1.60 star(s) 14 Votes


Active Member
Nov 12, 2018
Anyone having problem of making save after getting the yoga quest from Alice? I can no longer make save after that.
Update: Weird, I found out that after triggering the yoga quest, you can save game only after getting the water from Lisa.

BTW, anyone know where is the swimsuit?
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New Member
Aug 17, 2023
[ZITAT="Bob69, Beitrag: 11868027, Mitglied: 1264103"]
Sieht nicht schlecht aus.
Bitte lassen Sie mich wissen, ob es ein Art DRM oder Patreon-Only gibt.

Die Freisprecheinrichtung:ROFLMAO:
View attachment 2977344
[ZITAT="Bob69, Beitrag: 11867985, Mitglied: 1264103"]
View attachment 2977265

Archäologen haben am Strand in der Nähe einer Bergregion eine Höhle mit Überresten einer alten Zivilisation entdeckt. Ein Student namens Max, der von einem Campingausflug zurückkommt, beschließt, seine Tante und ihre Töchter zu besuchen. Die Mädchen bringen dem unerfahrenen jungen Mann alles bei, was ein richtiger Mann wissen sollte. Vor seinen Augen ereignet sich ein außergewöhnliches Ereignis – eine Zombie-Apokalypse beginnt. Jetzt muss Max nicht nur wieder mit seinen Cousins zusammenkommen, sondern auch in dieser Welt voller Gefahren und Unsicherheiten überleben. Kann er in diesem apokalyptischen Albtraum einen Weg zur Erlösung finden und Liebe entdecken?
In dieser Welt sind zahlreiche Geheimnisse und Rätsel verborgen, die darauf warten, gelöst zu werden, um zu überleben und zu verstehen, was um dich herum geschieht. Begib dich zusammen mit Max auf dieses spannende Abenteuer, bei dem jede Entscheidung zählt und jedes Rätsel zur Aufdeckung einer schrecklichen Wahrheit führen kann. Kannst du diese Rätsel lösen und Antworten finden, während die Welt im Chaos versinkt und Zombies durch die Straßen ziehen?
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Thread aktualisiert : 21.09.2024
Veröffentlichungsdatum : 21.09.2024
Entwickler : Holy-Rascals
Zensiert : Nein
Version : 0.72.2
Betriebssystem : Windows, Linux, Mac
Sprache : Englisch, Russisch
Genre :
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Das Spiel benötigt eine Internetverbindung. Sie können die Internetverbindung trennen oder über die Firewall blockieren. Wenn Sie das nicht möchten, ist das Spiel trotzdem spielbar.


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New Member
Aug 17, 2023
Guten Abend, allerseits.
Leider scheitert man schon gleich bei der ersten Aufgabe, das Pizzamesser zu finden und die Hausdame zu überbringen. Außerdem ist beim Entzippen auch nach dem neuen Update immer noch Fehler. Es müssen fehlende Daten übersprungen werden, weil er diese nicht findet.

Ich schlage daher mal vor, dass der Ersteller dieser ZIP-Datei, es nochmal zu überprüfen, bevor es auf die Menschheit loslässt. Danke.
Oct 20, 2022
View attachment 4008526 View attachment 4008529

Why doesn't it do anything?

Fuck this bullshit game, random hovering just bugs out making you unable to progress anything. It isn't that it is a good riddle game, it is that it is just buggy. While the sister was sleeping i couldn't click on her. I had to bug myself into the bed and throw her in the floor and only then the game realized i can click on her.
Same !! but i found out the answer... Try do down -down - right


Feb 16, 2018
So, did they fix the bug where you bug where you just get the rope by standing under it and clicking? Mostly asking because I'm new, and there isn't anything that mentions the uhhh... right way to obtain it >_>

NVM, found the thing a few pages back mentioning using the tire swing
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Dec 30, 2020
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New Member
Sep 14, 2021
guess I'm having rendering issue, Lisa isn't being rendered in the game so having difficulty with her work (starting from the 'one of the girls to show the room')

Edit: More like not just Lisa, little things are also being not rendered for me, like the Table in the hall where the flowerpot is, at the starting the Backpack, it only rendered when Lisa came and it kinda zoomed in. Other stuffs like, Newspaper in kitchen, glasswares on table
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Jul 15, 2017
I enjoyed Alice scene at the beginning and got me motivated... so let's go ! And... what a bait. It COULD be a nice game if I have not played 1 hour for nearly nothing, and searching objects is a pain in the ass without a real walkthough (even with one, there is no joy doing it).

