Unity - Completed - Lustful Traditional Massage Parlor - Mothers and Daughters Addicted to Secret Services - [Steam] [WAKUWAKU]

  1. 1.00 star(s)



    a summer memories clone but with a ton of pointless RNG stat grind and no sex thrown in. Lots of basic QoL features are missing like pausing the game when you have the pause menu up, and the day still progresses in real time when you are in H scenes with the heroines.

    This game desperately needs a 100% save to make it worth your time.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I would like to give this mae more but for the time to get those few scenes it's just not worth it. Managment of the game is meh and you don't rly care about the skills of your employers because you just buy new ones with better stats or you have so much time to get the funds it's not that hard. I didnt see i could go up to 02:00 AM with actions and still managed to have 6 days of just skipping to the end.
    Managment aspect 3/5
    Gameplay 2/5
    Mini games are okey but after doing them for a while are getting boring
    Characters 4/5
    I don't like that the only way to get affection to characters is by go to bar and drinking/talking with them and you can only go to bar once a day.
    Sex scenes 3/5
    NTR aspect is mostly for 2 workers.
    Tldr: 3/5 if you want to play other game while playing this game it's optional XD
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    DAAAAAAAAAAAAAM ths game is bormng assfuck bt at the same time entretaning just for the BALL GAME te story is very good but the animations and the cg animated ts just too goofy and bad if onl this game had good no great but good animation it will be better buts deam some cg animation on the massage game are just stupidly bad made it. 3/10 just for the story
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty torn on this one. The art is incredible. The characters are super sexy. The premise is interesting and all the aspects of gameplay at first seem great, the management stuff is cool, the dates are fun, the pinball minigame seems great.
    That's all at first. And then you realize the dates are just grinding to get your booze tolerance up, the management gets repetitive and as hot as the sex scenes are you see them a lot. The goddamn pinball game. I think it might be my least favorite part. You're just crossing your fingers hoping you get a good ricochet which you have almost no control over. It's profoundly irritating seeing your character bouncing around like crazy on the opposite side of the map from where your target is.
    Everything looks super nice and super slick but there's a lot of not that fun grind under it. I stuck with it just because I love the art so much. I just wish it was more fun to play.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Big Papa

    Great art, animations and game concept. Business aspect of the game is a little jarring and can feel like a waste of time, but can be overlooked for such incredible art and characters. Bar interactions and pinball scenes were also rather fun.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    This is the type of game that is cool at first, but after a while it just becomes repetitive and loses its fun. I enjoyed managing the massage clinic but when the game gave the option for everything to become automatic, it became pretty boring for me. The girls are pretty and the pixel art is good. But I have to say that I don't like scenes with drunk people... So I guess I didn't have as much fun as the game expected. But on the other hand, all the scenes within the massage, I really enjoyed.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Most reviews focus on gameplay so I'll focus on story while only briefly mentioning other aspects. To keep it short though, I don't know if it's worth playing without the sequel existing to conclude the story. If you have a lot of time to kill and are fine with shit endings or have no regard for story, then go for it. The porn is great but (and this might sound weird for an h-game) you can't rely solely on the porn.

    Gameplay - Its alright but could've been better - The pinball portion is great, the dating sim aspect is good enough, and the business management part is a boring chore. It feels like 3 separate games with minimal cohesion.

    Artwork/Hentai - Damn son, it's really good - Visually appealing and the h-scenes make excellent use of the various locations. Unfortunately, the "sex progression" could use some work as in some parts of the game the girls are a bit too quick to hop on that dick. Regardless, it's incredibly enjoyable.

    Quality of Life - There's one negative that needs mentioned - Excluding pinball and a much later management fast forward unlock, this game is slow to the point where it becomes annoying. QoL unlocks are too little too late as it takes too long into the game to unlock them and they don't solve all of the issues anyways.

    Story: Overall - Has the recipe for success but fails to bake the cake - I'm issuing a spoiler warning for the story sections of the review! I'm going to break it down into three major parts.

