That would be a bit more complex. I've looked at Hyao's scripting before and it's... Well, messy. At least to me, there's likely method to their madness. I'd need to code in an interaction with him, get the dialogue box and such properly aligned and sized, create a relationship stat with hearts, then code that into being affected by your choices and factor in your previous responses of helping or hindering his plans. It'd likely just be easier to write in sex and sugar daddy parts, minus the relationship scripting.
Even then, I'd still need to figure out Hyao coding, so it'd take time. For now, I'm just gonna see where things for, maybe sneak a peek at the coding to see if I can mimic it.
Personally hoping you can play both sides off against the middle like in Tavern Of The Spear's bull and lizard tribe quest, getting the best of both worlds with no one getting screwed over. But all we can do is see where they go with it for now.
For me, it was Extracurricular Activities. Kinda took a mix of the old and new artist's work. Honestly, having big beefy boys on my desktop certainly makes looking at it a hell of a lot more enjoyable.