Hey guys! Just wanted to share some info with everyone. First things first, fully animated Support scenes! It's something I want to implement, but is currently a bit too expensive for me at the moment. I've decided to make it a Patron goal, implementing it for all current and future scenes once I have 100 patrons. I've included an example with one of the images from the latest Rhea scene.
As for future content in the game, I decided at first to keep it a secret who I would include in the game. I thought it might be fun to keep everyone guessing, but lately I think its better for you guys and future patrons to know exactly what it is you're paying for. While the list below isn't 100% set in stone, it is my current roadmap for the rest of development. Let me know what you think. I know the choices might disappoint some, but I only have so few slots per game, so I hope you can understand if your waifu didn't make it
0.10: Lucina(Swordmaster) and Sumia(Dark Flier)
0.16: Rhea(Priest)
0.22: Azura(Dancer)
0.28: Yunaka(Assassin)
0.34: Tharja(Sorceress)
0.40: Edelgard(Knight)
0.46: Charlotte(Berserker)
0.52: Alear(Swordmaster)
0.58: Olivia(Dancer)
0.64: Marianne(Priest)
0.72: Camilla(Dark Flier)
0.78: Ivy(Sorceress)
0.84: Hilda(Berserker)
0.90: Corrin(Assassin)
0.96: Chloe(Knight)
that is a very beautiful list which includes the most popular characters from each game
i love everyone of them.
May i make some suggestions?
-How about Mercedes instead of Marianne?
Granted marianne and hilda have a great friendship together ( and i love them both) which may lead for greater things in this game. I think however, there could be a rappresentative for the blue lions, since edelgard is part of her empire, Rhea is the church and hilda could be part of the golden deer so every of the 4 fraction have a rappresentative. Mercedes is almost popular as much as Marianne (although marianne is more popular).
-I love Charlotte very much, (i am very glad that you have thought of her, and is a pain for me to suggest this), but how about adding Kagero instead of her?
This way there would be a rappresentative of Hoshido, since both Charlotte and Camilla are from Nohr and Corrin and Azura are the neutral fraction). She could share the assassin class with Yunaka and Kagero is popular enough.
-Lastly how about Adult tiki from Awakening instead of Olivia?
She is a very popular character (she won cyl for fire emblem heroes), she is important for the plot also she could have an unique class on her own: the Manakete class. She could share it with Corrin, since she can transform too and she's usually depicted trasforming into a dragon than using her sword, thus having more sense than being an assasin. Plus Tiki and Lucina could have a great bond together.
I do see few problem with those suggestions of mine, while both numeber of priests and assasins may remain the same, there would be only one member for the Dancer and for the Berserker class. However the dancer class might be good to be unique due to its unique support.
To solve the Berseker problem however it could be fixed in few way:
1)By making Chloe a dark flier like Sumia, both Camilla and Hilda could became the wyvern class, since Hilda is capable of riding those and they can keep their axe (compare to dark fliers they would be far tankier but slower with different weakeness). As for Edelgard she can be the only one unique for her own class, since she is the only one who is canonically looks like an armored unit, she can be the empress class.
2)Hilda would remain the only one of the Berserker class, that class would be unique, since she can be the only one who wields an axe that is also fast, she might have some support too at the cost of low health.
What do you think of these suggestions?
My reasoning for these choices was mostly that every fraction of their game could have a rappresentative, while still be in line with the double sharing of the same class as you suggested.
Still at the end of the day those are merely suggestions, and regardless the roster is pretty welll choosen among the popular heroines of those game so no compains.
Either way i wish you good luck for the project of yours and i can't wait to play the whole thing.