
Active Member
Oct 16, 2020
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New Scene Results, Top Character Update and More Scaling Breasts
Hello, Hope you are all doing great!
️ Next Scene Poll: Final Round Results
We finally have the results from our next scene voting final round, and the winner is...
It has been a long time coming and we know how popular that position is, but the results were surprising, more than half the people want to see some doggystyle action as the next scene!

Work on the next scene will start once the current one is wrapped up, which should coincide with the features listed on the third card of our Development Roadmap. As you can see from our latest posts we are currently working on the features listed on the second card, starting with customizable breast sizes and moving on to customizable body an penis sizes, which a lot of people have shown interest in.

Breast Sizes Update
We are finishing fine tuning our breast sizes system, with the last step being finding a good way to place and scale nipples based on overall dimensions. The system has proven to be extremely versatile so far, hope everyone enjoys it once it comes out on our next release!

Top Character Update
The hard part about updating the top character is finally over! With more proportional and clean sprites, it feels like the top character is finally matching our latest achievements on the bottom one. Next step will be adapting the penis sprites to our customizable color system so it matches the rest of the body, and adding a strap-on for female top characters for some femdom activity.
Also, the second image here shows our first trials at implementing scaling breasts on the top character, with good results! It should work well for females and futas going forward.

As always feel free to message us if there is anything you would like to see added to Lust's Cupid, and we are always open to hear your opinions about the game as well.
Thanks for joining us this week, talk to you soon!


Active Member
Oct 16, 2020
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Community Feature Poll and Backgrounds
Hello! How is the weekend so far?
️ Community Feature Poll
It's time for our Community Feature Poll! As you know, this is the time where we collect suggestions submited by you through our various channels ー twitter, discord, all that ー and put it up for a vote as a feature to be added to our Month 16th release! For this month we have:
- Head accessories
- Additional background options
- Lactation (from arousal)
So be sure to vote on your favorite one and we will implement the winner to the game for our next release!
Backgrounds and Ambient Lighting
Since v0.2.5 we have started to invested a bit of time in improving our background and our scene lighting. So far Pinou has implemented some functionalities that allow us to have parallax for scenery, resulting in a more natural camera movement throughout the environment. So for our next release we plan to add day and night alternatives to our current room scene, composed of sky and different ambient lighting alternatives. You can see some recent results in the images below!

As always feel free to message us if there is anything you would like to see added to Lust's Cupid, and we are always open to hear your opinions about the game as well.
Thanks for joining us this week, talk to you soon!


Active Member
Oct 16, 2020
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Poll Results and Nipple Types
Hi, Great Saturday everyone!
️ Community Feature Poll
The results of our Community Poll are in, and the winner is... Lactation!
Lactation will be optional, and our plan is to have it's current flow vary based on arousal, with increasing milk discharge going from a drip to a stream on climax. We also want to make it available for both seme and uke, so that both characters can lactate during performance, being up to the player to decide which if any should do so!

️ Nipple Types
To accompany our recent breast scale update, we are also introducing varying nipple and areola types, that players will be able to mix and match based on personal taste. Some scale customization will be made available for them as well so you can make them look just right! Upcoming nipple types are short, long and inverted, while areola types are sharp, smooth and puffy.

As always feel free to message us if there is anything you would like to see added to Lust's Cupid, and we are always open to hear your opinions about the game as well.
Thanks for joining us this week, talk to you soon!


Active Member
Oct 16, 2020
new post and new version.

Lust's Cupid v0.2.6
Hi everyone,
Here's our release, below is a list of what is new!
The builds can be found in the attachments of this post, and the Android .apk can be downloaded through Google Drive here

New Features

- Lactation! Access it through the gameplay submenu on the left.
- Alternative nipple and areola types.
- Alternative day and night options for room lighting.
From v0.2.5
New Features

- Renamed UI categories Female and Male to Seme (dominant) and Uke (submissive).
- New art for top (seme) character!
- Futa and Female options for seme character.
- Free-scaling boobs for females and futas all around!
- Small background improvement with parallax effect.
Tweaks and Fixes
- The arm on the uke's head now restricts movement range.
- No more hints when hovering UI when the mouse is hidden.
- UI Scale max reduced.
- Offset the left menus a bit so the seme / uke icons are more visible.
- Cursor scaling independent from interface scaling.

Hope you enjoy the current state of the game, and as always please feel free to share your thoughts
Talk to you all soon!


Active Member
Oct 16, 2020
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great to see they're also looking forward to investing time into making modding possible.

