
Jun 20, 2018
ive been looking the search bar on how to make wheat but i cant find how all i see are let the crop wither and turn into seeds then after that i cant find any way to make wheat im trying to make a flour some step by step would be nice thanks
Well, you don't make wheat. You need to find the seeds first which is acquired from chickens. You plant them and then you use the Stone Mill to make Flour.

Refer to this post for seed drops.
potato, carrot, corn - natives and their boxes
onion - small native (fire-throwing)
garlic - big natives
wheat - chicken
cabbage - sheep
tomato, soy - bird
green pepper - hostile plants in mushroom area


Oct 19, 2018
ive been looking the search bar on how to make wheat but i cant find how all i see are let the crop wither and turn into seeds then after that i cant find any way to make wheat im trying to make a flour some step by step would be nice thanks
1. Make a planter
2. Put 1 seed in each slot (4 slots for default starter/small planter)
3. Set friendly npc to Farm job
4. Don't rely on them to actually pick it, keep checking the planter daily / regularly (esp if you see what looks like full grown plants that are not withered).
5. As soon as you see the yellow wheat there, take it out.
6. repeat from #2 till you have what wheat you want.

Note: I'm not sure if plants grow without someone tending them... if they do, you might be able to skip step #3 completely.

Note #2: I have found natives unreliable in farming. I've had 2 planters setup, 1 with wheat and 1 with carrots... 80% of the wheat gets collected, 10% of the carrots get collected. Doesn't matter of I have 1 or 2 set to Farming. So yeah, don't rely on your friendly native npc's to actually harvest anything.
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Sep 11, 2019
Currently working on a very simple mod, janky as hell though while I figure out their coding. So far, as an example, I can get the 'friend' npcs to automatically fuck but it swaps their models in the process and then swaps back once done. Likely due to the way the animations are addressed. I can get the female friends pregnant (yes, including the one who's not yet introduced,) natually the models swap too, it's all due to the way my 48 hour sleep deprived brain, spent the last 36 hours coding, I should really sleep.

I managed to get Yona pregnant too but due to some jiggery pokery where her code is concerned she never gives birth (and again the progress only shows on the model used when 'interacting'.

I love this but sifting through the code for stuff I can use is mentally taxing. I usually mod Lethal Company which is shockingly easy by comparison.

When I finally upload it'll be using Bepinex so you might want to learn how to install it (just copying some files).

Hopefully I'll have some progress soon, until then I'm waiting on new content.


Aug 23, 2019
1. Make a planter
2. Put 1 seed in each slot (4 slots for default starter/small planter)
3. Set friendly npc to Farm job
4. Don't rely on them to actually pick it, keep checking the planter daily / regularly (esp if you see what looks like full grown plants that are not withered).
5. As soon as you see the yellow wheat there, take it out.
6. repeat from #2 till you have what wheat you want.

Note: I'm not sure if plants grow without someone tending them... if they do, you might be able to skip step #3 completely.

Note #2: I have found natives unreliable in farming. I've had 2 planters setup, 1 with wheat and 1 with carrots... 80% of the wheat gets collected, 10% of the carrots get collected. Doesn't matter of I have 1 or 2 set to Farming. So yeah, don't rely on your friendly native npc's to actually harvest anything.
is there a wheat seed? 1717477428125.png


Engaged Member
Dec 25, 2018
Aight, i just tested something out..tho i am still not sure how the selection u guys can test it for the guide i guess

ally npc got captured part

first using /addprisoner
then /rescue

and it selects the npc on the top of your friend list first. Again I am not sure how the selection works, u guys can try it out

/addprisoner can be used again and again

/rescue too but requires using /addprisoner command for several of times [your npcs in friend list will be gone unless you go and rescue them (using the /rescue)]
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Oct 19, 2018
i just search how to find one so i need chicken thank you
Yeah, just go kill chickens. I get wheat seeds from them, I've also gotten some from natives I've killed - so always search any natives you kill, they carry seeds as well. Also, if you ever raid/attack a native village, you'll want to destroy box's you find (usually found in native houses) - these can also carry seeds for various plants.
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New Member
Oct 30, 2020
So I figured out how to manipulate the characters in your save file.

I recommend to make a backup copy or create a new save file slot to experiment with.
For your Save 6 slot, you would look in "Mad Island\Mad Island_Data\StreamingAssets\XML" for the "SaveData06.xml".
Create a copy of the .xml file and save it as .txt to edit the save file and keep the code structure.
Best way to find a character you want to edit is to Ctrl+F their name.

If I want to find Reika for example I would Ctrl+F "レイカ" (I'm playing with Japanese language on) and then it should display something like this:


The friendID is ID of the character that's displayed in the top right when you select a character's status. It's also easy to search for a character this way. npcID is the ID of the type of character they are. 15 is for female native, so if I change that value to 15 then Reika turns into a female native. Unfortunately her appearance also changes according to what values are set for the character's appearance, but if you change it back to 5, then Reika will return to her normal form. However, make sure that the character is not wearing or holding anything. If you change Reika to a female native then it will delete her clothes since that character is not compatible with Reika's items. You can use this to change a character that currently can't give birth yet to a normal female native, get them pregnant and have birth and then change them back, so that the child will say that their parent was that character. Of course you can manually just change who the game says the parent is, but that's not as fun.

If you go down a littler further you can manually change the pregnancy of a character. The first value is -1 if the character isn't pregnant and any other value (friendID) will make them pregnant by that character. Takumi is -7 for those that want to have Takumi be the father for any reason. The second value is 0 when they are ready to give birth, and non-zero when they are not. It starts at 12 when they first become pregnant, so I assume the value goes down over time until it reaches 0.


Further down you can change the relationship stats that they have with other characters. It's pretty self-explanatory, the friendID is their relationship with the character that has that friendID, love is their Love value, and the "sexcount" values correspond to the values from left to right in game between those two characters.


There's a lot more, but this about covers the most basic stuff that people probably care about editing for a character.
The entire character's save starts with
and ends with
so anything between that is for that specific character.
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Engaged Member
Dec 25, 2018
I wonder where does white tiger spawn and golden chicken also lay normal eggs
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Active Member
Sep 21, 2017
how do I deal with raids? so far I'm away from friendly npc natives when it happens.. but it spawns like a 500-1000 enemy natives that attack me..

I can out run them.. but wouldn't they try and kill peaceful natives around me if there are any? or do they only attack me?

..not only that, but raids seems to happen a lot..


Engaged Member
Dec 25, 2018
it spawns like a 500-1000 enemy natives that attack me..
did u use cheat or something before? yea when they get in their way, they will beat up ur ally too (ur friendly native npc). Depends on who has been targeted, not only u but anyone who try to stop them or around their sight (like a pig passing by and they go chase the pig first instead). hm...i guess u can try killing the patrols without getting noticed by them to stop the raiding happening for a while
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