    Story: Main Plot - It's irrelevant - The main plot of the game is irrelevant outside of the beginning and ending of the game, which itself is failure of storytelling. There's not much else to say about that, it's inexcusable even for a hentai management game.

    Story: Character Stories - It's alright but something is missing - These are explored during the dating sim aspect of this game and is the actual story aspect of the game. The development during the dates feels like there is genuine character exploration and connection between the girls and MC. The issue is that nothing carries over from the dating sim gameplay to the business management gameplay, and since the main story is dead in the water there is no joined progression on that front either. Your progress with each girl during the date is irrelevant when you're wooing her during her massage so things feel disjointed. In addition, after all h-scenes there is brief dialogue between MC and the girl(s) in which they decide to keep the sex a secret or MC doesn't inform the girl that they drunkingly fucked in order to actively avoid developing this aspect of the story. So there's a lot of character story, but it doesn't feel like there's any payoff.

    Story: The Endings - Somehow they're the worst story aspect of this game... the ending(s) to a game with an insignificant main plot - This game has an outright sad ending that is used to set up a sequel. There are three glaring issues with this conclusion. First, it throws away all character progress with the girls in the final moments, literally having them say goodbye. Each girl's development is character exploration and character connection, not bettering the girls as people but developing the girls so they are reliant on MC. Therefore, all of their development is thrown away as their ties with him are severed, logically they'll regress to prior form. Additionally, yes as I said their stories don't really link together during the game but as players we experience them, so while the game doesn't make those links we ourselves do. Yes this is a h-game and we're mostly here to jerk off, but that's no excuse for making the player's efforts pointless. Second, this game comes off as a game of building hope, so the sad twist at the end is straight up out of left field. It literally has you build up character relations for the sake of making you sad. Bro, why? Third, and I've noticed this with a lot of h-games recently, it makes the game inconclusive in order to sell a sequel. Devs, please stop doing this. By making the game inconclusive you do more harm for my interest than good for both the sequel and current game. The first game in this series came out in 2023 and the second (this game) in 2024 - a remarkably quick sequel - but whether the turnaround time is 1 year or 10, it's irrelevant for an h-game. Stop sacrificing the present in hopes for a better future.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    H-scenes are okay. Some have decent close-ups, a lot don't.

    Some of the mini games, like the business strategy stuff, are surprisingly fun. I skipped the grinding by using cheats. Grinding is one thing, dumping hours into the game just to realise I flubbed the playthrough and I'm going nowhere fast is another, so I'll always cheat on games with time limits, no question about it.

    I feel that the depictions of CNC are way too much on the NC side here. They made me feel like waaaaayy too much of a skeeze ball. The dialogue menu at the bar is very obnoxious, and I just end up getting the chick blind drunk so I can ...y'know her? MC's inner dialogue during those scenes creeped me out, and I uninstalled after a couple of said scenes.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Here goes the review of the game:
    Art: Really good art.
    Charachters : Quite diverse, refreshing (Step-Sister is my fav).
    Story: Very interesting story, i really wanted the MC to succeed and save all the girls from "evil".
    Sound: Good enough
    Sex scenes: Diverse and very hot. Since you did achieve them trough a lot of farm, they have more worth then free and instant ones. I feel like I achieved the sex scenes, and that's a plus.
    Farm: Way too much time spent on this game, i even played it twice, in order to achieve a different ending.
    Ending: Horrible, i wouldn't have played it a second time if I knew that would have not have mattered.
    Still, a nice experience, the game is too grindy even with the help in the game.
    Likes: mdp2p
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice story, simple addictive gameplay and don't forget the scenes
    Honestly surprised on how many IRL knowledge used in the conversations at the bar (Like you can google these things)
    Another thing about the bar, the RNG games can get frustrating but after progressing relationships more and beating the given quests at the 80% mark, it gave me item that let's me win 100% in the "RNG" games so no much opinion on that.
    The music too, really sets the mood right.
    The only critisism i have, (where is the book that teaches you how to get scenes in the prequal?)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game, with nice art, and pretty entertaining mini-games. Can be a little grinding like the prequel, but it's solved easily with cheats. The translation looks good.
    Humor it's a little off in this one, maybe it was a little rushed, idk
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    The first 2 hours are really fun if you dont come in with the mindset of seeing porn from the get-go. The minigames of fighting and advertising is fun to begin with. The management of the massage parlour is fun the first 3-4 times and the dating is a fun extra thing. But you quickly see there is not much else after this. You unlock some sexy ways to massage but they generally just lead to some boring sex. The people you hire do not perform any sexual favorts, the rooms you unlock is just the same bed, but sometimes 2 beds in 1. And the fights are all the same except sometimes a bigger dude.

