Ren'Py - Lust Theory [v0.4.5] [Inceton Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Like all stories based around this game's main story mechanic it can get repetitive at times and a few times the author took it too far, it still makes sense and I find in interesting this but I can see why others wouldn't and I guess the author could dial back 10%.

    Besides that it's very enjoyable as long as you like the the genre and I don't understand the rating, most 4 star games here are not as good.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This is honestly one of my favorite games right now and I always look forward to the updates. Let me make one thing clear though - this is NOT a game I enjoy for its intricate story or gameplay. EoL is a game that's all about the renders and animations. I mean, the story isn't terrible, but it is far from original. It's like a good action flick that you go to watch just for the action and awesome special FX. I don't always want to play an adult game that takes 3 hours to get to some lewd content ya know?

    Renders 5/5 - Top notch here. Competes amongst the best-of-the-best.

    Animations 4/5 - Very high quality and SMOOTH. To be clear, I don't consider anything I've played 5/5 yet in terms of animations. They are always way too short and the option to view it from other angles are near non-existent. EoL is no exception. If Inceton would include longer animations and various angles, this would easily become a 5/5

    Lewd Content 3/5 - Plenty of it with minimal grinding. The balance of gameplay vs content is actually quite nice. The reason I give it a 3 though is purely because the amount of cock-blocking that occurs. I hate when games overdo the cock-blocking. It's particularly frustrating here considering the MC gets a clean do-over again and again. You can't figure it out after a couple repeat days?

    Story 2.5/5 - Once again, not that type of game. Not terrible and not awesome. Easy to play and GREAT to look at. Turn your brain off like you do during a Fast and Furious movie.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Edit: What was bad is now worse. only good thing left is models and quality of renders/animations.
    The latest ep, (ep17 a.k.a season 2 ep1) had 7500 renders. quite exciting on paper right. 2/3 of it is pointless and wasteful. once again the dev team thinks up ways in which they can add absolutely and utterly pointless content just to blow up the size of each update. the latest update came in at around 10gb, has more than 10k renders and 200 anims. but out of that maybe 2k-3k renders actually have any worth. and now NTR of one of the FMCs.
    these 7500 renders in this update could have been easily used to progress the story significantly. yet they were spent on jessica getting fucked by someone else.
    how is it that the MC just happens to makes the wrong choice for atleast 2-3 repetitions. it's just unnecessary and illogical content.
    they could've told the story 2 times over with the size it is currently (season 1&2 combined)
    The devs really need to get it into their head that unnecessarily failing multiple time only to succeed in the end is not the only way they can write using the concept of looping days. If all they are looking for is to bloat up the size of the game with filler content they can really explore a variety of avenues. the MC can go out into the world and do whatever he wants.

    Old review: Full of crap excuses just for the sake of furthering the plot, which in hindsight doesn't even exist. just a guy stuck in a time-loop that makes decisions that seem to progress the relationships with other women even though the day resets and technically the women should forget anything that happened at the start of the new repetition. Thereby, effectively nullifying the entire premise of the game. if the few indicators that clearly state that the days repeat are removed, no one would even notice the game is supposed to have an MC stuck in time
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Superb graphics that are very colourful with great and relatively unique looking models, the different characters are great and likeable but the setting is kind of interesting but the story and gameplay are both very linear with few choices.

    The game can also be somewhat repetitive since many scenes are similar to each other, and many of the characters act similar in the sex scenes, which is a bit boring, but overall 8/10 from me.

    Edit: Another game that went from great to awful. They changed almost everything in the game, the writing is totally different, everything is super drawn out and boring, tons of stupid sidequests that has nothing to do with the main girls or story... yeah, they ruined the game totally, just like so many others. 2/10
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Living with 3 hot women? An original lore/story? Choices that matter?
    Panic button?? Incredible. Unfortunately I have not finished it completely yet but I'm sure as hell this game is phenomenal. 10/10
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    The models are good, the story is like hell, I didn't like it at all! I won't recommend it to anyone. (n) How should I be interested in a game with a terrible storyline! I prefer a new game with a new story with the same characters :love:
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Finished Ch 1 and now going through Ch 2.

    Everything about this is great but what stands out most is the structure and pacing that hooks you quickly from the beginning without relying too much on porn logic. It also manages to keep it interesting through the entire first chapter which is quite long without any real filler.

    Best game I've played on this site.
    Likes: brouk
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Haven't done a review in a long time. With how popular this one is, I felt the need to five my two cents.

    Story-- Very interesting story. Watched a movie recently that took the whole groundhog day a little further just this game. The contrast is ridiculously night and day. I understand it is a porn game and it's going to have lots of sex. I just think there is a much better way to go about it. How the story is put together I think is very well done. My problems with it I will state later. Rating -- 5/5 (if it didn't have certain aspects) 0/5 because it does.