Plans for scaling penis size and Optimization
Hello! Hope things are going great
We have some cool things planned for the next release. Lust's Cupid is coming together in a good way, especially now that we have succeeded in implementing the scaling breast size feature and the new sprites for the seme character. So with scaling penis size on our upcoming features list, what turned out to be our initial placeholder systems are being gradually replaced by more stable, more versatile and customizable ones, and with the recent successes it really feels like we are standing on solid ground.
This is also important because we know how excited the community is about Mods and we sure want to see it implemented in the game as well, and having these stable versions of our customization system is the main preparation we need to have before achieving the huge Mods milestone!

Scaling Penis Size
Work is just starting on this, so the plan is to allow for size scaling and other customizations, as we would like to have alternative dildo and penis types as well! Also it's safe to assume that the highest size setting will be considerably larger than what we currently have now, since people have been asking for even larger sizes for the seme character. Size scaling will also mean revamping our current mouth system, which will be great since our current one is very limited and unfortunately suffers from clipping from time to time.
Let us know what you all think about this, needless to say this will be a very exciting update to make, so please look forward to it!

Optimization through C#'s Job System in Unity
Welp, this is a bit technical but since we have invested a lot of energy into it in the past few weeks I think it is definitely worth talking a little about our recent optimization efforts.
Pinou has been updating our code structure so it benefits from C#'s Job System in Unity. Our game often relies on some heavy calculations to achieve it's animations, as every mesh vertice is updated thanks to our curves system, the curves themselves having their own vertices, and on top of that in some cases physics are also applied. Below you can see how our neck sprite looks for example, the dots being it's vertices, it's group being the mesh itself. During an animation, a curve's vertices influence the position of the mesh's vertices, with varying weights depending on proximity. It's similar to what you would expect from a regular animation bone, but with the added benefit of achieving a more fluid result.

Now, the way data is being processed right now is by using Unity's default pipeline, which processes data in a single thread, making frame rendering time consuming and, as you will see, highly inefficient. The way C#'s Job System makes frame data handling more optimized is that it separates datastreams in multiple threads, which allows CPUs to crunch data through its various cores, making computing exponentially faster thanks to parallel processing.

With this we are already seeing some major improvements in performance as a whole even though it's not completely done yet, as we halted optimization a bit so we could do our Feb 16th release. For example, there is a noticeable difference between our mobile v0.2.5 and v0.2.6 releases, and this could also improve the game's performance on older phones, as there has been an issue with models older than 4 years for a while now.

As always feel free to message us if there is anything you would like to see added to Lust's Cupid, and we are always open to hear your opinions about the game as well.
Thanks for joining us this week, talk to you soon!


Active Member
Oct 16, 2020
new post.

Scaling Penis, Lips and Community Feature Poll
Hello! Hope the weekend started great,
️ Community Feature Poll
It's time for our Community Feature Poll! As you know, this is the time where we collect suggestions submited by you through our various channels ー twitter, discord, all that ー and put it up for a vote as a feature to be added to our Month 16th release! For this month we have:
- Dialogue
- Additional Backgrounds
- Head Accessories
So be sure to vote on your favorite one and we will implement the winner to the game for our March 16 release!

Scaling Penis Size
We are making good progress on our penis scaling system. As you can see below our length tweaking is already working, at least where the sprite is concerned, and thickness will be addressed simply by scaling uniformly the penis object itself. What we are currently working on now is improving our existing mouth art and behavior, so that it scales according to the new customizable penis length and thickness. A lot of the current system relies on preset distances and rotations for the uke character's head to control mouth animation, so the current challenge is to have it respond to a varying penis format in runtime.

Since we are already updating our existing mouth sprites, we decided to try our hands on some lip alternatives as well. Our plan is to reach a good lip format that can distort well with our wide range of mouth stretching, and ultimately have lipstick alternatives players can select from, as well as have it's color customizable!

As always feel free to message us if there is anything you would like to see added to Lust's Cupid, and we are always open to hear your opinions about the game as well.
Thanks for joining us this week, talk to you soon!


Engaged Member
Jan 5, 2019
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it really feels like they put the lips on the cheek
imo they should make it closer to a plain side view like in SDT with mouth just being at the edge of sprite, avoids making things look weird


Active Member
Oct 16, 2020
it really feels like they put the lips on the cheek
imo they should make it closer to a plain side view like in SDT with mouth just being at the edge of sprite, avoids making things look weird
that would make sense if these weren't actual 3D models (with anime style, granted), which they are.
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