Ren'Py - Lust Theory [v0.4.5] [Inceton Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Review for S2:E1 (Not for Season 1, Reposted from Original S2 Thread)

    There's nothing here for you. Same bullshit, different day. You continue getting cockblocked and continue to deal with the bullshit drama from all the bitchy stuck up chicks in this game.

    Maybe the payoff will be worth the wait, but I doubt it. Season 2 is just a repeat of everything that was wrong with the first Season (Renders being the exception) and will likely end the same way with one sex scene in the final episode.

    I'm usually here for the story, and the sex secondary. But I question how long the developer can keep such a story going before he deals us a pathetic, washed out, unoriginal, unimaginative, half-baked ending.
  2. C
    3.00 star(s)


    This is a very... Interesting game.

    Now, first off, I gotta explain the rating here. There's only 5 of them, and of them, for me, only 3 have any nuance. 5 is reserved for only the pretty much perfect games, and 1 is reserved for only the worst. That leaves me in a pickle - there's plenty of games that I have rated as 3s, and not all of them are created equal. If I was to rate this game the way I personally feel about it on a 10 point scale, it'd probably be a 6, and almost a 7 - it's a very very strong 3 alright. However, that is just my personal opinion, and I am most definitely not the person that this game is created for kink-wise.

    Alright, allow me to explain. While the game has some things of a universal appeal, there are just so many well-executed things about this game, so much evident work and effort on the developer's part, that I was simply not able to get into, that were simply not my thing, that I am honestly pretty worried that I just didn't "get" this game.

    Let's start with the good. One most definitely good thing about this game is the graphics. They are drop-dead gorgeous, especially later on in the game. Probably the best graphics in a porn game I've ever played. All models are beautiful in their own way, all action is nicely animated, every girl has her own distinctive features and body type, there is a very real sense of place to the environments, and so on. I am usually not a big sucker for graphics, I am frequently quite content with text-based games (in fact, one of the games that I honestly consider my favorites is a text-based game), but not gonna lie, the graphics have helped me get through some areas of the game that were definitely not my thing.

    Another universal plus is that this game is so good at doing H-scenes, the content we're all here for. It doesn't provide that content frequently, it does do one hell of a lot of teasing, and it doesn't always go straight in for the dicks in the pussies even when giving you the H-scenes, like most other games do, but when it does, ooh boy does it deliver on the pent-up demand, with long, great scenes, with lots of foreplay. The game is like a tortoise, it always takes its time, and does things well.

    This is something that people sometimes put against the game, but I am not one of those people. I enjoy a slow burn when it's done well. This game is not for a quick wank, and that's okay in my opinion. This is a game that you should play in long sessions, maybe like 6 hours long, and you will get your release in a climactic scene with one of the girls. However, this criticism does tie in with another criticism of this game, one that I'm just not heavily into.

    This game leans significantly into tease-and-denial and quite a bit into femdom, and there's also a kink that I don't quite know how to put, but, uh... Premature climax would be a way. I don't know how to call it, I don't know if it's even a kink, but it probably is. Girls will do their best to tease and deny you, girls will try getting you to cum just before something nice happens, girls will insult you over your unsatisfactory performance, girls will be forceful to you and always take control, girls will be as creepy to you as you are to them, and you will be a good sub and take it all. The game will also have things happen just before something hot happens and interrupt it - that is a very frequent occurrence, you really gotta work to get your h-scene reward.

    Now, I have 2 problems with that. First one is that the game is very heavily mistagged. There isn't a single mention of femdom anywhere in the tags. In fact, based on the tags, you'd think the game is the opposite - MC is the one dominating everyone, whether they like it or not, but no - there is plenty of femdom all over the damn place, and no tag to show for it. I don't know if there's a tease and denial tag, but there sure as hell should be. And the second problem - I'm just not that into those things.

    The second problem is kinda related to the first. The author decided to go with a quite ordinary MC. He is not special. He doesn't have a pussy magnet on him (well, his pussy magnet is quite mute compared to other examples), he's shy, he's honestly very stupid, with horniness increasing his stupid to insane levels, he buckles quickly under pressure, he doesn't have anything special about him, and he is just generally a dork. His only superpower is the groundhog day that is happening to him, but he's nowhere near the best at using and abusing that. The situations that he finds himself in are on the realistic side, and he behaves like a complete dork in them, and that ties in very well with the lots of femdom, tone-wise. That's not a bad thing, in fact that's incredibly well executed. But I'm just not into that. I like power fantasies. I like MCs who at least take charge of something. I like MCs that are at least somewhat extraordinary. I like MCs that have at least some smarts about them, MCs that I don't consider stupid.