    Renders -- They are top notch from when it first started and are still 2nd best compared to the new level up that is out now. Rating 4/5

    Animations -- One the better ones out there with no wrong pieces of the body moving when it should be. No choppiness., etc. Rating -- 5/5

    Other -- Ok here is the crux of my problems with it. First it is Sandbox. I know there a lot of you out there that like it, but to me all it does is get in the way of the story, which is why I play these things. Of course I don't play text only either so... yah... The most important reason why I don't like the game is instead of the MC trying to figure out how to treat people better to get what he wants he uses his time to get what he wants in the quickest way possible. Damn on how they care the next day because he doesn't have to see it. This makes for a increasingly sadistic, manipulative and uncaring MC. Instead of figuring out what is most important to the others he is manipulating, abusing, molesting, raping everyone until he can out the best way to get what he wants.. to fuck.. Personally I couldn't live with myself acting the way that he does.. I mean he rapes his own mom for fucks sake.

    -- Overall 1/5 The end does not justify the means. There are plenty of others out there that have a good story/renders/animations without all the shit. I recommend you look at those.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best game for someone that is relly for the sex.
    You can just keep trying to get all the girls and they are extremely hot.
    I really like Ellie route and sex scenes, really a fan of her ass =).
    Jess also really hot.
    Nicole also really gorgeous.
    I hope we can see more of Amy.
    And some assfucking for nicole and jessica
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    I finish season 1 and it was disappointment. First time seeing the map i was expecting so much things to do, like in Man of the House but not here. The game start is promising, but then loses very fast this good first impressions. Where do i start with this one. Тoo little quests, its just is not much to do here and some of them are too short or tedious to finish. Why you put so much efforts in voicing the female characters when this efforts can be put in more content and things to do ? I just dont get it. And the story is nothing special either. Well, may be its better than in Timestamps - Chapter 1: Unconditional Love but that's not sayng much. And that ending... come on. It's cheap.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Want a game that will make you feel Bill Murray's frustration in groundhog day? Look no further. Every advancement you make in the story (thank god for the hint system) will be like pulling teeth. The antagonist in the game isn't the groundhog day for a horny highschool boy. Nope, its premature ejaculation. Or going limp mid sex. The story is okay, but i gives me the feeling of doing fetch quests over and over again in a video game. The game feels like the embodiment of one step forward, two steps back.

    Look, the renders and animations are really good, and thats the saving grace of this game. At this point I'm playing because I didn't sink this much time into this game to not finish. But it never really feels like your finished because every time you feel real progress is make you have to wait for another update. But that will likely be more of the same.

    Incenton is a bit of a one-trick-pony. Corrupt your *not family* into riding you to kingdom come. Summer with Mia is a better game with more payout. Go play that one instead.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    if you want the most original story, look elsewhere, this is your typically sandbox 'corrupt all the girls in your proximity thanks to a "ground-hog day" time lapse that only affects the player' game. You have surely played some version of this concept if you play games posted here on this site.

    I still give this 5 stars because:

    - story is fun, different characters in looks and attitude
    - all girls are generally portrayed as cock-hungry sluts once they see a big cock. While we know that they can be a bit more complicated than that, it is fun to pretend they are as shallow as us..
    - great models, great renders, great annimations
    - in-game hint system
    - voice acting (although some of the voices don't match the persona)
    - corruption is done, nicely, and somewhat 'plausible' -despite the totally unrealistic story arch "time lapse".

    All things considered: if you like to corrupt and to have a good time, go for it. If you like realism, gender-equality in games and novelty storylines
    , don't bother.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Played only the first season, but its quite impressive, especially on the animation part, most of the time they are more than just simple loops, which is always nice, and the bonus renders, the multiple camera angles and different outfits, during gameplay are highly appreciated. Would love to see this feature in more games.
    The story is ok, but it leaves you with more questions than it answers, the characters are ok and the writing is also ok, but nothing special, it falls apart if you start to analyze it or apply real life rules to it, but that is a minor nitpick on my part.
    Overall it is highly recommended.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Terrific. Exceptional artwork, original story, actual humour, intelligible dialogue that's well written with few typos, and doesn't have walls of text to go through at any juncture. The "peeks" and bonus features don't get in the way and the renders are fucking hot. Great game. Oh also, no fucking annoying mini-games for you to arbitrarily suck at or be so easy that they're just a waste of damn time.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Inceton is an experienced dev, among a group where they're on their second or third game, and the polish shows. I'd love to give EoL five stars for one reason: The models and animations are spectacular. Good variation in looks, the mother/aunt actually look older and the younger sister doesn't look like a pre-teen.

