Ren'Py - Lust Academy [S4 v4.3.1d] [Bear in the Night]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    BGs/animations/characters look awesome (aka high quality), but from some angles they look ugly as fck (esp "Hermione" or such) or some them, as default preset from any model creator. Tho, I can't say they look cheap or "half-assed", their creator did a good job. (most of the time) The story is simple copypasta of HP with porn flavor. Quality of writing is pretty meh and quite boring at times. Music sounds likesome looping generic midi sht. (muted it at some point) Got quite few bugs, but it's possibly because of the mod I was using, so I'll drop that one. Overall 4/10. Check it if you have time, but be ready for a bad surprises.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow.. just.. Wow.. The animations are phenomenal. Beautiful renders and voice overs. I've only gotten on the train thus far. This is looking to be a great game.
    Thanks so much for sharing :)
    Would type more but the game seems to be pulling me back in.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    - beautiful UI and atmosphere
    - the girls are hot (and the guys too lol)
    - storyline/quests are interesting enough
    - love that some non-sex content is animated (that's rare), the animated intro for each character is an awesome touch.
    - lewd content: not bad, some scenes feel a little rigid but i'm sure animations will improve with practice.
    - the romance with Haley so far was really cute
    - content of the writing itself is great, made me laugh a few times with the "flirt" option. The english itself is a little robotic at times but it's forgivable.

    Overall, 5/5 for what it's achieved for an early version. Can't wait to see where this goes!
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    In a nutshell: massive potential. The renders and animations are amazing (even though the scenes could be drawn out a bit more). The individual quests for the girls feel quite natural and diverse. The overarching mechanics (house points, dueling, classes,...) are rewarding to pursue and do a good job of making you think about the best way to use your time. The minigames attached to them are really well done too although fairly simple but that's (probably) due to the engine's limitation. I do hope there will be a bit more of a challenge to some of these in the future.

    My one big gripe with the game is the lack of polish in regards to the writing. A LOT of sentences are missing words, have strange syntax or have spelling errors. Generally speaking the dialogue itself is also quite "meh". MC isn't exactly a smooth killer and at times dialogue feels somewhat forced, branching off in an abrupt direction. It does its job in conveying the story but the contrast between the subpar dialogue and the great basically everything else really makes it stand out like a red wine stain on a white dress.

    I very much enjoyed it however. Will definitely keep an eye on this one.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    + interesting story
    + lots of pretty girls around
    + top notch renders and animations
    + nice interface
    + sound design

    - sometimes high pace of storytelling, renders change very quickly
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art and theme, but for me the best of this game is the non so common great gameplay.
    I am reviewing 2.2b, still a short game, but with more content it can evolve to be my favourite game in this page.
    No bugs found so far.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The animation is great, got the whole harry flopper theme and story line in a lot of places going. So far it's got a great start, and even though you can complete the current version rather quickly, it doesn't just end, goes into a sandbox mode to play around in.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    the story and character development is good

    the render and game features also good

    and yeah the game devs also active on this thread goodjob (y)
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty cool so far, but not much content yet...

    The story looks very interesting and the animations are amazing.

    Added in my watch list and waiting for future developments but so far is pretty good... :)
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    It's one of the coolest Harry Potter simulators we have. I think it's bad that it's mandatory for practically everyone to have breasts bigger than their heads, but ok. It would only be better if you had the option to play with a female protagonist as well.
    I expect more content with this girl looking like Emma Watson. Is it too much to ask for one who looks like Evanna Lynch too?
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Really like the Story and Content of this game. Well done to the Developers!
    It's a different story from the normal games, it add a bit of a magic side and until now the characters are well placed and with great renders.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Imaginative and new, although of course there other story/games that have magic in them this is done very well so far.

    Story isn't very long and it is a sandbox game ( don't mind sandbox as long as the game is decent ), and this is the beginning i don't doubt there will be lots more story.
    9/10 so far

    Writing is well done and understandable, no broken English that i can see.

    Renders are very good, better than many others i have played. The whole environment is clean and well done not grainy with girls that have massive boobs.

    Animations are well done, although rather short but longer than so many others that just use loops and only last for 1 or 2 seconds. Animations are a huge part of the overall rating, The more involved and longer the sex scenes the better,. So far this is well done although not long. There is difficulty of course in adding a lot of animations.
    8/ 10 ( sex scenes could be longer and more involved.)

