Ren'Py - Lust Academy [S4 v4.1.1d] [Bear in the Night]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Truly spectacular! I love this game! It is a wonderful balance between lustful lewd scenes and genuinely good story telling. This world of magic and love will keep you coming back for more. I know I keep coming back to see what they add next :)
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    M Salvo

    I really used to like this game, it clearly has a lot of effort put into it with really beautifully crafted models and, very unusually for these types of games, the menus look pretty much professional-grade, really top notch.

    The problem is the game is just way too much of a slow burn. Do you like a particular girl or a particular thread of the story? Too bad, you'll be lucky if it gets revisited once or twice in a full year. And even then when you get content with that one girl that you've been looking forward to it's way too little and is over before you even get to enjoy it.

    season 2 lacked in story and options. I began feeling like my choices didn''t matter and maybe it was never meant to be a "multiple ending" kinda game? Still, I wish it gave me the illusion that my choices mattered like in season 1.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I want to start with a review as a whole, then Season 3 specifically.

    To begin, I love the game. The story is very good, and each character for the most part feels like they belong and serve a purpose, no 2 characters are too similar and the important ones get their story fleshed out enough that you actually like their personality.

    The characters are what really sell this game. The magic is cool, but most of it is not used, or used once then never seen again. You get 4 real spells to work with. One that does damage, one that does damage over time, one that stuns, one that heals. Pretty basic, but it works I suppose. I just hope they do more with spells in the future as the way they are used right now is extremely bare bones and surface level.

    As I mentioned, the characters are what really sets the game apart. My favorite is Haley, as I have her Fan Sig, followed closely by Ashley, as well as Lily, Vanessa, and Season 3 arrival June. Although, I am not a fan of the whole bimbo body type, so the characters such as Victoria, Olivia, Season 3 arrival Eva, and Adele, never really stuck with me despite Victoria and Adele being fan favorites it seems.

    Overall, the game is very good. It's had time to grow and develop so it really has found something with it's formula. Sandbox mode is awesome, as it allows me to choose the order of things I do. Additionally, I very much enjoy the ability to replay scenes in the shower. I know it seems like a weird thing to point out, put I like being able to see snipets like that. After you're done the whole night peeping thing, which can be completed in maybe 3 or 4 in-game weeks, there isn't much to do during the night hours, so being able to replay a random scene from a chosen character is really nice. I just slap on a random number generator for which character I get and I basically just get a random scene at that point. I don't know, I like it.

    To end this off, I'd like to review Season 3 specifically. Season 3 seems to be the weakest in the game so far, but it's still good, don't get me wrong. I think my main issue with it is that there was too much in one season. It takes you all of Season 2 to free the founders of Cordale, then you free like 2.5 schools in one season. On top of that, they added a whole batch of new characters, which I'm glad they want to add characters, but it feels like there may be too many now. Adding new characters means less energy spent on existing characters and their stories. I mean, Audrey came back after being gone in Season 2 and there is barely any content for her. Only a handful of missions. Sam really doesn't have much going on, nor Ashley. Haley gets a bit, but she's the face of the game pretty much. My point is, it feels like there are too many one off scenes and short storylines for a bunch of characters rather than the longer more engaging stories for existing ones, and I'm just not a fan of that. I feel like the game should have spread out the main story over 2 seasons rather than one, this way, they could have focused on fleshing out the characters from the other schools, as well as the side stories, and gotten more in depth with their characters, which has always been a strong point for the game.

    To conclude, I like the game a lot, I just felt that Season 3 tries to cram too much in a small timeframe, I think the main story being spread out among 2 seasons, and allowing there to be more side content for new and old characters, would've benefited the game. We are introduced to new characters at the other schools too, but we kinda just pump and dump before actually being able to connect with them in any way. I'm sure they will return, but I think it would have been better to build up those relationships rather than rushing them so quickly. Either way, the game is still great and has something for pretty much anyone, Season 3 may have left me a little disappointed, but it's not bad by any stretch. Still a 4/5 game.
    Likes: DuniX
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I gave up after 2 hours of pure bullshit. I used to like this game because it’s clear a lot of effort went into it. The models are beautifully crafted, and the menus look surprisingly professional for a game like this.

