Unity - Completed - Lustful Traditional Massage Parlor - Mothers and Daughters Addicted to Secret Services - [Steam] [WAKUWAKU]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    it was hard staying motivated to play this. it is quite monotonous
    i REALLY wish it were possible to speed up the massage section of the game. i also hate doing the manual massage minigame when male lead does one of the special girls. it slows the game down too much.

    i am not a fan of the bar either....its tedious trying to get a girl drunk, the 2 games are luck based and the dialog becomes annoying being locked out of the choices.
    while the girls you can get from doing this are the best at maxed out stats. unlocking them was mentally draining.

    advertising (ping ball) was the most fun i got out of this. i would have preferred the game be centered around that instead of the rest.

    sadly it seems their is no unlock all CGI option. because getting everything is too much effort.

    i like the art, but this is a boring game i struggled to finish even once.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty fun game with decent, but not spectacular, art. The girl corruption theme is enjoyable, and the boss fight minigame adds a nice touch. The massage parlor job management is fun but gets grindy. In the end, I skipped all the dialogue since the story wasn’t that interesting.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Anti-Toxic Med

    this game is about business management, like Dinner Dash, but it "polished" so it can be enjoyable for men of culture like us.

    > you have 5 heroines with unique and attractive personality to make in love with.
    > you can make your favourite heroine come to your workplace and make in love with her during work.
    > challenging mini games.
    > this game use Japanese as language default setting, so you might scratch your head in first minutes of gameplay.
    > there is a mini game where you can make in love with 2 of your employees, and all of them has partners (fortunately it's avoidable NTR)
    > last point is about the story, so you can skip if you don't want
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    Overall, this game is GREAT (8 / 10)
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    KiRA (Nahid)

    I’m pleased to say that this game is a wonderful creation by the developer; it’s truly a masterpiece. However, I did encounter one issue: I was unable to play the DLC because my character couldn’t move. Despite that, I really enjoyed the game and am eagerly looking forward to the next release.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    + Management with Upgrades
    + Has Automation later on
    - You play a Pinball-like game to conquer new areas for new customers and better employees
    - Bad Grind-Reward-balance, because rewards are rather rare.
    - Dating system feels too random.
    - Can be repetitive
    - Employee Upgrade/Training costs go up generally for all at once, not individually.

    - Too rare

    - Story uninteresting based on what type of game this is.

    --> Base idea is interesting, but the game turned out shallow. It is too grindy for what it offers, wasting too much time for little reward. The pinball mode feels like a random entire different game, as well as the dating mode. The game offers too many modes and tries to be too much at once, and thus approaches each mode/aspect rather half-heartedly. Good potential and with the right strategy, it can be easy to beat, but time consuming. But I think the full potential was a bit wasted. 4 of 10 points.

    Should I play it?
    Try it maybe 1-2h, just for experiencing the game play, since it looks appealing at first glance. But if you feel like it gets boring for you, just stop.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Unique interactions for all the 5 characters, good management gaming system (a little repetitive), voicing is in japanese so I can't understand it but still sounds great, pixel art & 2d art & animated 2dcg all mixed in well. Great adult management game overall. Would encourage beating the bosses first before trying to activate H scenes, as the boss rewards make the game easier to play.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Massage parlor management simulator with sexy content, I think inspired by Yakuza games series. That's how you can describe this game and it pretty much says everything.

    + Interesting plot. Nothing too serious or awesome but enough to catch attention.
    + Cute and sexy girls and why they are all basically easy and slutty, game also put some weight on their story and personalities. We have different scenes with them both animated and static, sexual and not-sexual alike.
    + Simple but nice graphics and decent audio. Again nothing breathtaking, however good enough for pleasant play.
    + Managing, training, fighting, upgrading, dating, fucking... Bunch of different activities and nice minigames.
    + Game gives some challenge but at the same time it's still quite easy to complete.

    - Censored. No more to say here and no patch so far.
    - DLC content not working.
    - Errors in translation and small parts untranslated.
    - Unlocking full gallery requires repeating the game at least 6 times and this is very very grindy even with NG+ option.
    - Sexual content is nice but really limited.
    - Lots of repeatable actions and animations that cannot be skipped or fast forwarded and simply take too long when watched over and over again (there are some speeding options but they're not enough), also opening and ending sequences are TERRIBLY slow and cannot be rushed any way.
    - Chatting with girls requires having some outside-game knowledge, especially about Japan to get the correct answers. Or googling them. Or abusing save/load and remembering. And sometimes all options are wrong. I like idea of giving right/bad answers to make relation better/worse but answers should be available to find in game by some searching, spying etc.
    - Very disappointing overall ending and each of possible endings alike.
    - Errors in massage animations on one girl (wrong positions, randomly switching clothing).