    Game play is good, although not everyone likes sandbox or mini games. Sandbox is not a bad word, there are sandbox story/games that are well done and interesting. Mini games are not for everyone either, these are well done, not long and drawn out nor a huge grind. Certain ones are nicely done like the magic lessons. It's creative and not overly difficult.
    9/10 - the combat should not be one shot and then over 2 or 3 would be better with different spells but this is just the beginning, look forward to more .

    The big things that give high ratings and interest to a story/game are of course:
    How emotionally involving the story is and how well written.
    Amount of time between updates
    Renders for characters and environment.
    Animations and extent of.
    Imagination and creativity.

    I think all of them are pretty well done for the little time it has been out. It is a good beginning.
  13. 3.00 star(s)



    It's rather apparent at this point that this game is not a story rich game. It's not too serious. It doesn't avoid porn tropes and porn logic. In fact, it revels in it. You won't likely find much depth to the characters. You won't find a captivating overarching plot full of mystery and wonder. So the people who came here to experience a cool story in a harry potter inspired universe will likely be disappointed unless they can pivot away from that expectation.

    What this game is... is basically your average college game with a sleep molesting MC who isn't overtly evil, but has a mind that is constantly looking for sex. The sleep molesting is, of course, portrayed as something innocent as is typical with porn game logic. Basically, don't expect realistic depiction of characters. They are basically all porn caricatures. Honestly, this is fine. Not every game needs to transcend the basic porn tropes, but most of us probably expected a bit more on the writing front due to the setting. Perhaps you could enjoy it if the concept of "innocent sleep rape" is something you can accept lol. The writing also gets rather cringy at times. The "funny" or "flirty" dialogues especially. The writing as a whole gives me the impression that the main writer is a non-native speaker which results in poor delivery of jokes and what not. The grammar isn't atrocious, so it likely went through a proofreader.

    The renders speak for themselves though. There are also nice non-sex animations showing character introductions and cool scenes here and there. Models are super hot. Music is decent. Not great, but decent.

    So up to this point, the game isn't faring too well. The writing is arguably the most important aspect and it scores quite low on that category. There is one thing that I feel like the devs did pretty well, though. The way the story arcs for the characters work is implemented pretty well for a sandbox. There is no grind, per se, for the character stories. You won't have to repeat the same conversations and events dozens of time to progress. Each time you talk to a character, they have a different thing to say and it advances their plot line by one step. Attend class and they have new lectures every time (until the current material runs out at least). However, many of the mini games are a chore to go through, especially the memorization game that is required for grinding $. There is also a "find the hidden items" which is shitty.

    Still, any sandbox that preserves a natural flow to the plot and doesn't totally break immersion by having characters repeating the same dialogues all the time is a success in my book. You will see some repeat dialogues. That's inevitable in a sandbox, but it's not to the point where you are just taken out of the game. With that in mind, I could rate this as a solid 3. It's very clear that this is a labor of love by the devs though. The production value is very high. I feel bad giving it an average rating, but it is what it is.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for s1
    i had this game on ignore for a long time
    Replaying it there is much more content then the first time i played
    I always was first with my magic guild
    i got points by attending lessons doing cafe work later even dueling or crafing
    Lot of sexy girls

    Season 2 is where the game went down for me
    Some girls from first season arent there anymore
    Second seasoin starts with a long visual novel with no choiches
    To many useless event that just skip time
    story second season is bad
    Renders are good
    night events are good
    No bugs
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    v0.4.1f Art is still great. The addition of the Visual Novel play through to avoid the tediousness of the sandbox is a nice improvement. The removal of requiring minigames is nice. Pacing is a bit wonky, with tons and tons and tons of dialogue with little to no flesh. Then three sex scenes almost back to back. Additional points for option to make Aubrey have a dick or not. It's come a good way since June, and I hope in another 6 months it continues its improved course. Changing rating to 4 stars.

    v2 Art is nice, minigames frustrating with no rollback. I'm here to jerk it and read some things, maybe even have a chuckle. Not have to take notes or screenshots in order to pass puzzle games, will have to check back next version.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Game!
    Clearly inspired by Harry Potter's world, but it keeps a unique style on the characters/interactions side. And of course, on the NSFW side.
    Renders are very good, animations too even if there's not much content so far.
    I hope the devs keep up the good work, I'll keep an eye on the project!
  17. 2.00 star(s)