    But the game is way too slow. If you like a specific girl or storyline, tough luck—you’ll be lucky if it gets any attention once or twice a year. And even when it does, it’s so brief you don’t even get to enjoy it.

    The story is a mess. New events pop up out of nowhere, adding to the chaos when there’s already too much going on. Meanwhile, some storylines get ignored for over 10 updates. It’s impossible to stay engaged when nothing makes sense and everything is all over the place.

    And the bad English? It’s not the worst, but it’s bad enough to constantly annoy me and make the story even harder to get into.

    Unless you’re looking for something insanely slow-paced and confusing, stay far away from this game.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Best 3 star game you will play.

    If you asking why not 4 or 5 star, that's because this game will not give you what you want, only what dev wants.
    I really hope that dev will consider all these negative reviews and give players what they want. You cannot just show us Victoria's cake and make us wait 3 season to see scenes with her. It is absolutely unnecessary waste of time.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to love this game. The models are really good, and I downloaded the game (hoping) that the second hurdle (writing) was as good. It was not. If you can understand any of the dialogue then good on you, but even when you CAN understand the dialogue, its boring and makes no sense. The running theme of this game is that things are happening and for some reason, YOU (as the MC) are the only one that can save everyone, and every minute counts!!!! But... dont worry you can just casually go for a week doing literally nothing but going to random classes and banging random girls (and or guys), with not even the tiniest sense of urgency. Things just seem to work out because, well... because you are special or something. The main story is nothing if not boring, the scenes are well animated and the models are really top shelf. Just so much dissapoint with the actual story. I just... cant.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all this is one of my favorite games and is very well done on both the VN and sandbox side. I love all the npcs and the girls are very attractive as we..

    - immersive story
    - Solid renders
    - Unique NPCs
    - Variety of choices and options

    - not many but I would like a bit more romance and I feel like I should be able to ask a girl to be my steady and focus on her. Kind of at times feels like a forced harem with no love.

    overall great game and I only have that one little beef with the romance tag. It feels like some dates are romantic, but they end without ever establishing a relationship.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    This game had a lot of potential, but unfortunately, it falls short in several key areas. While the visuals are stunning and the renders are top-notch, the writing is subpar, marred by grammatical issues and poor dialogue. The fantasy theme, clearly inspired by Harry Potter, initially seems promising, but the story fails to captivate, feeling more like a shallow porn game than an engaging narrative.

    The protagonist is a significant drawback, coming across as both creepy and unintelligent, which detracts from the overall experience. The female characters are two-dimensional, fitting typical harem stereotypes without any real depth or consistency. Despite an intriguing premise, the game does not fulfill its potential, and the more you play, the more evident this becomes.

    For those who enjoy visual novel modes and dislike sandbox elements, there is some appeal, but the lack of an interesting plot and the inability to transfer saves between seasons are significant flaws. Ultimately, while the game is worth playing for its visuals, the weak writing and character development leave much to be desired.
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Saint Blackmoor

    Had a LOT of potential ... BUT .. I give it 2 stars because the writing is sub-par to the visuals. While there are some positives to this project, the negatives outweigh them. There are issues with grammar and writing.
    I imagine that the time and money spent would have been better divided on clearer and flowing dialogue. Even taking snippets from Harry Potter it self. Many games suffer from this issue Poor dialogue/great renders or Artemphonemic. I had hoped that the issue would have been addressed sooner.
    I would recommend playing the game more for the visuals than the dialogue.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Good thing about game is visuals. Renders are top notch and there VN mode for those who hate sandbox. Fantasy theme is inspired from Harry Potter about the story it's not interesting at all. Felt like a porn game that's all there is no interesting elements. Also protagonist is creepy asshole. Completed season 1 dropped the game at season 2 halfway
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    The scenes are decent enough visually. But that's basically the only thing the game has going for it. It's writing is stale it's protagonist is both creepy AND stupid the girls are completely two dimensional harem stereotypes that change on a dime. The game honestly had an interesting premise but the more you play the more you realize this game is never going to live up to it.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    the game itself looks good, but I didn't get season 3 because I can't transfer the save from the second season then, as well as the normal plot is good, mostly the world of cool magic and wizardry Hogwarts
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    when downloading the game, I expected the worst...

