Ren'Py - Lust Academy [S4 v4.3.1d] [Bear in the Night]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    At first glance this game looks great, the renders are gorgeous and the girls are hotter! In terms of gameplay though it is dreadful! Did a famous influencer play this game? Hmmm…

    • Renders are great
    • Animations are very good
    • Girls are hot!
    • RNG elements SUCK
    • The Grind… OMG THE GRIND!!!
    • Game has been in development for over a year and still has hardly any xxx scenes
    • Dialogue is generic and boring
    • Story is bland and barely existent, got a feeling the dev is making it up as they go along.
    Will update if game gets better.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, good graphics ----amazing models ;) ------ and the choice to play sandbox or VN is nice.
    The world is very loosely a Harry Potter world but so far its not constricting how the dev is choosing to put his own stamp on it.
    Also like that you can skip mini games.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 396172

    Gameplay : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Story : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Spelling : ✭✭✭✭✰
    renders : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Animations: ✭✭✭✭✰
    Potential : ✭✭✭✭✭
    Overall : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Girls physique : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Graphic : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Sex Content : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Creativity :✭✭✭✭✰
    Note :
    well i wanted to give 4 stars becoz i didn't like the MC face but its not right to remove 1 star becoz of that.
    the game : I love it ! definitely u should try it .
    all the best to the developer.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Played VN v0.4.2. Pretty good game. Nice to see another magic theme game done right. Likable characters (Haley 10/10), Interesting story, Options to play both in sandbox and VN mode (same content), nice minigames which can be skipped if not interested ,BGM is good, Animations are very very good.
    An overall good game so far cant point any negatives other than i want more :KEK: .
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Really enjoying your game so far thanks to the solid world building, gorgeous character models, and pretty fun gameplay loop. It can be a bit of a slow start as you learn all the spells and potions you need for the combat mini game, but overall the game is off to a great start. That said as of version 0.4.2 the saving system (for the sandbox version that is) is trash and keeps reverting back to a single save file. Could possibly be due to the update interfering with older save data but it almost ruined a bit of the experience for me. Still, it is a work in progress and I'm excited to see where it all goes. Great work!
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + We have ''some'' interesting characters (with their look and character development) and their character developments are fine. (Some is key word here, there is 2-3 cringy and annoying character and im pretty sure we gonna get more...)
    + We have some interesting story potencial here, but its wasting by poor writing...
    + We have good looking art/render style and girls/women looks good aswell.
    + Foreplay scenes looks pretty good and sex scenes are fine aswell, they are animated and their quality, physics and FPS value looks good.
    + There is some funny/cool/enjoyable references to known movies like Rictumspempra spell from Harry Potter serie or insults like ''fucking Gandalf'' which Molly used for Arthur (LMAO) etc refences like that makes this game way more enjoyable. The only downside should be not being original enough with using to much reference, but we didn't saw anyting like that until v0.4.2 and i hope we dont saw that in new versions aswell.

