I guess werewolves is easier to feed, time to hunt all deer in this world
not so important update, you can enter the native house in the middle of the night and kidnap the woman. this will not alert any native nor make you get discovered so I GOT WOMAN AND NO RAID HECK YEAH
The bare basics of raids is that they will never trigger until your mc(the one you are actively controlling) is discovered by a scouting party. Text box will say "man/yona is discovered by enemies"
Scouts are three male natives that spawn nearby off screen to whatever location you're in and wander around in your general direction attacking wildlife, your villagers and constructs as they try to trigger their "___ is discovered by enemies" As long as those three dudes don't aggro on the character you actively control the raid will never happen, this lets you walk around with a buddy who they can aggro on and your buddy can aggro on them and just let them duke it out without being discovered. You can even help them out in the fight, as long as none of the scouts aggro onto you, a raid won't trigger later. You can also sneak attack a scout by attacking them first before they aggro onto you, best done while their back is turned and not near another scout. Even if you don't kill in one hit and they attack you back, as long as you started and ended the fight before one of them "discovered" you, a raid will not trigger later.
The only places scouts won't spawn near you is in caves, houses, and the ruins, don't be surprised though that when you come out three dudes are just wandering around outside, scouts are very annoying and you can't manipulate their spawning. Any other natives you see in village settlements will not trigger a raid no matter how many see you, they'll just kick your ass and that's it. Issue is when the scouts get mixed in with a village and you can't tell them apart, just be careful of male natives just wandering around, you'll eventually notice they move in your general direction.