I'm pretty sure that's quest for Keigo and his lover.Ok so because i havent played in a while, can someone please tell me why i cannot move beyond this? Is there a quest or a boss that id have to beat?
You might also need to beat a boss that lives in a tent to the south of screenshotted position.
The game isn't called Mad Island for nothing. But much of the worst stuff is avoidable.Haven't played this game (at least not yet) I've heard it's pretty good but apparently loli was banned but not the guro/necrophilia... huh. Well given that the screenshots have female characters with no arms and legs, might be a hard pass for me unless it's avoidable because loli is fine with me but guro and necrophilia... makes my brain hurt.
1) You can add back loli with DLC, if you want to. We just aren't allowed to tell you where it is, but it's easy to find.
2) There isn't much necrophilia, even if you look for it. Only one scene (defeat by one boss) may happen without your input.
3) Guro, on the other hand, is much more common:
Prepare for enemies getting dismembered in combat. This one is going to happen a lot.
I think you can switch off guro in defeat scenes in the settings (if I am not mistaken, that's also only defeat by one boss).
But most importantly, the game allows (but does not make necessary) a lot of crazy stuff, such as turning people into quadruple amputees, or making shields out of people's arms. Just don't build the table that stands on human legs, and you will avoid most of it.
You'll still see quadruple amputees when fighting one boss, but as long as you don't use his machine or make copies of it, it shouldn't be a problem.
Something like that. I hope you aren't reading it right after eating.