This really feels like a system prototype for a much larger game. The customizable dice system while interesting left much to be desired. For their next game they really should ditch the rng dice and go back to regular skills but with added customization to them. The exhaustion system is one of the worst systems I've ever dealt with. I'm sure that the added skills that you learn was supposed to mitigate the issue but I got annoyed before I could go further. Seems like the dev focused too much on the kink and dice mechanics to the detriment to the overall game. It also didn't help that there was no lesbian content to act as the carrot to try and carry on with the game and it's short comings past the jail. I am looking forward to seeing how Lustfall ends tho because I actually enjoyed that game because it focused on the characters/story with some good lesbian content.
I actually kind of like the dice? but not as the way the dev intended it. This might just me being used to playing iso rpgs where everything is a dice roll, and this lets me totally manipulate them.
The reason why i say its not the way the dev intended it, is because the dev intended for it to be akin to a slot machine, where you stop on what you want, which is ridiculous. I used it like an rng dice set.
The biggest issue i do have with the dice tho is that the game, whether the dev intended it or not, heavily relies on dice rolls rather than traditional stats, entirely because spell and sword faces multiply damage. I can roll 3 spell faces with cold shower, one of the very first aoe spells, and do well over 600 damage to everything on the field. And if i roll 1 or 2, its somewhere around 200-400, and takes two, maybe 3 hits to clear the board.
But if i focused on damage, using things like risky spell, my damage would never reach those numbers, AND id be exposing myself to taking even MORE damage.
The heavy reliance on these dice faces also means that the best dice in the game are the ones that have the most unlocked slots. And, outside of a handful of equipment's, ive also noticed that pretty much everythings stats relies totally on what faces are slotted into them, meaning if you strip out all the faces, they would have +1 in every stat by default. So there is almost NO specialness to the equipment unless youre looking for a very specific status thing, but imo, those come secondary to open face slots.
The entire system is mishandled, and i would love it if they leaned more into the controlled rng, rather than pretending its a slot machine (because no one has the time for that). I personally would totally ditch equipment stats, and make faces more interesting than stat manipulators, and make damage itself flat so the progression solely comes from how you build the dice.
outside of that, yeah, if youre not interested in the content, this game is definitely a snoozefest. The story does very little to hold it up. its neat enough to get from point a to b, and relies on you being into the content rather than the story.