    Bad Points
    - For first versions i though game story is not original but well written, and then we keep learning more about game story and MC, which make things worse and worse with every new story update... Currently this game have poor writing for MC and story involved around him and its just kills whole fun of game...
    - There is a lot of thing makes zero sense about MC and story involved around him. And its MC's general character and how his character is un-accurate with story itself. He is the chosen one which incresing his powers day by day, but he still acts like crybaby over Samantha's shoulder for mere note... Or more importantly he believes the guy acting crypctic AF and listens things he told about his family and Arthur etc... And most importantly he even believes him over Lenona and not tell her reason why he wants that seal... Seriously? Acting suspicious aganist the person who choices you as a chosen one? Helping you with whatever it takes? And im not even gonna talk about how sweeatheart she is... And he literaly got suspicious about her because of cryptic guy like him? And when we were about to give seal MC saying ''I dont like all this...'' ? He is so dumb can't even release things how odd is until the last point? LMAO. When he got choked by him i was just laughing my ass how dumb he is LOL. And after he wake up Arthur saying him what his done was act of true hero I just lost it. He was the reason why all that shit happened, the only thing he done was fixing his failure little bit, and its ''Act of true hero'' ? HAHAHAHAHA! Heck i don't even wanna talk about Leona giving him seal like that easily... And the story about his mother and Jacob? Jacob being lover of his mother, possesed by evil Lord, rape her and she run away with being pregnant... And lastly we learned all founders are now captive (slowly dying...) and for saving them we need find their artifacts? And when we found one of the artifacts someone named Beatrice appeared from nowhere and killed Jacob! What was the point of the story about him raping MC's mother then? Seriously? Long story short everyting about MC and his story is literaly big mess and makes no sense at all.
    -Tied to other bad point: as you can gues we have so little control about MC literaly named by us (players i mean) and its makes things worse. Players should have more choice about his act aganist situtations and can decide MC not being complete moron if they don't want. Its whole point playing games instead of watching porn and this game don't have that.
    - Scene about Diego and how he blasted MC's head, how he can't feel his pressence and that bondage scene with Adele etc was not necesary at all...
    - We have couple of annoying characters. First one is Naomi and she acts like all mighty and big shot aganist MC, mocks him and still wants him to do things for her etc... Its kind of annoying but im not gonna say she is not bearable because MC knows how to put her in place she deserves. And there is Audrey... Which had absolutely terrible character development and first sex scene and continues terrible scene before update v0.6.1f. Nearly every player of this game was hating her content and wanting change and DEV was telling people stop whine and just skip her content. But after getting a lot of bad review because of how terrible her content his DEV decided change things little bit. With v0.6.1f she still have that terrible dialogues for her first sex scene (She literaly eats MC alive, feast on his soul and takes all his energy, and when he became limp tells him get out from her room and not even give him proper release and literaly treat him like a human waste) and she still acts like bitch, but at least as a MC we got option to be rude aganist her because of her act. Now MC is not acting like total beta loser and you have option to be nice or rude which is should have added before all this drama. For getting just little dialogue choice we gotta live this drama and had to wait 3 update (2 month), which is totaly nonsense... Anyways now her content starts annoying but as a MC you are getting give proper answers and her continues content is more bearable before but she is still not loveable character and still acts like annoying bitch...
    - We cant see what we do when draw a spell and its so god damn random, you can get %100 success with random draw or you can get %30 or someting with perfectly drawed spell and its god damn annoying... DEV should chance that spell draw animation/mini game ASAP and make someting working. For example our first spell drawing was visible and it was kind of ok to draw, i would like to see that as a normal minigame/animation.
    - Save page buttons are to small and their distance between of them is to small, its pretty easy to press them wrongly and if you have to much save this means you need skip a lot of page everytime accidently press them... Little bit change could be amazing.
    - Sometimes game itself having some problems and freezing for second or so and its pretty annoying. It can be happen while trying to open menu or lustagram or in other situtations etc.
    - Couple of things are buggy since release and DEV still not fixing it. And most annoying one is ''Skip'' part in settings, despite choising all of them sometimes they don't work at all and when you untick them they work! Thats just so annoying and nonsense and it needs fix!
    - There is effect (Like a light open and up, like blinking) when you go another place in sandbox mod and its pretty annoying and unnecesary, its needs to remove.
    - I'm not sure about DEV's main/mother but dialogues feels like translate and a lot of them have grammer problems (Even worse than mines LOL): which makes things hard to understand and kind of annoying.
    - General quality can use some work, not all of them but some of renders looks blury and little bit bad.

    For The End
    Honestly this game started amazing, became average with 1-2 update and with Audrey drama and latest updates its became poor and if i don't count visual parts of game its even terrible... Its had great potencial but currently only good thing about this game is hot looking girls and well maked sex scenes and everyting except that just terrible, its just big mess and without reworking game from very begining its nearly impossible to fix this mess.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Really made me attached to the characters . One thing that i could see improvement in is the mini games because right now they dont have any affect and the mage battle is a little wack.