    Highly recommend to play it for 2 hours ish, but dont go for completing the game.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    A fun 4 hours game, with decent porn... Diluted in a nightmarish grindfest.
    I don't think I could put this in better words... What a waste of potential.

    The minigames are interesting at first, but after a while, they become unnecessarily repetitive without the possibility to skip to the good parts.
    The characters are enjoyable but that's it...

    3.5/5 art
    2/4 animations
    3/5 gameplay loop
    1/5 grind reward balancement
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    The self-defense dojo story (predecessor project) is a very entertaining porn game, a solid 5-star. This one? Not at all. Ironically, I've more fun with the pinball mini-games than the main storyline nor the porn contents.

    I wish there's a button to automate the "massage parlor task" cause it's just primitively tedious & unnecessarily grindy, like... dinner-dash grindy.

    Also, I wish there's an option to just play the pinball mini-games only, without having to play the main game.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Hard to say something that hasn't already been said. If this game had mediocre or worse art, ratings would be considerably lower. The art in this game is truly beautiful. The menus are polished, the pinball style minigame is fun and the effects are well done. It's artistically superior to many titles.

    The story and writing are good-to-great. There is some translation issues but it's better than a usual translation. The dialog is nice to read.

    The gameplay has its ups and downs, and unfortunately the downs are lower than the ups are high. As I mentioned, the pinball minigame is very fun, imo. The management portion (main portion) has many of the right ingredients but it quickly becomes a chore. It feels like the management portion was constructed just to slow you down and pace you through the story, instead of being constructed to be a fun experience. It's not horrible, but I wouldn't call it good either. It's fine.

    I've read mention of the RNG aspect - ignore those comments, they're only half true. Eventually you unlock abilities to make the RNG go away. I don't like this very much, as you could waste a lot of time in the RNG (as many folks obviously have), but if you're sensible and say "damn this isn't working" and just ignore those optional parts for a bit, eventually the game makes them better. I love the idea of a progression mechanic, but the way it is implemented here is more of a negative. Effective progression mechanics start by giving they player an experience that is at least workable, and then making them more capable. This one starts you in a place that is miserable and then toggles you into OP mode eventually. Not good.

    So yeah, kinda torn. I'd call this 3.5, rounding up to 4. The art is truly wonderful, both the full screen 2D CG's (stills and animated) and the high res sprite sex scenes. There is also threesome mother/daughter content, and many positions. I did however read that the ending is extremely sad, and so I avoided this. Basically, it sounds like you eventually complete your goal, but are then backstabbed, and your friend is killed, and then you have to say goodbye to your girls - to be continued later. I fucking hate this shit in H games. Devs, players are here to masturbate, get your head out of your ass. So, no, actually I'm going to bump this down to 3 stars lol, that's an obviously stupid and easily rectified item.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I wouldn't mind this game having a gameplay loop and making you kind of lowkey grind if the gameplay was actually fun. That said, the gameplay isn't very fun.

    You spend each day managing a massage parlor before fighting thugs at night, handing out flyers to potential customers, or hanging out at a bar and building up your alcohol tolerance while being constantly reminded of how socially inept you are.

    The massage sim stuff dumbs down to clicking through menus a couple times and sending the right people to massage customers. You train your masseuses and upgrade their stats. Occasionally, one of the love interests walk in and you can do a super special massage event for them. It gets dull after a while.