    (Warning: Broken english ahead :HideThePain:)

    So, I had to try this game, I'm a Harry Potter fan, and I was excited, but I have to be honest, it was a little disappointing.
    Here we go:

    It is very difficult to sympathize with this MC the guy is a creep, only think about sex (that's new huh?)e.g when it comes to choosing a house, what does he think? That he doesn't want to be away from the hot girls, and in the first test what he think to summon power? Ashley masturbating. LOL Come on man, he has a fucking world of magic that he never knew about, how the hell you don't give a damn about it? But ... The magic world also only thinks about sex e.g at the time of selection, how will the most powerful wizards convince you to join their houses? They will be on their knees sucking your dick.. Of course. How she will give you more power? Fucking. Of course. I'm afraid this is going to become a fuck fest, where all the girls will be bisexual just for the sake of a kink and threesomes, and they won't have a normal personality, or a good character development, just hot girls for a dumbass MC.

    It seems to me that all the magic is just bait, when you are playing it does not mean too much, the game does not seem to be different from any other game that takes place in university or school, it is the same thing, with a hint of magic that makes little difference e.g Elijah's plot ... man, dealing drugs, come on bro, give me something big. Making it worse: maybe will have sleeping sex, AKA rape, really? After so many games, I thought we were over it. Is it really that hard to write a normal MC and normal girls? I had a certain expectation in a game focused on the HP universe, there is a lot that can be explored, JK left a huge world with many creatures and mysteries to explore, with a real focus and seriousness, its possible to make a huge and a good story. And all relationships can develop more slowly, sex should be a reward, not the main thing in my humble opinion.

    It has some bugs too, but it doesn't bother me as much as the other things I said, I'm sure it can be fixed.

    I just spoke badly about the game, but I liked some things, the renderings are fantastic, the characters are very beautiful. The scenario is also well prepared, some references are really cool to pick up, and the narrative to show some problems or future adventures are well done, like the advice of Director Arthur, and maybe a betrayal by Jacob. The animations are amazing too, man, we have some moves and some powers too. And congratulations to Haley (your Hermione), damn, she is very similar. The map is really cool too, and even the UI, although a little slow, I think it's done well in terms of design.

    Well, I may be wrong, I'm just a casual player, and maybe all the things I complained about about the game is exactly what you wanted to present to the players, and I'm just not the target audience. Anyway, good luck to the dev.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Review as of version 0.2.1ab

    This is one to keep your eye on for now. There isn't much by the way of meat yet but what is there is promising. Decent renders and animations and the writing is pretty good. A few interesting story lines and the hints of an overall story with some direction is encouraging.

    The sandbox is fine, it makes sense for the setting but is limited in scope at the moment. The dev should be careful in how content is added, if everything becomes accessible after the prologue it'll quickly become messy and a chore to play. Don't be afraid to lock content/new characters behind progression in multiple story threads.

    I suggest saving often and not relying on autosaves. As of the version being reviewed I ran into quite a few bugs and crashes. I can honestly say I've never seen a loading screen on a Ren'Py game before. To the Dev you should work on optimizing the coding or looking for outside help if it's feasible for you to do so. People are forgiving in early versions but will drop it if it doesn't improve, no matter how pretty the product looks in screenshots.

    P.S when you reload a save a single rollback appears to fix the background loading issue, Dev you should fix this as a priority, very visible and jarring.

    TL;DR Put it on your watch list, be patient and support the Dev with bug reports and on Patreon if it interests you. I look forward to updated/increasing the rating as the game develops.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Since last Update definetely one of my favourites. The renders looks great and the story is pretty much similar to an known movie but i like that :)

    Not all things are good because it got a few wrong spells in the text but for an beta its ok. I think a proofreader will write a correction or my english is not that good and the text is good :) hahaha

    This is a game which i will support and cant wait to play more
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Boehser Onkel

    this game is very nice

    renders/animations are awesome

    a unique "whats-to-do-now" system with this book

    the phones "lustagram" is very nice too

    with one eye closed i can get over this harry-potter-style ,
    but i think it will be great in the future

    "Sabrina Spellman" - nice one , was cool at the time

    im eager to see more of this game
    and i hope it keeps those high standards

    good job @Bear in the Night