    The third problem is more of a consequence of the premise. There is only so much you can do with a groundhog day type story. You only have one day of time to play with. You can only have character development in MC, not in anyone else. The events of the day are quite scripted. The author had to introduce weird events that helped the story progress. Even then, he couldn't let the characters evolve too much, else the premise would break. That's not a good thing. Character development is almost always nice.

    Also, this game is full of fake choices. It is little more than an interactive movie. Now, a pretty good interactive movie, and the interactivity in there serves as a great illusion of control, and you can believe that you control something as you play, but you don't control shit. It is immediately noticeable, and the illusion completely breaks, when the game simply takes the wheel and plays itself for a couple hundred screens. There's a political joke in here somewhere. This wouldn't be so frustrating if the game didn't rip the illusion out of your hands, this illusion would simply be there as in many many games of similar genre. But as it happens, it sometimes does, and it is frustrating.

    So uh... When you compile it all together, you have an incredible game, with great graphics, writing, and tons of effort, that just fell on my deaf ears. I honestly don't even want to write this review, because I somehow feel like it's my fault that I didn't get this game, that it just didn't, like, do much for me. This game is great, objectively great. But after seeing so many people leaving confused negative reviews, I felt like I'm justified in writing this one.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games out there today. Beautiful characters and an amusing plot. My only negative is MC's haircut. and since we seldom see the MC - how great is that? It hits all the best tropes - sexy teacher - sexy mother - absent father - dismissive older sister - younger sister and her friend...but in a unique way
  4. 3.00 star(s)



    This could have been a really good game but the MC is one of the worst i've seen, to the point that at times it makes you want to close the game. The story feels stagnant, i know it's a porn game, but it needs a lot more characters/story development

    On the other hand, the girls are beautiful, the game has amazing graphics and the animations are great too

  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm really liking the game so far. I finished Season 1 of the game and loved it and I couldn't wait for Season 2.

    The game has fantastic graphics as the girls all have great designs and the renders are very high quality. The story is interesting with the 'groundhog' day premise and I'm looking forward to see how the story continues and how the relationships advance with the girls. The premise allows for a lot of potential with how they can take the game and I trust Inceton to do a good job with it and wrap up the stories of the character's nicely.

    Although there isn't a significant amount of sexual content, I find the story and especially the romance to be very interesting and this is my favourite part of AVNS, the story and romance. If you're not much into story or romance and are looking for fap content, this probably isn't the game for you but I still highly recommend it.

    My main issue with the game is the stupidity of the MC. I saw it with Summer With Mia and I'm seeing it again now. Without giving away many spoilers for the game, the MC just lacks basic social skills and empathy. He does not know how to handle situations well and is a complete idiot in many cases, often acting like a complete jerk. I hope this changes as I do not like to play this type of character.

    Overall, I highly recommend the game and am looking forward to where they take the story, especially Megan who is my favourite character :)
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    [review of chapter 1-9]

    It's Groundhog Day with a porn twist. It's innovative and it works! I really enjoyed this game. It's really a shame that it took me this long to discover this game.

    + The best animations. Seriously the animations are absolutely top tier, maybe the best I've ever seen in a porn game. Fappability is through the roof!
    + Sex scenes are meaningful to the story. This is actually quite rare in a porn game.
    + Extremely beautiful models. These are also absolutely top tier and rivals even the biggest titles on this site.
    + Interesting story. The how and why about why the MC is stuck in a loop is hinted at sometimes and you can occasionally glimpse "glitches in the matrix" to keep you intrigued.
    + Good writing. The dialogues feel natural and are not cringe-inducing even though the scenes are sometimes absurd. That's actually really hard to pull off, so props for that!
    + Character development. You start out as shy and timid but as MC realizes his actions don't really have consequences (or do they?!?) He starts becoming a cocky badass. I like it!
    + Awesome cliffhanger ending. What a great "oh shit"-moment! Well done!

    - Mom sleep incest is mandatory to progress the story. It felt a bit too rapey for my tastes and I'm not a huge mom incest fan so I would have appreciated if that content was skippable.
    - I Didn't really like the teacher arc, and that it was required to unlock it in order to progress with the other characters.
    - "Finish the other characters first to progress"-gatekeeping of content. See points 1&2 on this cons list. Not a huge fan of this.
    - "Mom" character feels a bit copy/pasted from that other mom+sisters incest game which shall not be named. Actually now that I think about it a lot of the characters seem a bit derivative of that game. In the end it doesn't really matter much as Echoes of Lust is clearly both better written and with way hotter scenes.