    I liked Wednesday and Hermione... but there's nothing since Wednesday yet... what is it, Hogwarts who's over 30?.. Well, okay... 25... well, 20 sometimes... In short, old women for Harry Potter ...

    sleeping sex seems to be there, but it doesn't seem to be... 4 women are sleeping, 2 women can be given in the mouth, 2 can not, one here to touch, the other there... it is impossible to have sex with sleeping girls in short, only blowjob ...

    anal was so far only with Hermione, maybe there are others, in general anal is present...

    sandbox... there is a choice at the beginning of the sandbox or VN... how can a sandbox be played as an VN?.. maybe it's just a VN disguised as a sandbox?.. It's more like the truth...

    a story... I didn't get into it... Strangely enough, but in the game I love the gameplay and only then the plot... I slapped Hermione's ass, and she started flirting with me... She didn't punch me in the face, didn't run away, didn't even yell at me... after a couple of meetings, she was no longer against intimacy... why?.. I don't know... just like that...

    [S3 v3.4.1d + S2 1.12.1d] yes... I understand only one thing [v1.0] this is a completed game, but the developers certainly know better... 3 years... well, apparently in 3 more years you can see what happened here, if they don't give up...
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Models, graphics, story everything 's top notch.
    Updates are frequent and dev is working really hard to provide updates on time.
    Have been playing this game from 2021. And i love it
    Support the dev in patreon and leave a feedback in here, so that it can reach out to the newbies.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    [Played till 3.4.1d] Great mechanics, fun plot, great LIs (please bring Naomi back and get rid of Gabriella tho)... Just a fun game overall.
    I have a few suggestions. Even though it's simple, I dig the duel style and I wish it was more present throughout the main story. I also would like to see a trans femme (operated vag and all) in the future. The last one would be having more people around on the scenes. The world just feels really empty for such a big place.
    My complaints are: MC's personality is annoying and I wish it was adjustable and we could have more dialogue choices; maybe it's affected by my disliking towards the MC, but the dialogue could be better; MC's face is the weirdest of 'em all on all 3 seasons (including pixies, giant and mushroom girl); might be her outfit, but Victoria's body took a slightly weird turn in season 3.*

    Keep up the good work, dev! Looking forward to see what comes next.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to like this one, but it just couldn't get there. Wish I could give it 2.5, but I'll give it that extra bump for the variety of love interests. There's a TLDR at the bottom.