    But unlike some of the other devs who've grown across the board (and whose F95 rankings and Patreon subscribers show it), Inceton has only gotten better with models, animations and the user interface. The story telling, and especially the pacing have suffered.

    Maybe it's the choice of the time loop format for a sex game. It was a bit of a VN fad a couple years back, but time loops have one crippling limitation: You're locked into a slow and necessarily step by step progression. The sex plods along a particularly long Stairway to Heaven chain, and the only way to leap frog that progress is for the story to make nonsensical jumps. And every time writing approaching reality asserts itself (girls who realize, hey, it's ridiculous that I'm fucking a guy I've only known since this morning), it just serves to blue ball the gamer.

    I can't knock the game too hard, because it just looks fantastic. But there's a reason other games adopt mind control or supernatural angles: It gives you a plausible way to gloss over why people are jumping the MC after 30 minutes. Ultimately, fap games are for fapping, and the pace and continual blue ball resets of this one makes that pretty damn frustrating.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I want to like this game but almost every time you're about to have sex with somebody something happens which stops it. Either because the mc can't last more than a minute or because he makes a stupid decision that prevents him from doing anything. It's funny once or twice but it gets obnoxious really fast. On top of that, the game says things like "I'm 100% fucking her tonight and nothing will ruin that" or "If I do this one last thing then I'll definitely be able to fuck her" only for more things to get in the way of sex. If you want to be constantly teased and rarely finish (I don't think the mc cums once through the entire newest update) then this is the game for you, but if you play porn games to get off then find something else.

    I was mistaken on the mc not cumming in this update. He finishes once in a scene that randomly showed up for me in the relive app on the phone. I don't know exactly how to get the scene in the game but I assume you have to stay in the garage when you take the blue pill. I considered bringing this rating up to "good" but I still think there's way too much blue balling so I'm standing by my "average" review for now.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I give it a 2 because this Dev really knows their way around the renders and animations. They are very well done. Otherwise it would get a zero due to the sex offender of an MC.
    The Good
    The girls are very pretty, varied and well done physically. VA is also quite nice. Animations are also quite good. I thought the teacher and the cosplay girl were pretty well done characters.
    The Not So Good
    I don't mind a little incest in my AVNs, but I need to find something to relate to in the MC, some way to connect in order to really enjoy the story.
    Even with the gimmick of the time loop and no consequences day, the dude is a super creepy perv.
    Need a bit more to justify wanting to bone your entire family, than- I'm super horny and they live with me.
    The Groundhog day thing get's pretty old pretty fast, and becomes a real grind. Would probably not matter so much to players, if the inner monologue of the pervert MC didn't make you want to kill him every day.
    The family also don't really seem to fond of him either. The sisters tolerate him, but don't really like him. They are just really horny I guess?
    Pretty typical depressed, drunk Mum, who is manipulated into seeing her deranged kid as her only viable romantic option.
    All this I was willing to forgive cause the renders and animations were above average.
    Then the sleep rape happened, and I was out. Couldn't even bring myself to continue to next episode, cause the kid needs to be locked up.
    Sadly just seems like a waste of technical skill, without decent story or characters to back it up. :cry:
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    In most harem seduction games, the protagonist has a special ability which helps him to seduce the ladies. They either affect the targets directly (pheromones, hypnosis, mind control, etc) or give the protagonist information about the targets (mind reading, visual lust-o-meter, etc). This game kind of takes the second option but with a fun twist - the protagonist knows exactly what to do and say to the targets because he's stuck in a Groundhog Day style time loop!

    The story is decent enough, the characters are somewhat believable (although all the girls are pretty horny to start with) and most of the time I can identify with the protagonist. I don't find the repetitive nature of the game to be too tedious.

    I don't usually like DAZ faces but these ones aren't too bad. The sex scenes range from all right to really hot.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game deserves to have a higher rating just from the quality of renders, animations, and good characters. Yes it is repetitive (literally the point of the game) but it doesn't have you repeat every single step toward a good goal every single day like most games! Way less clicks needed than most grindy games to end up where you want so not sure why the complaints are even there. Several different ending days and overall it was quite well made.
  20. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1339107

    This game has great renders and awesome animation. Its was a great hook for me. save yourself life's precious time

    My biggest problem with this game is it cuts you off RIGHT when your about to get what you set out to do, blowjob, fuck, even information. If you play this game, you will find it takes you probably at least 3 times repeating a scene to get where your supposed to be(by then with me all interest had to be reinvigorated).

    Where this game gets its 1 star from me. This game is repetitive, like literally that's the concept of this game, repetition. You go through a scene, fail and have to repeat.