    All in all this is a really good game with stunning visuals and an interesting story. If mom/sister incest is your thing then you will be absolutely blown away. If not, it's still a really really good game and very fappable. Warmly recommended.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is not yet finished (good news, cause i am craving for more content anyway), but i can already say it has marvellous renders,including normal and sex scenes. The animations are beyond great with fluid movements and not one or two renders repeating themselves. Look out for major boners haha.

    About the characters, they are nice looking. The ´´landlady`` is my favorite, but the older sister is not far behind. The designs are for all tastes, no character has absurd proportions (considering the game industry) and their eyes... not sure why, but they look really good.

    Besides that, expect a cool dynamic and simple mechanics in a well written story that is not complex but makes you enjoy every day.

    So far, one of the best adult games i have ever played. You can expect a really good experience in the sexual parts but also get intrigued about the family relations and the protagonists will. Would recommend this one to everyone.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Oh WOW!

    I'm following 110+ games in here, plus I've probably played 30+ completed games, so I have absolutely no idea how this gem of a game has escaped my attention so far ...
    It even has most of my favorite tags, so I should have picked up on it a long time ago, but somehow didn't. Maybe someone recently updated the tags? I dunno,

    ANYWAYS :)
    Today is Saturday, and I started playing this game early in the morning, Now it's late at night here, and I just finished 1-9. What a marvellous experience!

    I was a bit sceptical at first, seeing only the bad stuff. "Why make a sandbox when there is only 1 place to click?? Might as well make a VN ..." (Only refers to first day btw) "Yeah, just blatantly COPY the mother from Milfy City, thats the way to success ..."
    But as the game progressed I got more and more mesmerized, and by the end I must say this is one of my all time favorites!
    Not as in top 3, but I immediately put it in my sig as one of the 25 games I'm highly recommending.

    beautiful girls
    VERY good animations
    sandbox done right
    great tutorials and intuitive UI

    grindy compared to VN, but very good for a sandbox
    easy sluts, could have had more "conquest"
    all the girls look like angels, haven't seen 1 "normal" girl

    And I must comment on the fact that I am probably lucky to not have found the game earlier, because it feels like the amount of H-scenes is just starting to pick up and I imagine it might have been a blue-balling experience just a few months back. As it is right now it's semi satisfactory with regards to fap vs grind, but that just means I'm even more looking forward to future releases ;)

    Over all great game, thanx to Inceton, keep up the good work!
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Wolf Larsen

    Nice renders and animations are wasted in this blue balls simulator of a lot of clicking and very little action. After clicking stuff for several minutes just to get some scenes of the MC jacking off, you realize that's not a rewarding experience at all.

    In other words, the time loop may sound like an interesting idea, but it's just a bad excuse for grinding.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    It looks really good. Quality Renders, smooth animations, nicely created backgrounds and scenes. The Groundhog-Day story is also quite interesting.


    You basically work your butt off, trying to get with the girls... and when you finally reach a point in which you could then fully enjoy the fruits of your hard work (and that is what it is!) the girls storyline ends with a red "To be continued". Stuff like this really puts me off...
    And as far as I understood the posts on patreon, there will be only one more update with bugfixes, but very little content. Instead they want to make a season two, which will come out ... who knows when.


    OK, five stars from me. They actually released Season 2 and I have to say: Those are among THE BEST Animations I've seen in a game like this. If they now continue the story, there basically is nothing I could complain about.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    After reading the other reviews i honestly expected more from this game. Let's start with the good part, the renders are great, not much to say there the models are gorgeous the graphics are clean, the problem is that this game has literaly 0 story. You wake up one day and realize that you are in a time loop, luckily for you every single girl is a huge slut and they all want the mc's huge cock, not much else to say storywise. The character development is completely absent and their background is barebone this makes the game feel very shallow and i found very funny that in a scene with megan, she asks the mc why he plays porn game and he replies something in the lines of character development and investment when in this game there is none of it. I would suggest this game if you are here just to fap and really don't care about anything else but even then for now the game doesen't have many sex scenes.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Inceton definitely took it up a notch with this game. Not only is it a complete improvement from their previous game on a technical scale, be it renders, smoother animations and overall graphics. The characters are also a lot more likable and the plot is more interesting, hands down.

    Definitely looking forward to a lot more updates on this one! If what I've seen so far with this game is any indication of the quality of their future games, I'm pretty excited.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Inceton reaches maturity with this title.

