
Sep 6, 2017
I can't do the last quest about the ingredients. Someone can help me? I took the hearts and I've the wine, but doesn't work


Sep 28, 2017
This is 0.9 and there is still no sex. The dead guy in the basement tells us that to power up he needs to get laid, so presumably at 0.9 this is still far from its intended finish. I think I'll check back in around version 2, 2.5...


May 1, 2017
I cannot load my savefiles from a previous version, I just don't see them. Why's that?
I generally don't recommend using saves from old game versions anyways, since it could mess up your save. Just make a new one or wait a few versions and then make a new one, your choice

C:\Users\[your user]\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\LustandPower_[version]
that's where your saves are at + putting them in the saves folder of the game itself Lust&power/game/saves
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Active Member
Dec 13, 2017
I like the premise and gameplay, and how they work together here. The h content seems like a whole lot of effort for a little tease and cheese. This far in development and no penetration yet? Are you just being stingy with the blood power, or are you still corrupting the artist enough to illustrate characters who put out?
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New Member
Jan 14, 2018
so played the game and the change log mentioned different opinions about the combat if it was to easy or to hard so thought i would give my two cents. In my opinion the problem is the difficulty curve and spells when you first start out your first damage spell is basically worthless because it misses far more then it hits so combat becomes frustrating against red demons and nearly impossible against yellow demons. However by the time you get the heart thief spell even yellow demons become push overs which depending on how well you play can happen pretty quickly.This also makes potions completely worthless to keep on you because they take up your limited inventory space and until really upgraded don't recover enough to be worth it. Now the obvious solution is a new demon type for later players but this doesn't fix the early stage problems.

like i said the first damage spell is worthless so much so that the only time i used it in game is to destroy doors while looting so i never wasted upgrade points on it. The fix should be to make it always hit which will make it a great disrupting spell when demons do an extra harsh attack but do shit damage balance it out. The defense spell is the most useful in the game upgraded it blocks basically everything and gives you great mp. No real complaints but it should probably be split into physical block and magical block. The second damage spell needs to take on the high miss of the first spell thus giving it a risk/reward situation. The thief spell is worthless except against the one chick don't know if more plans are in the works for it but at the moment it just takes up space. the heart thief spell is fine but i would like if this was expanded upon and let us steal different organs for different potions. Oh and hypono needs some rework its an annoying battle for such a small reward


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Up to version 0.8 I skipped most of the fighting/survival using a savegame editor. No offense to the developer meant, but when I want to play a game where learning magical skills is important, I play Skyrim, Final Fantasy or Black Desert Online. So can say rather little about the difficulty, as I just continued using the old save game and staying at home (enough food for a loooong time.)

As far as the game it self goes, I really like the artwork, which is the main reason it is among the very very few non-lesbian porn games I play. I also like the story, which is one of the few stories in porn games actually worth mentioning.

That said, in my opinion it takes a bit long for even the most basic sexual interaction to take place. At least, they have boob jobs and blow jobs now, but as the game is about making the women "sex slaves", why not go a few steps further. Why not tie the mom to the bed and let the sister fuck her with a strapon dildo? Why not let them swap cum, after they give you a blowjob? Maybe some spanking? Lead them through the house on a leash? Let them do some more kinky stuff in the next updates!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2017
I really love how so many in here think it takes like 20m to code a game and maybe a couple days for the art...

as to the pacing, maybe the dev wants something a little slower than 'tap tap fap'. Dont like it? Amaze us all with your own game


Aug 20, 2017
I really love how so many in here think it takes like 20m to code a game and maybe a couple days for the art...

as to the pacing, maybe the dev wants something a little slower than 'tap tap fap'. Dont like it? Amaze us all with your own game
I've often felt the same way. Sure, there are some devs out there just milking away. I'm not a coder or artist, well not visual art anyway. But I can understand and appreciate that these things aren't as easy as snapping your fingers and BAM! All done. And to those who think it is so easy, where is your game? Oh, you never made one. O.k, well it's so easy I expect a fully fleshed out game in one month. With it being February I realize you have a few days less then the average month. But hey, shouldn't be a problem, it's easy right?


May 20, 2017
I used save editor to get tons of food, then a bitch yells " u break the game" and beat my character to death. Lmao is this developer has nothing better to do? Oh, he sells cheat code for 10$ on patreon, seriously? ur game is not as complicated as BBBen's.


Apr 10, 2017
Well the arts seems worse in the latest updates...Mother not even close as beautifull as before...And the plot of "super schoolguy dominating family" begining to be REALLY irritating...I'd like to see some romantic too, like kisses and so on, instead all of this dominatiog hj, bj and so on...Guess it's a wrong game to expect those kind of things here :( Kinda sad, the setting was quite intriguing.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
I still think the artwork is among the best, especially, if you put the maid outfit on the mother. The sister's alternative outfit is also quite sexy, though I like the mom more - but that's just me, I guess. I also think the mc doesn't look like a school boy, but rather manly - at least for the protagonist of an M/S games.

As far as the content itself goes, I think the developer will stick to domination instead of romance. I kind of understand your point as far as storytelling and logic goes, though I like the domination content. Considering the setting, the protagonist could also act as a noble protector for the women around him, much like a classic fantasy hero, with the one exception that classic fantasy heroes usually don't fuck their mothers and sisters. They also could start relationships with him out of genuine gratitude rather than coercion - after all, being a ladies' man is much easier, if your are the only man on the planet who was not transformed into a raping demon. As a potential twist the developer could even bring jealousy among the women into play: E.g. the mom and sister fear losing their protector to one of the other girls. As consequence, the use seduction to keep his favor.

I guess, the story would have left room for both routes and variing player descions, wether to be the knight in shining armor or the evil overlord. Maybe the developer offers another approach in one of the next version.
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