From the log you posted, I can see you're playing on a laptop with 'Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600', this is a MGPU, or motherboard based graphics card. I did a little spec hunting on this card, turns out it has compatibility issues with newer programs which call on Direct X 12 features. "Even though it supports DirectX 12, the feature level is only 11_1". I don't know if renpy uses DX12, but if it does you don't have any options.
Also an important note, your log file is either corrupt, or your system locale (Portuguese?) broke the .txt file.
Look at the bottom of the log, it's full of "�" which is a unicode replacement character for unknown values.
A few things to try is updating to the latest Direct X package, update vcredist, and update your graphics driver.
Still doesn't launch, download the game again, unpack the archive to a folder on your desktop, and try again.