I personally can't recreate that bug, the scene just plays normally. With that being said, nine times out of ten it's usually an issue with the game (usually outdated version or bugs with cordale pack for no reason.)
I'd recommend trying the mod for Season 2 on a clean version of the game (make sure it's S2 1.11.1d) and let me know if the problem still happens.
ya right after i posted the original post i deleted the game and dl the mod from scrappy to test that one as well started new game with both mods on clean games with and without unren and on all retries it happend again and again so i just moved on from it hope i didnt miss anything to big.
EDIT: so i ran into something in my main pt that has made me wonder if the bug did make me miss something so i did a clean install with no mod and i didnt get the bug so let me know if u want me or need me to send u any addition info as i am able to recreate it
EDIT2: idk what i did but i fixed with the mod and everything i think it might have to do with corale pack as i dl the file without it to try and am useing it now, i issue would happen in the transition from _call_setCamera_79 to _call_setCamera_80 were 80 was the scene with selene. also i cant unren the game when i do i get an error that scene code is duplicated from the mod file and normal game file
EDIT3: i dont know what is causing it but i had it happen again during the climax part with olivia it goes to a scene with vanessa i tested something when i t happened and found a work around till this all get fixed but if i save in the scene before it goes to the other and relaunch the game then load the save it does the correct scene after.