theater setting. Characters are always "moving to the side" to deliver a monologue just like in a play. It's a very welcome change from the usual VN, in terms of scenes and segment distribution.
    - Great voice acting. Because we are talking about characters that are supposed to be actors, their voice actors were allowed more range than the usual comedy (laughs) to drama (tears). It's very good.
    - Very powerful, raw and unmistakably human feelings - One of the main selling points of Lupercalia, no one is just selfish or selfless, brave or a coward, loves or hates something clearly. Lots of shades of grey. Characters are multi-dimensional.
    - Interesting and relatable themes. The advantages, and disadvantages of facing reality head-on; Being in love, and being in love, with the notion of being in love; Humans are both wretched and beautiful. That kind of thing.

    - Some scenes, and flashbacks in particular, go on forever. Obviously, a lot of the characters are actors, and associating inflated ego, selfishness, and self-absorbed speeches with them, is a popular preconception, but the writer disregards basic attention span, the reader might possess. The fact that it makes sense given the setting, and that is purposeful, doesn't stop the boredom from setting in at some points.

    Score: Lupercalia is a 9/10, and I'm very glad that something of this caliber got translated. Really great VN, that is on par with the top names of the medium. If you enjoy a good read, look no further, this is highly recommended.

    (H-scenes are fine, but since Lupercalia is a "recent" title more could have been done in terms of production values. No point reading Lupercalia because of them.)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Frankly I loved it, I would highly recommend not spoiling anything by looking anything up. This game has no need for a walkthrough or anything of the sort, don't risk spoiling yourself. If you aren't interested in the game by the end of act 2 or so, I would drop it, this one isn't for everyone.