    Visuals (4/5):
    • What you see is what you get. If you like the pictures in the preview images, then you’ll like them in the game. I personally think most of them are pretty hot. I also think the dev should get some points for the locations, particularly after season 1 when he spends some time freshening them up and tweaking the lighting. It’s a pretty decent looking game.
    • There are animations, and some of them are pretty good. They get better after season 1. It’s nothing really spectacular like the animations in the recent updates of University of Problems or Twisted World, but it’s still solid.
    Gameplay (2.5/5):
    • Like most adult games, the gameplay in this game is “Fine”. There’s nothing very special about it, the sandbox elements are not annoying although there are some weird things going on with it. For example, you might have a 3 second conversation with someone in the hall and all of the sudden time progress as much as if you had gone to class when the dev probably should have just not made it progress time at all. There are also moments when you talk to a character and unknowingly skip through basically the entire day because they wanted to go for a walk and suddenly it’s night time. This can be frustrating if you were planning on doing something else during a later part of the day and now you have to wait until the next day (or even next week for some events) to try again.
    • The sandbox can also, sometimes frequently, cause an issue where scenes happen clearly out of order. You’ll do a bunch of quests for one girl and complete most of her storyline and then hop over to do a story mission where the MC muses about “maybe getting to know her”.
    • The combat is also fine. It’s not very engaging or anything special, but it’s neat enough that it doesn’t make combat a complete slog.
    World (4/5):
    • The world in this game is pretty interesting. Unfortunately, it feels a bit like cheating to give this a positive value since it’s… let’s be generous and say “heavily inspired” by Harry Potter. But I will say to the dev’s credit, some of my favorite bits of world building in this game is stuff he’s altered from HP.
    Story (3/5):
    • Just beyond “passable”. The story does its job as window-dressing to lay the characters and porn on. It’s nothing revolutionary, it’s not even that interesting, but it’s decent enough to not get in the way of the rest of the game.
    Characters (2.5/5):
    • The characters in this game are pretty basic. Most of them are just your classic archetypes, and only a select few ever dare to step beyond that and gain an ounce of depth. That being said, many of them are still likeable. Probably my biggest issue is with Audrey. It’s like the dev is trying to make her a Tsundere, but instead she’s just a complete bitch who very occasionally says something that isn’t mean and the MC’s inner monologue reminds us that “she’s not actually that bad”. It’s a shame since she’s so hot, but I just hate interacting with her.
    Writing[Dialogue] (1.5/5):
    • As the title of this point suggests, when I say “Writing”, I mostly mean “Dialogue”, as the rest of the writing is already covered in the Story, Characters, and World sections. The dialogue in this game is just straight up not good. It’s not that it’s full of errors or bad grammar, but every character sounds stilted and awkward. The dialogue during sex is awful and I cringe every time someone makes a bad pun about the sex being “magical” or saying stuff like “you’re a wizard” in bed. It’s not funny and it just takes me out of it. None of the characters speak or behave like real people, often spitting out their feelings like an internal monologue.
    • The biggest offenders are probably the comments you make on the “Lustagram” app. Some of the comments, especially the “flirty” ones, are insanely cringy and borderline harassment.
    • Additionally, the main character often behaves in a way that makes me really wish there were more choices in this game. One of the biggest examples is when a certain character goes to work as a dancer at the club and the MC just freaks the fuck out. He grabs her like a maniac, spills coffee everywhere, and storms over to the club to try and make the owner not hire her. He comes off as a controlling, abusive psychopath. There’s no option to just… support her? Like I would maybe understand if the point was that she doesn’t end up working there, but she DOES end up working there even though you throw your little baby temper tantrum. So if the end result is her working there anyway, why is there no dialogue option that is just “I understand and support you” until after they dump some really personal trauma on you? And that’s just one instance. It’s wild that the dev just forces you to behave like a dangerous manchild out of nowhere.
    • This is really, by far, the worst aspect of this game. It’s so bad that it makes me wonder if the dev has ever actually talked to a woman in his life. The only reason this doesn’t get a 0/5 is because it’s coherent. The only thing that could make the writing worse would be if it was actually unintelligible gibberish.

    TLDR; Overall, this game is a pretty looking game with average characters, pretty models and animation, and a moderately interesting setting. But it’s unfortunately dragged into the depths of mediocrity by the genuinely awful dialogue and writing.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the first AVN for me I bought it on steam and never regret!

    - Character design is great
    - Story is interesting
    - Hogwarts experinece
    - Render is great!
    - Sandbox is kinda fun too
    - The neighbor girl ,Martha ,The Founder and Lily are the best!

    - Can be much more magical
    - Need Martha scene and many more magic girl

    Thanks a lot for great AVN hopes for more
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is actually very creative.
    HP plot mixed with some sexual luggage, and with very good art
    Emma Watson as a hot character was the the best touch, honestly
    But, aside her, and maybe Lily, the game doesn't have many interestings things to explore and do... actually, it seems like a total waste having so many secondary characters...
    I thought there would be some better events for Haley, like potion of invisibility (making her walk naked until the effect worn out), or the silly "your clothes disappear" and things like that from the world of magic
    The interaction with her is just too physical, so starts getting bored after a whole while...
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Main story is good and i find the side stories of most of the girls pretty good as well, so there is plenty to come for in this game, graphics is good in game as well with a nice college setting.

