Make them concerned first of all ? When you see the mom sunbath and completely doesnt give a fuck about the boiler who is near to explode or the zombie invasion just out the house it's counter productive for the narrative.
When you see the sister after bringing her nails and boards, which was painful to obtain, not causing any visual change in the house, one wonders why bother so much?
You need a pen for the little sister because she want to study, you have to ask a pen to the mother. Why ? the girls doesnt have other pencil ? the other sister does'nt have a pen/pencil too ? there's only one pen in the whole house ? Are you serious ?
there's a cat you need to feed, you have to find a specific plate to feed him . Why ? why this choice ? there's 50000 zillion of plates, bowls, cup dispatch all over the house who are perfect for this task, why bother to bring something specif ?