    At night, you play pinball, using yourself and your coworkers to fight off gangsters and other unhinged mfers in the the city. After you beat up all the miscreants in an area, you can then go around attracting customers with the same pinball minigame. You also slowly unlock more workers on the side.

    The bar minigame be like - the more you drink, the more alcohol tolerance MC gets. More alcohol tolerance = more time to interact with your drinking partner and drink stronger drinks that THEY like. You also have to pick the right options during convos or you lose favorability.

    MC is apart of yakuza and his boss was like, bro go prove yourself by being a masseuse (what??). There's multiple waifus, but tbh I dropped this game halfway because the grind got really tedious and tiring. Art is nice and girls are lowkey hot, but not worth the amount of BS you gotta sit through to get there.

    3/5, play it if you really like management sims I guess? But even as the more gamey porn games go, this one sucks - I'd rather play Monster Girl Bifrost.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    our old bro kota is making a comeback as budget kiryu kazuma
    and he's ready to steal more milfs (and their daughters too this time)

    it's a pretty nice game, butt i'm not very sure whether this game want to focus on the massage parlor management or the drink-with-girls kinda game (like dream club or the more recently bunny garden)
    while i like both genre, it feels too unfocused at times

    the management section feels too easy since you get "free" employees that start out already very strong and only need little investment to carry you for the rest of the game
    the massaging mini game feels more like a hassle after you do it for the xth time
    around 15th day, i just automate the management and use the fast forward item while cursing under my breath why i can't just skip it altogether

    the drinking mini game part starts out impossibly hard.... until you realize it's just another grind to get strong enough to drink everyone under the table
    you also get items that let you win the janken and dice mini game 100%, so you can get those first before aiming for the drunk HCGs

    overall i give it 3.5 star
    add 0.5 for the nice animation so it rounded up at 4/5
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    A simplified management game compared to the studio's previous game. No items you go out of your way to get and no secret events that happen at certain times. Unless you encounter bugs, it is easy to get to the ending. But the very simply gameplay loop means you will have very little to do and be doing those same activities over and over.

    - Too much activity is RNG based. The Rock/Paper/Scissors and Dice games are annoying but manageable. The main combat system uses a pinball system that seems fun at first but it seems too chaotic and random to be fun after a while.
    - The girls are not distinct. There is nothing memorable about them and little effort was put into them other than their appearance.
    - The Auto-Management is great but it so boring watching everything on auto. If there was a way to speed up during auto it would have been better.
    - It is so annoying choosing a topic to talk the women with and being told "The girl is not drunk enough or like you enough. Choose something else!" Is it too much to ask to only list topics you can talk about at the time?
    - The sex scenes are drunk sleep rape and normal sex. The scenes are okay but there is only small pixel movements nothing exciting.

    - Oyakodon

    I listed only the cons because that is what I remember most. It was a exciting game in the beginning but as I played more only the cons I remember. It is a good one time game to play but I doubt I will ever play it again.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good animation and fun story. Minigames are not to tired. Fighting is main minigame. If its too hard u can use cheat engine to make your main character stronger easy and fast. Few main heroins and few sub heroins. U can go on the date i meet them better and of course make some naughty stuff. I prefer use cheat engine to cheat money. Its similar to first game of WakuWaku studio "Dojo NTR".
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    The gameplay can get very addictive. Heck, I played the whole thing in one sitting.
    I really like the combat system, it's one of the most unique mechanics for combat I've ever seen. There's really no better feeling than getting that one amazing shot that continuously bounces all over the screen.
    The management is simple enough but it still takes a good amount of planning, and I really do appreciate being able to automate the gameplay. I'd go insane if I had to manually manage everything for 30 days. It does start to get boring near the end though with no way to skip days or when you reach the goal, you don't get an option to skip to the last day.

    I really, really like the art. Especially the bar scenes where you are drinking with the girls and the CG where they take their clothing off. It's really adorable and stands out from the many other anime artstyles. Also the MC is a badass and not an ugly bastard.

    Main ending was a bit sad but I'm hoping to get the others.
    Really great game.