    Its pretty fun how they have put in Emma/Hermione, as some would proberly call Haley, but in truth they failed if that was the goal since she was made with proberly 2-3 sizes bigger tits then IRL and Sabrina Spellman should proberly have been a young student instend of a milf teacher, but Wednesday they made spot on in both look and build, with her friend Enid/Alice they went a bit overboard on the tits again but other then that she looks nice, but still a bit of a fail not keeping it more close to reality when you do make copies of RL characters.

    The girls/Lis has a big range of builds but it can feel like the main focus is mostly on big or huge tits fetish which i personaly find to be a huge turn-off, maybe because there are alot more story with big girls then the smaller ones, most of chapter 3 so far was 90% girls with big tits, it will proberly be better now that we are back in college but outside/home story is exteemly boring if you dont like the big girls, since the main girl is Sam and her sister, mother, mothers friend are all big girls and the ones you follow when not in college, they really should add one or two with small build in home story to keep the something for everyone going.

    But that said there are alot of girls with more normal or smaller tits as well, a fast count would be 19 big/huge girls and 17 small/normal so ratio is really good compared to alot of other games.

    And as you can see thats also a shitload of LIs in one game around 40+ if you count gay/monster as well, but it works and your not forced to be with any one of them, you can still do their quests and just pick friend route insted of sexual which is really nice.

    i did the sandbox game where all LIs each have their own questline but you arent even forced to do them if you really dont want to since they arent connected to the main story when it comes to relationships, you will still see some in main story which works out just fine no matter how you play.

    The sandbox it self is about picking up a few books here and there, click on the LI you want to do a quest with and just move around the map, there is also some fights with magic which you can skip to win or play on your own, so all in all its a pretty good sandbox game and there is no real grind either.

    The only thing missing in this game is pregnancy, kinda supprise its not there considering one LI is desperate to have a baby with MC, but who knows maybe it will be added at some point, but i do see the issue with so many LIs making pregnancy for all would be an impossible workload.

    Story 5/5
    I like both main and most of the side quests with the girls, plenty of content.

    Girls 4/5
    It has a wide selection of girls they look unique and has diffrent personalities and there is all kind of builds from small to huge tits so in other words something for everyone.
    But cant give it max score since the RL copies should have been done more accurate when you do deside to use RL copies and not just go crazy with the boob slider it only ruins it a bit.

    Animations 3/5
    They are good enough to enjoy but they are mostly a bit short and i have seen alot better, so they arent good or bad just average.

    Music 3/5
    Its also about average, it has some sound effects as well, but all in all pretty standard background music.

    Choices 5/5
    Well nothing is forced on you and you can freely pick any LI you want, to have a friendly or sexual relationship with, cant really ask for more.

    I was going back and forth between 4 and 5 stars, but since story and choices is the 2 most importen parts of a game to me, and i love the high number of LIs as well, so i have to give it 5 for now, might change my mind later to a 4.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    The amount of content in this for the amount of time its been in development is probably unparalleled. The downside is probably 33% of it or more should be cut. Definitely go VN if you play, the sandbox is just a way to waste extra hours of your life on repetitive tasks.

    With that said, the writing is some of the worst I have seen, especially given its popularity and levels of support, basic spelling/grammar editing would add a full star or two. Its an Engrish game with cheesy dialogue, characters have minimal personality and would be indistinguishable if not for model differences. The MC could star in the 40 year old virgin in the real world. MC is an immature twat, and there are no player decisions to have them not be a possessive manchild.

    I spent hours giving this a shot and hoping it would get better as it progress but I couldn't make it through the 2nd season, because it seemed like it was just going in circles. The story arc is boring/predictable, and there is zero character development. Every character will quickly drop to their knees for you and is (hilariously) unaware that the MC is banging their friends, teachers, the entire campus.

    The models are good and the animations are ok. Thats about all it has going for it