As I remember it, she did. Her quitting was one of the main reasons for the massive delay. They had to recast the roles and rerecord what she had already completed.
Bu of course I might be mixing up stuff here.
Now? No, not worth it. Later? Probably will be worth it after you speed run season two and wait until the current season nears its end. Possibly towards the end of this year.
If anything the writing is more consistent. It has a story that it is trying to tell instead of just trying to bed all of the LI's. If it's any indication of what is to come, the Jessica storyline has you help her overcome a deep seated insecurity. For Zoe and Megan it looks to be an attempt to repair the relationship between you and your lifelong friends.
Unfortunately, since Season 2 was so broken narratively, when you start off Season 3 nothing seems to make sense. There are gaps in your experiences/memory that leave a mystery to be solved. I don't think that we are going to have a free for all like towards the end of season 2 though.