    Verdict, hmm? This is not bad title. It's actually quite nice, especially if you like management games. It had the potential be really great but, well... Simply has too many flaws to be considered good and doesn't encourage to play again.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Too much repetitive gameplay.
    Bar dialogues - stumbling into walls(guess which option got unlocked after sip of a drink?!) with random answers to the questions,
    Grind is horrendous. You pretty much need to use cheat engine to progress and even then - you'll be jumping through hoops again and again, even with maxed out stats.
    H-scenes are nice... But they are short animations that you are forced to watch for 60s. Yay. Another hour of management and minigames ahead.
    At some point game even unlocks "auto-management". Which switches main gameplay mode into minutes of waiting. Yay.
    Story progression requires you to play pinball game. It's absolute RNG fest. You can more or less adjust initial direction and force, but after that ricochets are uncontrollable - your pin might decide to bounce in the corner for entire time or it can wipe out the board in one move.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    It makes me quite sad that being a game that really feels like a game, something that many do not achieve, and that is fun and with good scenes and characters, although I would have liked them to add more variety in scenes, that its ending is so disappointing xD I really liked this developer, but I feel it should add more content and a better experience to want to get as much content as possible.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    This game takes the "management" aspect quite seriously.
    It does convey the setting better bcs of it.
    If you are around for a quick fap and the animations you probably should look for an "unlock".

    If you stick around for the game and bring some patience the reward is quite worth it.
    Presentation is top tier and so are almost all of the available girls.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Alright but not great. There's a couple of things causing this to miss the mark to being a good game.

    Story 5/10

    The plot's pretty thin. You're a yakuza who wants to be promoted, but you banged a higher up's wife so they're blocking your promotion. How are they blocking it? By saying you don't have the skills like earning money. So your boss sets you up to run a massage parlor to earn money.

    You earn money. Bulk of the game (yes the plot's all in the beginning and the end, zilch in the middle). Then someone murders your boss and pins the blame on you so you run away. Game finish. Quite the whip lash for an ending.

    There's 5 girls in the game (there's DLC but it doesn't work so I'm only counting 5). For each girl you can take them to the bar and just get to know them. Like their hobbies and shit. Lol. But I do like the idea as it's character development.

    But it doesn't all come together. You build these nice relationships with the girls and... the ending is you run away. Just a very unsatisfying ending.

    Gameplay 5/10

    Don't get me wrong, the gameplay is decent. But it's too much game and not enough h. Like there's this pinball minigame that's quite entertaining. But... it's just fucking pinball with no h.

    There's 3 main parts to the game. The management part which includes running the massage parlor, the pinball part, and the get-to-know-a-girl-at-the-bar part. Each part is decent as a game element and there's some ties between the 3 parts, like actions at the bar can lead to an extra pinball game, but again, the focus needs to be on h. Not mini-games.

    Even the game part's got a lot of things wrong with it. Namely, there's a lot of quality of life improvements that I'd think are necessary. I think this can really be summarized as, the game is too slow and there's no way to fast forward. An example: There's a rock-paper-scissors mini-game. Well it takes 10 seconds per move. I timed it. And you have to win 2/3, so 20 seconds minimum and if you keep tying, no maximum. This is a grueling minigame. And it's rock-paper-scissors so you're not even having fun.

    Lastly, the bugs. There's a lot of bugs. I don't think I ever soft locked, but there's some jank behavior that goes on. Sometimes you get double music. Sometimes text plays over text. The DLC just doesn't work (unsure if an upload problem or inherent to the game). And apparently, there's voice acting in this game. I never heard a single voiced line.

    Art 7/10

    There's a mixture of pixel? art and scene art. And it's really well done. However there's just not enough scenes. For 4 of the girls there's like 7-ish? pixel-art scenes, some with an accompanying close-up blow-up. There's also a couple of combos with mother-daughter which is really nice. But that's it. That's the sum total of all h-scenes in the game.

    And it needs to be mentioned, but QoL is lacking during h-scenes as well. It's grindy and not in a good way. Sometimes you need to make the girl wet. So you just sit there, click-holding your mouse. And you wait.