For example (and if it can help some people here, feeling like writing in good old IGN type of walkthough) :

- Backpack : I was stuck for 10 minutes at the beginning when you need to take your backpack in your room, I was like "yep, and now ? where do I put it ?", you try everything... and it works when you click on the radiator so MC put the backpack beside it... well...ok.

- Hammer : You search the hammer for 10 more minutes... big sister said it was in the garage... but nothing... oh it was behind the bin under the craft-table, like really ? And I already moved this bin at the beginning of the game, and there was nothing behind if I remember well. Ok it's fine.

- Nails : Then, nails... like it could be everywhere ? I read here that it's in the attic... but can't go there because MC doesn't want to take the ladder in the garage... welp... stuck. Oh, nevermind, I needed to talk to the little sister to have the hint, and now MC can take the ladder, because why not, and you put it against the furniture. Attic unlocked. Fck me, they really were in the mailbox ? Like it was not boring enough ?

- Rope : Talking to Alice, she said it's in the backyard when kids were playing. Ok, you can see it in the treehouse but you need something. Something ? Really ? I found earlier a baseball bat in a bedroom. Can't use it. The solution was to run into the tire swing so it hits the tree... what the fck ? And the rope just dissapeared while hitting the ground. I had to go back to the kitchen, then back in the backyard again to "reset".

- Boards : You have to talk to Lisa, she's in her bed. Need to go to the old barn behind the house. Old barn ? More like a garden shed, and it's closed. So I went to Alice in the kitchen. Boards are in the basement... but you need to find the key, in one of the kitchen cabinets. You take the chair, put it next to the cabinet. For one time, it was easy to do. {scene}

- Flashlight : I remember seeing it in the bathroom upstair while searching for the hammer. What ? Yes, we never know in this game... it's in the cabinet, left of the shower. So now... let's go to the basement I guess. The door to the left of the garage. You use the key on the door, and go down. Why do I needed to go here ? Oh yeah, boards.

- Back to the boards : Dafuq is that basement, it's bigger than the house, really. More like a medieval donjon. Most doors are locked, except one, at the bottom. There is fuse box / electrical panel... will probably have to do something with it later. Nevermind, clicked on it, removed them and now I need fo find new fuse ? Sigh... I'm done. Ok so... 4 fuses...

- Fuses : I found (Fuse1) one on the shelf at the right of the first staircase. And you need to put it right away in the electrical panel to unlock the door next to it. Now... I have to find a solution to the water leaking ? Really ? I just wanted boards you know, I don't want to renovate the whole house. Joking, fck this house, you just need to go to the other side for Fuse n°2. You need to push the boxes to create a sort of bridge... first one is ok, but the next one is stuck in the corner and can't do shit. And the last one is... floating and can't take it back to me ? Leaving the room doesn't reset. Guess it's over, my last save is pretty far away so too lazy to do it again even if I know now what I have to do. I'm done. Fck it. Done.

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Ok... I discovered that the red button next to the door resets the position of the boxes... but... ok... back at it. Careful now... don't make it harder that it is already by running everywhere... slowly... and done ! Fck yeah ! Why am I happy ? Fck that game ! Ok, 2nd fuse found in the middle of one of the shelf. Let's go back. You put it in the electrical panel... and yep, it does something, somewhere. Thanks MC, would not find it by myself. YES I'm grumpy now. It unlocked the door at the beginning of the basement. Fuse n°3 is at the top of the shelf, left to the door. Guess I finally need the ladder I saw earlier next to the staircase. Use the ladder on the shelf and... Fuse n°3 it is + bathroom scene. I thought there was no more light in the house ? Oh fck logic.
Let's use the fuse and unlock the next door. Door at the beginning of the basement too, next to the big bowl with water leaking in it.
The boiler has a problem... don't tell me I need to be Mario now ? I'm not a fcking plumber, I just wanted boards ! I need to find instruction... oh I hate puzzle. Even more shitty one. Welp, can't find the instruction, I'm done for now. And too lazy to lose 20mn between meh scene.

Gosh that's the kind of thing that can make most people ragequit the game after 5mn of running around. I played more than 1 hour so far for... nearly nothing ?
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1.60 star(s) 14 Votes