    I cant wait for the next update.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm a huge fan of Harry Potter and I can't believe someone made a game that is similar but not identical to the original movies. Honestly, I'm playing it in awe. I love it! The characters, the art, the animations, the story. Just keep it coming, if you know what I mean, please! <3
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Review at [v0.4.1f ]. This game is amazing. Its somewhat of a parody of the HP universe and other familiar fantasy settings.

    The good:
    - Awesome characters
    - Awesome renders
    - Great animations that keep getting better
    - Interesting story and actually charming world
    - Good ideas for gameplay that don't feel that repetitive and boring
    - Seems like it will have plenty of different kinks and fetishes which can each be avoided if not to your taste same as the characters.

    The Bad:
    - Long time between updates(to be expected with this type of quality)
    - I'm personally not that fond of the MC's look.
    - Some gameplay elements feel unpolished and updates give an overall sense of "making it up as we go", however the directions taken are good and dev listens to feedback.

    Overall I think this game is already one of the best on here and has the potential of becoming something really memorable. Hope support for it continues and the dev/devs stick to it and give us something special.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    amazing game one of the best compared to other new games. This one have quality and decent animation and unique characters appearance I fucking love this game :D I also hope for more futa and feet thing :)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    What started out as yet another college VN with all of the usual tropes quickly turned into something really different and fun.

    This game is basically like if the Harry Potter series were thrown in a blender with AOA Academy, and I mean that as the highest compliment.

    My only complaint is that we are forced into the Lionhearts, I was really hoping we could choose, but eh, no big deal.

    The character renders are gorgeous. Up there with some of the best VNs I've ever played. I love Haley. Oh, and bonus points to the dev for having actual curvy and full-figured women in the game.

    I found the writing to be very charming, as well. A few instances of typos, but nothing major.

    Also loved the UI of the Lustagram app. It's so detailed and well done with tons of posts to look at and dialogue options to pick from.

    Fuckin' great game thus far.

  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Renders are really good, pluspoints for that. Story is alright, the setting could be good but it's used in a pretty boring way. Writing is pretty bland overall. Gameplay is super repetitive though. You have freeroam with extremely little to do and once you run out of events (which is super quickly) you can only do the repetitive minigames, which are super monotonous. There is a way to skip past certain timeslots however you will lose out on points, which you get from those repetitive minigames, and then you cannot visit a new area on the weekends. I only had a certain building with 3 woman left that is only unlocked on the weekend, and that has buggy time progression, so I was forced through 3 weeks of mindless repetitive grind just to get to the weekend, ughhhh. I really wish that the freeroam either had more interesting activities or the point system didn't force you to slog through it hundreds of times.

    In summary:
    + Renders/visuals
    Ø Story/writing
    -- gameplay
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Game version: 0.3.1d

    The game started really sweet and promising, especially regarding the superb render quality. Interesting characters, nice story.

    Unfortunately, the game turned into the wrong direction by introducing free roaming and too many uninteresting and bland side-characters.

    I would have prefered the game to only deal with 2,3, maybe 4 characters and their evolving (sexual..) relationship towards each other.

    The actal lewd content is almost zero, but with a lot of teasing instead- quite thrilling for the first few updates, but it got annoying pretty fast.

    Like some other reviewers already wrote: Without the top notch quality of the renders, this would just be another boring, uninspired Ren'py game.
    This is kinda frustrating, because it had so much potential.

    Dev changed gamestyle with latest patch, gonna have to update this review.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Everything looks polished and really love it so far, visuals are stunning and pleasing to look at.
    Story and world building is good enough, nothing that makes you want to skip everything.
    Looking forward to see more, it could become a really really great one.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    [Reveiw updated for 0.3.1c]
    New sex scene added! A step in the right direction... except that you get blueballed...

    -3 star
    The game is too short for a 1 year development. There is so much character teasing early on (like the night visits) but none of them come to fruitition, after months of waiting for update all we got was 2 strippers blowjobs in a club.
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    +1 star
    Models and renders are top quality, which was the main reason I checked the game out in the first place. Animations are one of the best (we don't have that many actual sex scenes though).