    Oh and the worst QoL? If you click and hold... the girl will iku in like 10 seconds, both fading out and pausing the animation. Now, do I need to explain why fading out and pausing the animation every 10 seconds is impractical for an h-scene?

    Overall 5/10

    Another game that's too much of a game and not enough of an h-game. There's some nice scenes and the game tries to tie the non-h parts of the game to the h.... but it doesn't do a good enough job of it.
    Likes: leavy
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    What? I did some review on it, where did it go?
    Anyway, not in the mood for long talk, just waned to Add some 5 Stars to thins one. It is one of the best Lewd games ever made.
    It has all that needs to be in a game like this. Adults, some strategy, awsome story and gamplay... And Very Nice Lewd Things.
    To bad it is short. Alaso it is a LOT better then Dodjo.

    10\10. Even the missing voices are not making me change my mind. I'd say - go buy it via steam, just to support the Devs. Awsome+Awsome.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I love every bit of it. WAKUWAKU, you're the best <3
    In fact, I've played the Dojo NTR first.

    This game is a bit grindy, but that's why I love it. It's no fun if we can only jerk off but not enjoy the game itself ;)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game!

    Good story and overall, feeling like they all got an ending.

    Which is not good tho is to grind so much, like, may I just skip to the 30th day if I already maxed out what I needed?

    That aside good graphics and animations, certainly the DLC upgraded the rating to be 5!!!
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Da cat

    The game is too much in grind mearurements, but since you can cheat so easily, i think thats not so much probem, Wakuwaku is amazing and i really like the game, and the previous too (That one in a Dojo).
    The artstyle is pretty cool, the playstyle is good (better than just another RPGM or VN) and the plot is really good
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Straight up from a good game, good development but poor gameplay. This is what happen when you think your game is gonna be a rare catch.
    - All grindy are tolerable except they are limited. You can only extend your endurance to a certain points and then LUCK will be one thing to f*ck you up.
    - Let just say I'm pretty easy and the art drawings are fine, all scene have good drawings. But many scene missing details, close scene are good but then you get switched to watch at the full angle - which is seem to be missing details.
    I'm giving this 2 stars since it's a good management and dating game, but the reward for H-scene is not good and mini game need your LUCK is NOT IN BAD SHAPE - is absolute garbage.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty fun but a bit grindy

    Though, I feel like it has some missed chances to make it even lewder and thus better.

    The classic timer of doom (complete with goal by the end of the game) does always make the porn games stressful instead of...relaxing
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Great ideas, held back by the grind.

    The game is a fun little management Sim with decent art.

    The issue is that the game has a few decision choices that made the game much more long winded than it needs to be.

    1) hiding fast forward button behind a mid game challenge. This made the hang much slower than it needs to be. Even with the fast forward button, work periods are still too long

    2) work days are too short. If you have over 40 clients, you can't fit all of them in your venue. This artificially limits max revenue made in a day, causing the main mission a little bit harder than it needs to be, encouraging min maxing in a game designed to be auto'.ed. the last few tiers of rooms and workers purchases are a trap as well, and quite punishing if you fell for it.

    3) there are 3 really hard quest that probably needs new game+ to compete. However, it's odd that the rewards for completing these missions that is a huge stat boost that you'll never use again. It should've been provided before the missions so that they're much more doable in your first run.

    4) they gave us scene skip for the intro, but don't provide it for the hscenes and dating scene, and you can't skip text either. And there's alot of waiting at the beginning of the h scenes, making the game feel very slow.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    - Cute art style.
    - Decent animations.
    - Good selection of erotic poses and setups.
    - Decent music and classy casino/mafia feel to the game.

    - Awful audio balance and layers of songs playing simultaneously oddly.

    - Sex scenes are very spaced out between long grindy/RNG mini-games. Good luck getting off on this game, or rather, congratulations if you do.

    - This dev's games require way too much clicking or holding the mouse buttons. The two I've played so far, are not complex enough to require so much clicking, especially when it's required for skipping or speeding up anims. The dev also provides no hotkey customization, let alone keyboard usage, so again, I'm relegated to using AutoHotkey. This is a Japanese game design thing that I'm no longer interested in. Overcomplicated and overexertion. It's a porn game. Not StarCraft, Baldur's Gate 3, or some other looting/inventory management game.

