Enjoy. Should work across all versions unless author changes things up. Might bother updating. (PS: If you ever “lose status”, just “refresh/login” and it will automatically fix. That occurs on every “game update”, not going to bother hooking those routines. Remember to click on the Patreon buttons to “unlock” stuff if you want to.) Bumping
BaasB. It also has King Tier, Platinum, blablabla.
Just a note to everyone, this game usually has a lot of call-home DRM. Fortunately easy to override here, but still, bad behavior by author. Also, the King Place crap about who is King or NPC is just boring and not useful for anything, story or content, I didn't bother with it. This game is clearly built around 'selling artificial perks' and is gameplay+layout-designed for bilking money.