    +1 star
    The UI images looks very polished, fitting the game high quality renders. And the ability to skip time and/or navigate to characters through calender is pretty neat, don't think I've seen it in a game before.

    Renders good, animations good, UI good, just lack of content.. I decided to check this game again to be fair to the review, the UI improvement was but the amount of content was again, disappoting. I don't think I'll be checking this again before a year passes.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    version: Lust Academy [v0.2.2с]

    poor character introduction and pacing
    The dev does a poor job at introducing each character. For half of the characters you have a short interaction with them in the introduction and when the game starts all of them are available to be interacted with.

    Unfocused development
    By this i mean that the dev added multiple characters with no content on them. It is still early in development but if he just concentrated on couple character it would have been more enjoyable. right now it feels like just a game with multiple uninteresting short side quests and also doesn't have a main quest. This makes the game uninteresting to play. This will not be an issue when the game is finished but right now it just kills the game.

    Good graphics
    the graphics are good but not the best in this website. The graphics need a bit more resolution as each character is a bit foggy. but other than that i enjoyed it.

    Well animated
    the dev put a lot more effort compared to other devs to implement animation. Because of that this game contains a lot more animations compared to other games. The animations are also good. This is one of the good things about this game as some other games don't even have animations.

    The game at its current state is a failure. If the graphics and animation didn't carry this game i would have even given a 1.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Great game , could have reached 5 stars if it wasnt for the issue with android port ( once the game freezes or doesnt respond , it affects the whole phone even the power button or the exit button , couldn't even force to restart the phone )
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

    Well the adaptation is pretty good, i would have preferred visual novel with some mini games or free roam in between like some of the popular games has but I'll take it. Let's start with best, gorgeous li's, neat renders and most impressive of all are sex animations and you guys aced in that department 5/5. Improvements i would like to see is source of income that pays handsomely, main plot moving forward rather than side quests considering the sandbox mechanics which further delays, last but not least more of Leona please
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Definetely one of the highest quality games in terms of models and scenes. The story is also quite interesting, it is a HP Hogwarts parody angle, but much much less faithful. The only similarities are Hermoine and the Sorting Hat, and i like it very much. There's tons of straight up HP copies out there and this is a well done spin that gives potential for a much more interesting story than just "you're a guy in Hogwats and you're gonna fuck all the Harry Potter girls".
    Looking forward to every update.
  20. 4.00 star(s)



    Funny interpretation of well known story.

    I don't wanna jinx, but the amount of girls and devs' ambitions remind me one game, which will never be finished. Maybe, just maybe, it's worth to finish one several things at once, instead of dozens.

    Renders are good. I really like animations. Viewing angles in Leona and Lily scenes were really well chosen.
    We have at least 7 LI atm, and a tonn of side girls.

    So after the first day at academy there's basically no story. It's just a dating sim. You have 2 classes to attend in exchange you'll get points for your house, spells (up to 4 atm) and potions. Plus the progress with your lovely teachers (Sabrina Spellman, really ? :D Jokes aside, I liked how kind that woman is). You can work at cafe so at the end of the week you can spend all your money on hoes or massage. Old fart at the shop didnt offer anything atm.

    I liked very much how devs did the Calendar. It's a page, where you can click a button and instantly teleport to the next event with desirable character; it skips to the right time of the day as well. Kudos.

    Dialogues and writing are nice.

    There's music in the game.

    What I didn't like (minor spoiler):
    - scene with Naomi. She's so fckn hot and you left us hanging with blue balls. Shame on you !
    - almost nothing story-wise is happening. Exception - scene with Leona. The lessons don't give "progress" impression. It's like "Here's new spell, here's another one. Good boy." We can't even see how MC tries to learn it, he just knows it after the lesson.
    - skip Unseen text is disabled, but still I could've skip forward all the time; I didn't play before.
    - and my personal whim: small amount of content :)

    Decent project. Good luck in development !