    - Some scenes, animations, transitions, or actions are way too slow. I do not want to watch or intearct with the same stuff repeatedly if they're very slow to finish. It just makes the games feel clunky, and the dev just wastes my time even more. I understand that they're super proud of what they've made, and they're more than entitled to force players to watch or interact with things they love, but it's just way too time-consuming for me. It just shouldn't take so long to play rock, paper, scissors, or roll dice, or watch automatic management play out without having to progress a character's story and gain some speed up ability later. And the MC walking into the room to massage an FC. Fuck that animation in particular.

    - This game could've been absolutely amazing, but there's too much slow, clunky, RNG, and grindy BS that degrades it. If you're a player that has time for this, I hope you have fun. There's an incredible game in here, if the dev just had someone forcing them to change shit so it wasn't so fucking clunky or grindy, and that's a shame, at least IMO. I'm done with this kind of Japanese game design.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a difficult one to rate. On one hand, Waku Waku managed to actually make a playable game that compliments it's wonderful art and animations, learning from the many mistakes of Dojo NTR. On the other, it's still a terrible grind and I can't without good faith tell anyone to play this game without at least talking about the many caveats.

    For one thing, a lot of sex scenes are locked behind progression such that trying to massage any of the girls to h them is basically pointless unless they are in love with you and you have completed enough upgrades/stats to trivialize reaching the threshold to enter h. If you don't, it's basically a waste of a few minutes unless you want to enjoy the massage molestation - which is mediocre at best.

    The main bulk of the game is shop management but it's largely thoughtless busy work, given that as long as you just continue spending the resources to upgrade you never have to worry about failing the 1 billion yen goal. Partway through the game, you get rewards that basically automate day-of management like sending people to clean, who massages who, etc. and another one that gives 2x speed. This is a section of the game that you alt-tab out of and it happens 30 times in a playthrough - incredibly cumbersome. Upgrades to your shop, learning new skills, training and recruiting employees etc. is all generally nothing you ever have to think about, just make number go big. If you are versed in this genre i'd imagine this game would be an insult, as for me, who never plays these types of games, I find it pretty unengaging.

    Buuut, there's a pinball minigame! This is probably the most interesting minigame one of these simulator type games has offered. Brings back memories of TWEWY and it's very well made, only found one glitch which didn't matter too much. Launch your character (pinball) around the map and advertise the store, beat people up etc. Not very skill intensive unfortunately, success is largely based on how strong your main character is over thoughtful launches - grinding!! But it's still fun and I never got bored of it.

    Beyond massaging them, you can take the heroines out to a bar and this is where you can get them to like you and get them shitfaced for some h-scenes (this has the same problem as the message scenes, locked until max love). Very visual novel-like, talk to them and choose the right options when you do. Eventually, they'll open up to you about problems and you pinball them away. This portion of the game is very solid albeit the slow and annoying rng minigames of rock paper scissors and dice roll to get them drunk before you do. There's items in the game that you get to make sure these games always win and it's a slap in the face - make me play a minigame where i can play to influence the outcome instead of hoping to win the lottery. Without the 100% win rate items, you have to be lucky four times and if you lose you'll end up shitfaced and then the entire date is over. The mc has low tolerance at the start, and so this leads to a lot of wasted encounters if you don't own the items.

    H-content is fantastic with animation, voice acting, and a small handful of cgs. There is an exceptional quality and the only complaint I have here is that I wish there was more of the decent amount that we got. A good bulk of the h is massaging, so be prepared to enjoy the slow burn before the hardcore stuff happens. Like I said earlier, trying to push for h-scenes early is often not rewarding so you'll have to be patient before getting to see anything. It took me about 5 in game days before I started working towards the possibility - i'm sure it can be done faster but that's the ballpark estimate of what to expect. On top of massaging and drunk scenes you can put the daughter and mom into the same massaging room to unlock an extra scenario, hence the theme of this game. It was super neat to see this unfold for the first time. The DLC introduces two new girls that you can h in a more traditional fashion to this genre.

    The detail and quality in the h scenes is what makes this game worth the grind, should you decide to play it. Although slogging through the in-game days to an ending may take a decent chunk of hours, with half of it probably being boring, I do think ultimately it is worth it over skipping it all with a full save. Waku Waku has thankfully managed to create a game that is worth the trouble to experience. I would however, recommend a guide to avoid pitfalls and make the experience as smooth as possible.