    This game is without a doubt one of the best of its kind!
    - If the concept is not innovative, it is perfectly leading so far (v0.9). Even better, the hidden scenes are exceptional.
    - The story is slow and consistent from start to finish;
    - The female characters are superb (Jessica and Elizabeth are goddesses);
    - The mixture of genres with the addition of fantastic is very successful.
    - the gameplay is very good, although the hinks are not sufficiently revealing towards the rest of the game.

    For now the title is getting closer to perfection.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    probably one of the better games i have played, interesting story and design, characters are diverse and interesting. repeating mechanic works well and dosent feel too boring. cant wait to see more of this game when we get a new update.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Fake Name Real Money

    What an amazing premise brought to life by real good writing. There are a good number of time travel/time loop related games on here... THIS IS HOW ITS DONE... good renders and in depth, well-made animation are both just cherries on top
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my Top 3.
    Personal ranking:
    Graphics: 5/5 (3D animation), Story : 5/5, Interactivity : 5/5 (map navigation, tasks list...)
    Not sure I will play it several times though as the duration is quite long.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    The story really lets down this game, i mean why would you cross a line you wouldnt cross without the grounghog effect and then go back to not crossing the line?

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    MC like in most games is portrayed dumb and horny, there are so many things he could do with this power but he just wants to happly get sex.

    So while the story is quite weak the art is very good with nice backrounds aswell, runs smooth with no errors, the girls are all very nice and the sex scenes are great.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok. This game is awesome. It's also a great example of why I hate playing games that aren't finished yet, and I mean that in the best possible way!
    I mean, after so many schemes I'd finally managed to f**k ***** in her ***, cept MC is still too witless to hold the reigns until *after* the girl "arrives at her destination". So I'm jonesing to make up for that only to find out that, as of the current version, her story, like the MC, has come to an end prematurely! Brutal stuff :p
    To keep the rest concise since it's said better elsewhere and I have one key thing I wanna highlight in detail for anyone like me whose looking for a game like this one:
    - The dialogue is great throughout. Seriously, it's actually funny *without* being memey or absurd. It's also pretty hot too when it needs to be. Sophie at the sex shop comes to mind. A lot
    - The animations are real smooth. Sex in this game can in fact sometimes look pretty close to how humans have sex in meat space.
    - I played with a walkthrough so ymmv, but I found it to be of good length without being tediously grindy.

    Now that main thing I wanted to highlight; even other adult games that I love seem forced to pad out their runtime with what I call pointless drama and annoying antagonists. I'm just here trying to get my rocks off and build all the loving relationships with beautiful and fun women that I won't ever have in real-life, but as an anxious person I'm always a little worried we're gonna cut from a cute/hot scene to having to stop some guy trying to rape one of our love interests. It suuuucks.

    So the greatest virtue (imo) of this game is that it has tension **without** drama! It's soooo good. The time loop means that it makes sense that you're never on a straight line to a happy ending (pun intended); you try things, make progress, find out some complication, reset the day and try again. You kinda share the MC's good-hearted feeling of tension as you dive down a new path with a character and see how far you can go, always kinda incredulous about the situation ("what'd you mean it was a bad idea to give my teacher laxatives to avoid her catching me f*****g you in the *** up against the school lockers just because we happen to be standing naked in the only bathroom available to her?") while also feeling a little tense about screwing the situation and having to do it again.

    So yeah. I really appreciate a game that can create a sense of tension without drama. The time loop is both your best friend (because you can keep trying new and crazy shit without consequence) and your worst enemy (cause you're trying to find the elusive chain of actions that gets you from friends to laid in one day, whereas for everyone else it's perfectly reasonable to give you *just* a BJ today, and sex maybe tomorrow -which is no good to you, because tomorrow never comes!!!). It's a great mechanic, and definitely a big part of what makes this game so great (for me).
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Season 1: 9/10

    This game is a piece of art. Very unfortunately, it uses generic girl models we may have seen many times in another games. But besides that everything else is on the top level:
    • Dialogs are excellent. A lot of good humour, so you probably don't want to skip them. This ain't happens often.
    • Models may be generic, but they're still pretty good ones.
    • Sex scenes are extremely well elaborated. Sometimes they're literally just like interactive mini clips. Besides dialogs, that's the most awesome part of the game.
    Season 2: 0/10

    Unfortunately, S2 is whole different game. Devs clearly run out of ideas. Groundhog Day 1 was a bit tiresome, but Groundhog Day 2 is super boring. There's no story line (literally!), MC just fucks everything he sees with a lot of stupid bravado. Also, new lewd scene engine is total shit.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Unbelievably good game. Filled the void left by Milfy City completely. The game is getting better and better, the latest renders and sex scenes are top notch, and the story is not bad at all! I totally recommend playing this game!