
Sep 16, 2021
they also need to make it so that objects above player become translucent. cant make multi story bases because of camera block
I do wish for something like that, or at least some sort of "underground" or bigger house.
A user in the discord actually experimented on the floor height, if I remember correctly, 8th floor high up should allow the objects to not show up/block your screen.

You'll get used to it, once in a while there will be the funny types
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Aug 13, 2024
Is there any possible way to get to the scene with reika again? I picked the wrong choice and just checking if I can get to redo it again (scene where reika and her bf is having an intercourse)
If you look at John's guide to the game, at the very bottom he shares a way to reset your progress on any given side quest by editing your save file. I successfuly pulled it off twice (for the giantess and Shino).

I'd also like to redo the Sally and Reika/Keigo plots, but I think both of those are considered part of the main quest and John warns that editing the main quest could break your save.

Still, I'll likely give it a shot at some point. So long as you backup your save before you edit it, you should be fine as you can always go back to the previous version if something breaks.


Aug 13, 2024

So I decided to test this and successfully managed to redo the entire Keigo/Reika/Takumi plotline without any issues.

To pull this off though I figured I'd have to reset ALL the quests that were connected with those characters to avoid any conflicts.

For those who want to do this, here's how I did it:

1) Look for your latest save file. You'll find it inside your main Mad Island folder. Go into "Mad Island_Data" folder, then "StreamingAssets" and finally "XML." That's where you'll find all your saves.

2) Backup the one you want to edit. It'll be titled something like SaveData07.xml. Just look for the highest number if you want your most recent save.

3) Once you did the backup, open the file in Notepad or Notepad++ or somesuch.

4) Use Ctrl-F to search for "QuestSave." That will bring you to the section we want to edit.

5) In this section you'll see ALL the main and sub quests in a format like this:


Now we need to find all the relevant quests and set their respective progress values to 0 (only change the number BTW, don't touch anything else).

These are all the ones I reset:


Note that Main_Bridge also needs to be reset to access the Prison sub quest (ie the one with Sally).

Some of these might already be at 0 for you depending how far you've gotten into the main plot, just make sure you set all of the other ones at 0 as well.

And yes, that's a lot of stuff to redo, but it actually goes pretty fast once you know what to do.

The only inconvenience I've noticed so far with redoing all those quests is that you end up with character dupes. Mainly Reika, Keigo (assuming you don't kill him), and Takumi.

I suspected this would happen and so moved my original ones outside of my base before I set off for the first event, just so I could keep track of which were which. I recommend doing this as well.

That said, it's not a huge issue, but it is a little bit weird having dupes of characters that should theoretically be unique LOL.

I suppose I could banish them--maybe even kill them, hmm. Might try that at some point.

EDIT: As per John's reply, note that you can reset the progress of those quests much more easily by using the in-game command /qp. Just use each of the quest names I listed above, one at a time, followed by zero, like so: "/qp Main_Reika 0" etc. Without the quotes, of course ;)
Last edited:


Engaged Member
Dec 25, 2018
I suppose I could banish them--maybe even kill them, hmm. Might try that at some point.
u can't banish the unique characters, if u want to remove them after saving. You may have to try removing them inside the save. I don recommend u to do that tho. People tried to remove those but they broke their save instead

u can try using the /qp [quest name]
while at it


Aug 13, 2024
u can't banish the unique characters, if u want to remove them after saving. You may have to try removing them inside the save. I don recommend u to do that tho. People tried to remove those but they broke their save instead

u can try using the /qp [quest name]
while at it
Oooh! I'd totally misunderstood that command, but that makes sense now!

In your text file, the line with /qp is followed by a list of personality traits, so I had assumed the command was there to change a character's personality LOL.

Well, using that would be easier than editing the save haha. Good trick.


Engaged Member
Dec 25, 2018
hm, just saw a command i don know it exist on discord. /cleanup

Try going inside the building and using the command /cleanup. This command will put any furniture or NPCs connected to the building into an outside state. -Ton

i am not quite sure wut he means by that


Oct 10, 2018
hm, just saw a command i don know it exist on discord. /cleanup

Try going inside the building and using the command /cleanup. This command will put any furniture or NPCs connected to the building into an outside state. -Ton

i am not quite sure wut he means by that
I'm on build 0.18, could be for another build? Tried it on mine, both my from my own base and a hostile native base, nothing happens. (I could be blind though lol)
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Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
hm, just saw a command i don know it exist on discord. /cleanup

Try going inside the building and using the command /cleanup. This command will put any furniture or NPCs connected to the building into an outside state. -Ton

i am not quite sure wut he means by that
Based on the phrasing I assume it's supposed to move all NPCs and objects from an "interior" room (native tent, wood/stone house) to the main overworld map at the building's location. Not sure what the intended benefit is, have there been any bugs where NPCs or objects get "lost" even while the building's exterior still stands?


Engaged Member
Dec 25, 2018
Based on the phrasing I assume it's supposed to move all NPCs and objects from an "interior" room (native tent, wood/stone house) to the main overworld map at the building's location. Not sure what the intended benefit is, have there been any bugs where NPCs or objects get "lost" even while the building's exterior still stands?
heres the japan ver which is also the original of the sentence
/cleanup このコマンドを使用してみてください。 建物に紐づけられた家具やNPCを外にいる状態にするコマンドです。 これが効果なさそうだったら、次回の更新までに解決できる方法を実装します


Engaged Member
Dec 25, 2018
how to move mermaid to land and place it to poll without making it bug? i mean she stuck flag pole after i tp
do u have water block? it makes her easier to make on land. Give her a small exp fruit while she is on water then craft one


Aug 13, 2024
how to move mermaid to land and place it to poll without making it bug? i mean she stuck flag pole after i tp
In my case I had a pool, so I set a red flag at the very edge of the pool, then asked her to follow me and teleported to the pool flag. Set her position and territory as usual, then hit the leave option. At first she'll just hover there at the edge, but after a while she'll get into the pool.

Blocks of water are better though as you can make a bigger and deeper pool. I switched to that later on. Same technique: set a red flag at the edge of your sea area after you've built it, then make her follow you there.

Also, make sure you put walls around the sea area, if only for aesthetics LOL. But you also don't want natives just walking into the water and assaulting your sweet little mermaid. Poor thing.
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