What didn’t you understand?.. My questions are elementary simple...
But in order to understand you, we still need to think...
Where did you even see the “kinetic novel”?.. There is no such prefix, there is such a tag, but it’s not here, when choosing, there’s also no such thing, only VN or sandbox.. So what are you talking about?..
There are VNs with gameplay, there are VNs without the VN prefix, there are sandboxes that are not sandboxes and without the VN prefix but which are simple VNs... But VNs with gameplay are catastrophically few, and there are very, very many “sandbox” VNs without the VN tag. .. And as we see here, there is no VN prefix, there is a “sandbox” tag... So again, what don’t you understand and what are you talking about?..
Normal gamers... Well, thank you, yes, I don’t consider VN as a game... But I don’t see any VN prefix here, maybe you see it? And why then is this reading material lying next to the games? I’m not here to read...
Do you see the comments? Do you see the game's rating? So what do you think this is all for?.. Just to applaud the author?.. Are you suggesting this?..
Good night...